ET in general

Hey 1st i would like to introduce my self for those of you that dont me,currentlly i play under the tags -=[MC]=-P4IN.

I know some of you hate me,so fuckin what!.i have plyed ET since day 1,i used =DoW=Majorpain,but hey that stuff is long gone.

So where do we stand now,our server MIDNIGHTSPIKAGE has been down for a couple of weeks now.
And boy havent you been missing it,you'll all been playing here there and everywhere.

Well some of you will be pleased to now that any time now thx to the ET community we will be back,with our own server box and the usual crew,the one's you know and love.

A big thank you to all you guys who have contributed,and a big fuck you to those who dont care.

And to those servers like FP who have put up with us ,thx guys we love you,please stop buy and say hello.
expected comment of you. anyway care kanker nab ROFL ²²³²³²³²³²³
your welcome on the server any time bro.
learn to reply !
nice engrish!!!
be quiet :b
i know that my engrish isnt perfect or nearly perfect but its still better than this post!!!

btw he is from United Kingdom
Dont you just love the immediate responce,lmao,MS is the biz.
Thats cause your a retard.
kk , thx for infos
you know whats real funny MS is 1 of the only ET servers in the world where you can play ET for real.

We have as are regulars the likes of,overdrive,bagies,rufio..and thats just the wannabies,then we have lots of true ET playas like,......everyfucker...youv;e ever met.

OO and then you have SPK to contend with.
Keep living the dream p4in, keep living the dream.
is that you grimreaper,as in 'i like to complain' grim??
Different one, although that grimreaper sounds like a real cool guy.
Are you for real? :|
I had a chuckle as well.
I think alot more than us 2 did :>
panda,so what did you say bout MS again,,hm shit server.

Well thats ok,were else you gonna hax,your time is up.
MS wont be good since: ET is not fun when it's more than 7-8 players a team, more slot means more cheaters(bio for example, takes hours to join and cheaters dont give a fuck to join and play for few mins before they gets kicked, but in ur server ALOT of cheaters will simpley kill it in no time)
+ you're a retard, we all hate you and hope u die.
With so many arrogant pricks on there when I play the server I would call it shit yes, that's not to say the general game play is shit on there.
We all got personal preferences.

And for that 'cheating' once more:
ETpub cheats don't work on ETpro..
There are more cheaters on ETPro then on ETPub I believe. (as a notorioys ETPub/Jaymod player myself I've never ever encountered a cheater on those servers)
I was reffering to the ETPub cheats not working on ETPro because I once had red flags for ETPub cvars, and this p4in dude is whining over it ¬_¬
But yeah,, I guess you could say there's more on the latter, I don't really visit pub servers now
He cleary stated bagies, not baggiez. Stop trying to steal bagies glory.
I'm sure it was a typo!! =(
Yea you wish :p I dont think pain is the type of guy who makes typos.
Perhaps, but he doesn't seem to be able to use the reply function - or, more importantly, understand that on the internetz, people grief :(
and u have lots of hackers like me on ur server :-D Midnight Spikeage sucks :C
Yeap,but we have wot we have,its not 16,its big,but even so your welcome.
Good Luck p4in ;)

You still with the same host?
Thx,Lawley,nice to hear from you.
Try using that little button called 'Reply' >_>
New 1 soon.
This is what i started this post for,the ETcommuntiy is getting smaller,we all know each other and should stick together.
What part of your first post has anything to do with the fact the community is getting smaller and that we should 'stick together' ?
You're just bigging up some Midnight spikage server that has been down but is now coming back up.
I don't see nothing special about the server myself, it may have pro's on there (overdrive lol) but that's what wars are for, there's plenty of public servers that are the same old around the place, none of them stick out to be _the_ best.

Bring back FDNL server =D
Panda,you have been already been PB baned so...
Those cvar scans are a bastard eh? :(
wtf is this guys talking about?
In fact,with your attitude,why then do you play ET?.
hope to see you guys soon :P
And just for those guys who are unsure,MS aint going anyware,we are ET players pure and simple,we will be here for you guys ,for as long as you need us.
The's the spirit
And for my spelling skillz,as far as im concenered,playaz like baggiepants,are always welcome.And no i dont give a fuck about that"reply" crap.
please stop
viber :o still playing ET?
The reason behind the Reply button is to see who you're replying to, otherwise it just looks like you're talking to yourself, which is pretty weird :DD
Yeah,i understand,thx for pointing out english for me.
Nothing worse than human stupidity ¬_¬
So let me understand this properlly.

ET is dying.....lmao..just look at the replys here..we as a community are as strong and as playfull as ever..we call each other names we joke around.

The truth is we love ET,and we can call each other all day long,but who is leaving ET..oh not you.

Have fun be safe and join us at MS soon.
Well yu should know.
Last time I played that server I got kicked/banned because of some immature prick, so I don't fancy joining it any more.
I'm sure i'll find a decent public server out of the 2000+ there is ::>
If i rember righty you git kickd for a pb cvar,and all you have done since is moan,now personally i dont run PB altho i am a PB admin,im sure that you know why you were removed,but hey your choice.
All I've done since is moan? Where? :<
I've helped out a bit in the scene (anti-cheat wise) and if you can be bothered to read why I got busted in the first place there's a few journals about it on here. Stop bitching like a kid already >_>

Are you a fucking ultra retarded person ?
Welcome to Crossfire (p4in style)
In my whole xfire spaming life (1year1mnths) i have seen alot of retards , but this one is special.
Indeed, and I thought Heidenreich was quite retarded :<
Nah , he ownz :D
Compaired to p4in :D
At least i run clean and true,oh im sorry can you say the same?
Someone talking to himself again? :<
With respect to every1 on here,i dont have anything to prove,i have never been banned for anything.

Nor will i ever be banned,i may not be the best player in the world,so what! i play clean and i play with my heart,i play because i love the game,i play to have fun ,simple as that.
And yes m8,im a he,at 46 years old,umm lets se how good you guys are at my age.
They might have improved their English skills by that age :<

/internet talk over
Are you some admin for MS or something? or own the server?
Well i would think buy now panda,you would have understoud,im -=[MC]=-P4IN im both admin and head admin on -=MC=- AND spk servers,im the quite 1,i run them with Screamer and Gobbo.
Naa, you didn't quite make it clear enough you was admin
All you said was "Hey 1st i would like to introduce my self for those of you that dont me,currentlly i play under the tags -=[MC]=-P4IN."

So that could be anything.

Why MC? I thought this was MidnightSpikage?

Curious question, are you dyslexic or just a rather lazy typer?

lmao,yeha wlel cleallry 1 fo is dissumat,ah welsa,gdoo neit.
Just stop...;(
Get back to your LAN noob, or look out for the meteor shower :<
Oh and just so we are clear -=MC=-runs midnight spikage,as in a conbernation of -=MC=- and spikage.

2 different clans who share the server.
SPK as im sure you know.
p4in are you drunk?
whii, probably my favorite masspublic where im not banned
real baggiez? :)
If this is suppose to be an advert for your server, you might want to put in the server address in the post.
hellouw blocc4 ';]
wtf is this all about?
med+ fosho
go die
lol k

med+ fosho
go die
lol k

first of all a great LOL to that nice guy that cant even manage to use the reply button :D
reading through that thread is pritty chaotic and pointless...
then a gg to the engrish :P ...WTF...?
last but not least.... the topic...
who on crossfire plays on midnightspikage?
lolz those publics are the worst crap ever seen...
gg gl hf
Is he gone?


I think im safe :(
huh ? never played there
i lold
next to me the biggest retard @ I guess, only I don't play 24/7 on low- publics / etpub (rofl rofl etpub it always makes me rofl), get some real skillaz nubbie (not that I have 'em, but I know what real skillaz are), or gtfo!
Dont get more than 22 percent smg acc else u get banned.
hizor golden :))
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