Available for CDC3

So... now the invites are out of the way, and I can't possibly be accused of bias (plus a couple of other reasons), I figure I may as well post that I'm looking for a team for Netherlands CDC3 (ET, ofc). Ideally a good team, but I guess I might not be able to afford to be fussy.

Reasons why it's the Anonymous proest idea in history to recruit me:

- I'm definitely going, got the flights booked etc, I'll be there from thursday late evening until monday midday or so.

- I'm the admin of the tournament, so I'll be able to rig all the games so our team wins! (Seriously, we'd probably actually come off worse in any close calls, if anything, simply because I avoid anything that could be seen as bias like the plague).

- I'm available to prac pretty much every day, if desired, at any time, from now until the 1st September. After that I'm moving to a new flat, but I'll be available from around 19CET to 23CET most days, I guess, once I get my connection sorted at my new place.

- I like to think I'm at least reasonably mid-high skilled (not uberpro, but certainly not bad), until evolve went inactive a month ago I played with them pretty actively.

- I can play pretty much any class, but I'm only really in any kind of decent shape as medic or rifle.

- My comms (United Kingdom english only, I'm afraid) and teamplay are both extremely good.

- I have a tendency to buy people beer when I'm happy, so as long as we win you'll probably get free drinks on me in Enschede!

- Feel free to add any other good reasons that you can think of and/or that I forgot here...

Slight problem, as noted above, is that I'm moving on the 1st September, and thus may be without internet for "a while". This could be a couple of days (if everything goes well), a week (if everything goes ok), or longer (if the universe hates me).

EDIT: Contact details...

I'm probably online in #gamestv.org or #ochaos (random, I know, but they're actually on all my perform lists), or you can PM me here (I'll probably actually notice it quicker).
good luck

take him !!!
awesome guy, great knowledge of the game, definetely a valueble player to the team.
agree with tox, gl
agree with tox & hentai, gl
Overrated because of CB status and a known hacker
Probably true, and lol, respectively.
not med-high ,med max
agree with tox, hentai & Matias, gl
Gl hope u find a team
can u make a post for me too? im also searching!

gl Ada :-)
no, you are not! :P

gl ada :)
heb jij die gemaakt low skiller? :D
join up with darkie zeni and ankel!
good luck ada!
gl Ada :]

Really strong determination, and an Iron will to do the best for your team - get him!
lol spit

thx :D
nice post
gL Ada, i'm sure you'll find a decent team :O)
too bad you already have a team
pro obj boy
nice drawing skiLLz
gl pro rifler :]
gl adacore, hopefully cu @ cdc3 and who knows, maybe at copenhagens airport
you had your chance :o)
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