new EuroCup team born!

Sweden NuggaN
Sweden wizzel
Europe sid
Portugal sexyhot
Germany violy
Norway razi (edit by me, raziel?)
Poland s4rna

00:21:41 ‹sid› pwnd kreaturen today :]

this is not a JOKE, support them!

And btw Pepper, dont be angry at me !=)
ec team full of hackers. gl @ lans ... or online only ?
where are the hackers your mighty power ranger ?
thats not full :P
razi, sid , violy.
again, razii and sid are not hackers ffs :(
Well, so look the links of drolz.
and i told him that he is wrong...

Doron is a liar who ban ppl cuz he hate them, so he allways fakes evidance...

i dont know why you keep saying, after all bulldog himself told me that they dont need to worry, cuz they dont cheat !

razii got cvars of etmain hax, so belive me he dont use etmain hax :XD
etmain hax*

look bulld0g said that, you need more proofs?
"razii got cvars of etmain hax, so belive me he dont use etmain hax :XD"

are you retarded or what?
you think some one will use etmain hax for etpro?

you are a retard.
No I don't, dumbass
You wrote '"razii got cvars of etmain hax, so belive me he dont use etmain hax :XD"'
How can he have etmain hax cvars and NOT use etmain hax? I think you meant he doesn't use etpro hax, you fucking idiot.

How can someone be so fucking dumb and still be able to use a computer
you are an idiot, ppl can get cvars by a config...

this is why i said what i said.

you are a retard
(20:23:03) (TheoDor)
(20:23:50) ([CB]`Bully^afk) omg those cvars are from a etmain hax i wouldnt ban anyway
(20:24:07) ([CB]`Bully^afk) sol crushr
(20:24:11) ([CB]`Bully^afk) hehe
(20:24:33) ([CB]`Bulld0g) tell him not to worry about it theo
(20:26:39) ([CB]`Bulld0g) well he had cheat cvars from an etmain hack in his config it may be hax but we all play etpro so its irrelivent
do you have a brain or not, jesus fucking christ
you are such a fucking retard that it's impossible to imagine, it's better for you to shut the fuck up.
You still don't get his point right? xD
is irrelivent some secret codeword for "he's a hacking dick and will be banned"?
They will still get banned. HE GOT CAUGHT CHEATING = CB BAN. Game is irrelevant, mod is irrelevant. Maybe he has never hacked in wars. HE WILL STILL BE BANNED
20:23:03) (TheoDor) (url) []
(20:23:50) ([CB]`Bully^afk) omg those cvars are from a etmain hax i wouldnt ban anyway
(20:24:07) ([CB]`Bully^afk) sol crushr
(20:24:11) ([CB]`Bully^afk) hehe
(20:24:33) ([CB]`Bulld0g) tell him not to worry about it theo
(20:26:39) ([CB]`Bulld0g) well he had cheat cvars from an etmain hack in his config it may be hax but we all play etpro so its irrelivent

and tbh, know the guy, great player.
and stop with your fucking bullshit pls.
meez, you got here log that bulld0g say its not cheat and he wouldnt ban. pls take a english lessons, and tbh cvar can come from the config.
and you realy need to stop with "he is unknown HAX0R ban him!!"
gl @ EC guys
Well it's Bulld0g's job to ban in this situation, but obviously I can't force him. If enough people whine they will get banned, thats how I got banned.

And I for one, sure as hell won't let double standards like this live. I pubhacked I got banned, they pubhacked they get banned.

It's that simple.
tbh bulld0g said its not cheats and he wouldnt ban, and where is metter how much ppl will want to ban him?
if you dont know, bulld0g is man who keeps his word.
and its not cheats anyway.
why? coz sol crushr is hack for etmain, and all the rad yawns of him are in etpro servers, then its mean it was a only cvar at the config, you can check it out.
gl razii.

and stop with this attitude with uknown guys.
I would say the exact same thing if Night got busted with this.

The clanbase rules state that it's a ban for traces of cheat. This is proof of traces of cheat -> Ban.

You get caught cheating in ANY game, YOU GET A FUCKING BAN.

ps: re, Bulld0g, He isn't god. Also remember that malczik guy? the one that was constantly saying "how can i cheat i friend of Bulld0g" who turned out to be an obvious hacker?
some one is mad cuz he got ban lol

you rly dont understand, this is no trace for cheats :P

and you know, he could say its not him cuz we all got dynamic ip, he can say its some one guid spoof him etc...but he have nothing to hide cuz he isnt cheating and bulld0h confirmed that.

so stop whine cuz you only make you look idiot.

Whatever. He should be banned.

There wasn't 100% proof against me either, you can't get 100% proof.
you can.

in this case he 100% didnt cheat
But he had the cvars? = ban
did you read the logs?

cvar from etmain hax, he wont ban for it.
That's not my point. So what if it's etmain? It's still hax. If I went into a Counterstrike Source Zombie Mod public now and used hax, I would get a CB ban (if I was caught).

I couldn't say "OMG NOONE PLAYS ZOMBIE MOD!!!1111" to avoid it.

Whatever, I'm only flaming for the sake of it, and you seem to be getting pretty raged so I'll stop before you and your band of etmain hacking med-skillers start crying.
thank you for doing that...

you allmost killed your self cuz you got banned lol

and you didnt understood my point, just cuz its etmain hax, its prove that he didnt use it !

read logs+my comment, and you will understand.

your ban was remove, why you trying to call other ppl cheaters? go play et or something.
How is that proof he didnt use it?

Straight from the CB rules. If you argue this you are far stupider than I though, and because I am more happy than usual today I assume you are only mildly stupid.

QuoteTraces of cheats (e.g. variable settings) without actually cheating: 3 month ban for the player

Enjoy. But really, I don't care if some medskill noname cheats or not. Clanbase shouldn't have double standards.
you just angry cuz you got banned ^^

and i will tell you what will happaned in the end.
I'm never angry. Rules are rules, I didnt make them.
but the only one with cvars is razi, sid dont have.

now if you would if you would read, he wont get ban, and he dont have ban.

so have fun @ playing et, you are unbanned, now go play @ bio
Um, I wasn't banned from BiO.
now i understand all
you dont get the point.
how got wornings from etmain hax, so its not logic that he use etmain hax, cuz we all etpro players.

this is what you dont understand.

oh and btw, some ppl get yawn warning by speed hack, which is cuz maple story :P

so i dont think they get ban also.
so i can cheat in cod2 and dont get banned because we play et and not cod2?
/me thinks of evan :P
Well, i did not care about all this story, and i really dont care actually, i just give this team 2 weeks.
violy @ ATLEAST 2 hs a kill.
sexyhot = hacker 100% sure.
i played lan already u know. cpc? :)

if i cheat online dunno what people would say at lan:) geez.
and i mean last cpc. it was skilled one. but nooo.. i haxx :DDD

i rox
editedededed: 4rth
LAGUNA ......................
Yea beating a new team on one map in a prac usually means the team is EC worthy.
Yea posting mature replys at crossfire usually means that the person is retarded.
Do you call everyone a retard who points out your stupidity?
Dude "gl @ EC" is a random quote , and you take it to serious.
btw pumu's quote.
Would have been a random supportive quote if you hadnt of the posted a picture.
|K| Mztik ? oh noez ! :o
nice win over krea
but they won us @gr :o
noob we won them on 2 map
we > you
rofl nuggan wtf
maybe they shared hax to get him in, thats what i think!:D
who's sid?
eh, who?
hf viol :)
well they are well known here, and they are known for they skill.

most ppl sespect them cuz they play rly good, but i give you my word, they are not using hax.

also bulldog confirmed that ^^

good luck
Noone gives a shit about your worthless shittard comments so why don't you stop writing here @ xfire?
cuz some ppl find my word enough.
What fredd said, if your gonna write, don't write bullshit like you have only done before.
Viol the hacker?
He's the laggy German
The one who got let off the cheat bust because he had a dynamic ip?
I believe so
Parent! :O)
[Português de Portugal]

óoooooo sexióteh vai pó caralho! ó sexióteh vai pó caralho! ]:D preciso de te perguntar umas merdas sobre dia 17!
THE raziel ? VERY unrealistic
its razi from israel...

the one who open the thread is a real retard :P
1 week max.
Israel rAZY <33333333333333333
omgggggggggggomgomgomgomg THE 1 AND ONLY RAZIEL!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!
oh wait
i dont
But NuGGaN is lowskilled :<
gl nuggan and wizzel :]
who the fuck is sid and razi?

please ignore this team, if they ask for war, just dont reply
2 great players from Israel that got the fucking potential to play EC and prove they're great players.
Sure, highskilled, nicely new yawn and registered on xfire for a month... pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease.
Just let them play and then talk, btw they're playing more then 3 years at the Israeli community so not every one who is skilled and pro should be at crossfire 2+ years.
but where did they play before? which clans?
onPills, ELE, angelDust.

I'm sure you don't know them but just let them play and you'll yourself <:
wtf no tkx to let them play in EC and why? coz they r good enough?
where the fuck they got so much experience? bullshit...
if they r really so good so they r cheaters or they r not really good for ec
Man they played in very good clans EC worthy in Israel, why not let them prove themselves @ EC? please, they have the skill now they only need the experince.
onPills - clan full of haxorz:
Stonji (Ban on CB)
montage (all know him @ haxor)
Term1 (Ban on CB)
sid aka sunj (n1 yawn)
razii aka rAZy (n1 yawn)
destiny (n1 yawn)
Half of them have Generic CVAR Scan @ yawn - like WTF?

And of course they NEVER NEVER played on Angel Dust ...
good to have 3 laggers in one team right ?!




"2 great players from that got the fucking potential to play EC and prove they're great players"
about razii its etmain hax lol

sure he is busted !

sid, if you check Doron is a liar in our country, so he put other evidance.
if you look good he gave montage proofs...

btw bulldog himself check those, and he said "clean" !

*lick* *lick*

dereh agav, aeifo at doron m-tofsey cheaterim ^^
ani yodea :D

sipur mazhik :>
ata lo yodea lama bemet aeifo aoto haha

ao kaze idiot, ratza laaif at kol ayeodim ^^

and bulld0g aya shikur ksheao lakah aoto XD
yadati lifaniha, doron siper li ):
not rly...

yadati aod lifney sheifo aoto hahaha

ao betah gam li siper leha taemet
lo mshna li tbh, bulld0g hu shikor maniak :)
etmain hacks = hacks = cb ban

doesnt matter what game
aaeehm? you saw one of them playing irL? if not why you defend them?
tbh they live near me, razii is brother of one of my friends in real...

so i came to his house alot, and he play the same.

this is why i defend him, he would never cheat.
oh thats why those stupid fucks also spam me all day for a bnc
haha but its their brother fault XD
jus tell them to stop or ill delete every bnc used by a jew on my serv.
DO IT, Gizz3D will be happy (:
what ? only 1 guy ask you for bnc :'(

i dont know about the others
you gave a yawn, that doesnt belong to me...ok
and nice profile, seems like you hate us or somthing.

and meez, you didnt read bulld0g log right?
it must be doron hahah

member for: 0 days !
well its u ...

Have fun with your ban.
I see you are getting more and more happy while you got unbanned lolz. :DD
tbh he can tell you if you will get ban or not, and i think we both agree he more expert then you.

and i dont realy care what you think if i hax0r or not,
not me and not razii gona get ban anyway,
so hf with your whining.
image: hkrepisanerd

Yeah, this guy is far more knowledgable with computers than I am.
Member For: 0 days

lol u especially created this account to accuse them?:)

i lold
Full of hackers, GL
Full of hackers, GL
pwned? kreaturens first prac ever 20 seconds of tactics, people inactive for 2 weeks and you only drawed against us? riiiiiight.
they didnt want to put this.

its this "fat" he is their fanboy :P

they asked him to delete it, :(

yuuu de manne :~>
well he only posted what they said on irc so what does it matter? if they really think they 'pwned' us with two busted cheaters I might aswell dick slap ron jeremy and say pwned
who are the cheaters ?

and they told him only to open a thread with the team :(

sid rly love you guys cuz of me :P
razii too :(

and i even told him that its not pwned cuz azzor is like didnt play 2 years :P also bull, and riano didnt play :(

any way, im sure this is a bad start for them too, cuz now ppl hate them cuz some foolish fanboy mistake :P
when you be at their lvl, send me a pm
yeye , go lick highskillers arse fucking jew
on my way you idiot retard kid.

wow look high skillers @ et !!!!! omg !!!!!!!!!!!!

you rly idiot cuz you belive this
belive what ?
i told him it was 2-2, and not to write this lol
dude, it was rage.. accept it!
the best was when u were afk: wizzel joined our team and asked if we know who razi and sid are, he thinks they cheat! :-D
hahahahah :D
you forgot about they fact they most likely hack too 8[
that not funny retard
gl @ ec
a team with viol wont be alive till the ec start... plz..
now I understand every thing =o
2 weeks!!!
i dont understand nothing from what you have said :(

but you pic is nice :P
gl wizzel nuggan sexyhot
m8 where can i get ur cheaters list ?
hentei fight :-D
sid razi?
dont make me laugh pls

oh shit, you just did! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
plz stfu
i know sid and razi both
and its hard to get that there are unknown guys thats play good
and theodor <3 u
itai my love :P
Gl nuggan o wizzel
@ sarna and sexyhot: leave as fast as you can 8)
razii & sid are well known in jewland, Doron is a bastard, trying to catch every good jew player there is in the planet and bust him, he posted wrong evidance on me, put someone's Yawn with PBSS WH and more bullshit and said it was me.. anyway, they are good players, probably online game only. ;] jews cant go to europe ^^
thx god that EC is offline?
gl wizzel & nuggiZ, gosu4ever <3 =)
anything with viol in it will last only 2 weeks...
im sid's fanboy, whoever he is !
who the hell are sid and razi ?
wizzel great lan player gl!
i do lol at "EC TEAM"

you havnt even done anything yet

GL sid & razi
<3 you folks ;D
you saved the thread!
n1 3 cheater in 1 team

Retard #1 Viol
Retard #2 Nuggan
Retard #3 Wizzel

gl@EC (online) i know u wont go to any LAN... EXPECTED?!
is nuggan already busted or did i miss something ?
5 times allready , but only with avi's
gl @ oc
hax fo sho.
razi looks like original nickname
EUROCUP TEAM... lol since when, win a praccy with a new team, mean u are a eurocup's team?

gl violy <3
if wizzel if from team eye rtcw, well... he doesn't cheat
hahahahaha good fucking luck
cu @ lan ;>
cant find any proper pic to post :/
dont do it you will get banned.
thats what i am saying
sid & razi not famous enough = -> will end up to OC if they arent folded before it

they will Quit befor ex starts..
Extra Info Cvar yy_aim = 1
Caught By Telenet (Hub)
Server IP Telenet 2

CVAR #9001 - (yy_aim = 1) 82.166.209.***


IP Address [Israel]
Alias lozl
Violation Generic CVAR Scan
Extra Info N/A
Caught By -=[MC]=- (Hub)
Server IP [Midnight Spikage]:Etpro

Generic CVAR Scan 82.166.109.***


IP Address [Israel]
Alias lolz
Violation VIOLATION (CVAR) #9001
Extra Info Cvar aim = 1.0000
Caught By -=[MC]=- (Hub)

CVAR #9001 - (aim = 1.0000) 82.166.209.***


CVAR #9001 - (ot_logo = 1) 82.166.209.***

and so on...
its not realy belong to me, i hope you know it.
and razii didnt hack ever, i hope you are not blind or somthing to see that bulld0g says it isnt cheat.
gl NuggaN and wizzel :}
nop i mean he didn't get guidspoofed by someone,but he surely guidspoofed himself.
it must be cuz hamachi, we play lots of generals zero hour.

it also changed my guid lots of time and brought it back
GUID e1f331381e8157576a38d274ca274ae5
IP Address [Israel]
Violation VIOLATION (CVAR) #9001
Extra Info Cvar sol_mousesense = 7
Caught By -=[telenet]= (Rep)
Server IP Telenet 2

ETMAIN cheat ? telenet is etpro afaik.. =o
no you moron ...

i will explain you so you will understand.

the cvars are from etmain hax, he got them from a config he download.

now think about logic, why some one enter with etmain hax to etpro server? or even why some one use etmain hax :XD

this prove that he got cvars from a config he download.

hope you understand now.
thats 3 months ban... well it should b.. same rules to everyone imo. =)
have you read bulld0g log above?

why should he get ban, if he didnt hax :D
"same rules to everyone"
"who use cheats"

read log

Even if he didn't use it, he still downloaded it and he got caught with it.

So hf with your ban sid.
dude read again, those are cvars from a config he download, its not logic to use etmain hax @ etpro servers.

thats prove its from config and not from the hack it self :'(
Yes, I've read it, but he still had hax so it's a ban for him, case closed.
you dont understandddddd

he got warning from etpro servers on etmain hax...
and its cvars !

thats proof he got them from a config he download...

its like i put in my config yy_aim and i give it to you, and you also have warnings on yawn...

well i will stop "defend" them, cuz even bulld0g said that...

have a nice day
Yes but you don't understand, you DO get banned for having such cvars in your config, no mather where they come from. I'm sorry, but if your friend won't get banned CB is going to have a reputation, and I don't mean a good one.
Why can't this idiot speak for himself ? I mean i dont care if his yawn history exists for like 3 months or something but you could be more creative about the excuses you bring up here.He is playing in this team and you say he is an experienced player and stuff so why does he use player configs from people who cheat ? If i test someones cfg i first take a look at the cfg because i want to know whats diffrent and i dont connect on some random public server and test it there.Another thing thats really really really stupid is your excuse about the "yy_aim 1".If you have ever tested a bot or something you should know that stuff like this is written in a seperate config which u shouldnt PLACE in your ETprofolder.So he got busted because he didnt change the prefix or he is really that DUMB and used the config with all those cheat commands in his Etprofolder or Etmain and typed /exec etbot.cfg what the fuck serious bring up some BELIEVABLE storys and not this bullshit.I havent seen him playing and actually i dont want to because i can think myself what he is doing all the time .It will start like this "3... 2... 1.... FIGHT !" and he will say like "they spawn @ 03/33 , well i cant see them hold on i will get a little bit closer to that wall ... yes there are 4 people coming main and the rest i cant see so i guess they try to attack over side" he will time a nade an baaaaaam double kill and then he will rush out and kill the other 2 people with his SMG np4him because he is good and stuff experienced you know ? thats why he accept configs from people in the internetz who have names like [nC]MbudGet and he will test their configs because they told him "play with this config and you will roxxxx on every public server and you wont get busted on ettv servers and stuff yeah you are cool".Now back 2 topic i just want 2 say one thing with all this shit i wrote here "GTFO and dont even try to tell _me_ that this guy is clean and dont even try to tell me that i have no idea about stuff like that because i'm a noname :*(" .Dont read on from this point on only offtopic stuff.I played the last week some 2on2s since i'm actually public only and dont play scrims because its just annoying to follow tax and stuff.So there we are waiting for our opponents.They connect and what do i see mAusis connecting and all his cool friends.We start playing and the first thing that seems wrong in this match was "i got killed" that is something i never ever expected and i was like "what the fuck what does this sentence *you got killed by* " mean . Because i rarely read that message because i'm super high .But the crazy thing about that shit was that after mAus killed me he killed my mates.Ok Sometimes people are lucky and stuff and kill me but then they are not able to kill other people because they have like 2 oder 5 hp left.So this was something which i really didnt like .After 8 minutes we still didnt get close to the flag because mAus was getting better and better.I kicked them because they made me kinda sad because they were better then me so my mates searched for some new players.We searched for low+ because we wanted to play vs some people who didnt practise in nC summercamp.Dr.evil and his super cool mate named "allespiloten" connected /ironie_on and we had the best time i ever had /ironie_off.We played against them and again they killed me can you imagin how someone who doesnt cheat kill me ? no ? yeah i cant think about something like that too.So after 6 scrims i decided to quit it and stop playing vs irc nC-crews .Here are some rules which are also intresting for our cheater friends . Rule 1 : if you play better than me you cheat Rule 2 : I'm not the best player but all the people who are better than me are inactif or play other games . Rule 3 : Dont disconnect if you loose and reconnect with your bot because that is fucking obvious :D instead of getting a skillboost in the middle of the match you should connect with your bot so its not that obvious . Lower your aimbot its not normal for people like dr.evil to make 6 hs on distance. Next rule would be rule number 4 : Only use the enemys spawntime if he is doing selfkill or you saw them spawning because its annoying to get killed by exactly timed support fires after 30 seconds of playing . Rule 5 : Dont use your wh to tell your teammates that they should change their positions because it is kinda obvious when i'm in a tunnel and suddenly 4 people are sappearing there and wait for me with medpacks k ? Rule number 6 : After cheating on a ETmain server with bots like crusher bot and co delete the yy_aim 1 stuff out of your profile config because they will get discovered by punkbuster when you play again on an etproserver .And now some final words to some people who talk to me on public "fu i dont want to know you and no i wont send you my cfg" i hate fanboiiiiing so stop that too its a GAME its not YOUR fucking LIVE .Dont take this shit 2 serious really dont .
only read the start, now you said some thing about the config.

he download a config with cvars in it, i can tell you i never gonna check every command and not a single man in israel.

we are not that good @ english or know all the command @ et.

beside those are etmain hax cvars, and just read bulld0g comment.
lies + cocksucking xDD n1 theodor
i bet you have 10gb+ of pic like that :D
(20:23:03) (TheoDor) (url) []
(20:23:50) ([CB]`Bully^afk) omg those cvars are from a etmain hax i wouldnt ban anyway
(20:24:07) ([CB]`Bully^afk) sol crushr
(20:24:11) ([CB]`Bully^afk) hehe
(20:24:33) ([CB]`Bulld0g) tell him not to worry about it theo
(20:26:39) ([CB]`Bulld0g) well he had cheat cvars from an etmain hack in his config it may be hax but we all play etpro so its irrelivent

hf @ EC razii & sid :)
Well, that's not because he cheated in ETmain that he shouldnt be ban in ETpro...
i checked his yawn, and all the rad yawns are from ETpro servers, and he cant realy use etmain hax in etpro servers.
Yes he cant use the, but he can be busted with. An anyway he should be BAN.
hum hum hum hum

Accept it =o[
accept it too :O)
you are so fucking stupid :-DDDDD
you made my day with your comments =)
Quote by Theodor(20:23:03) (TheoDor) (url) []
(20:23:50) ([CB]`Bully^afk) omg those cvars are from a etmain hax i wouldnt ban anyway
(20:24:07) ([CB]`Bully^afk) sol crushr
(20:24:11) ([CB]`Bully^afk) hehe
(20:24:33) ([CB]`Bulld0g) tell him not to worry about it theo
(20:26:39) ([CB]`Bulld0g) well he had cheat cvars from an etmain hack in his config it may be hax but we all play etpro so its irrelivent

Nice one faking logs retard. We discuss these things in our private forums you know, and we never EVER make a distinction between etmain / etpub / etpro / whatever sort of cheats. Bulld0g has already banned loads of players who used cheats that don't work on etpro.

Next time you want to fake Bulld0g at least try to spell irrelivent (irrelevant) right. Idiot.
owned xD
anyways 2 weeks "clan"
I was wrong, the logs are real but totally taken out of context. Bulld0g was just sick of getting bothered by this annoying fella and said this to get rid of him.
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