Updated: Attention to all CDC players

With only less than two weeks to go, there are a few important issues that each gamer should be aware off to make your weekend a more fun experience.

Please check this forum post regularly as we will use it to update players over the upcoming days. Team Captains, MAKE SURE EVERY TEAM MEMBER READS THIS.

If you have any further questions, please put them in this forum category, rather than a journal to be sure that an official crew member will answer the question for you.

Payment Details for Cabins

To: WZZRD Jelle Op den Akker
IBAN: NL72ABNA0486200124

Bookings code: CDC3-Budget-
Add your Team's name(s)

You are allowed to drink and play[/b]]
Unlike at many other events, ours does allow alcoholic substances to alter the outcome of the tournament. Although it is not guaranteed that you will play better, some players claimed they felt they were playing MUCH better and that their gameplay became much more aggressive on defense. Whether that is a good thing is up to you guys.

Be on time, pay attention to your starting times[/b]]
Even though a LAN match schedule is very hard to stick by, we will try to notify all teams throughout the entire weekend on when their matches will start.
In return, please make sure you have made an admin aware of your team's FULL presence at least 30 minutes before the start of your setup period prior to your game.

Setup times have been increased to 40 minutes on average, sometimes less and sometimes more, so make sure you take this into account.

I assume this should not be a problem as 90% of the ET players (instead of CoD players) love to hang out at the venue anyways. I guess ET players are more sociable ;)

Try not to break anything at your accommodation.[/b]]
Last time, a picknick table was damaged which costed the renting company 140 euros because some of the players found it funny not to report it. THIS TIME WE (Wzzrd, Tosspot and I) ARE RESPONSIBLE, which means that if you break something, in essence we will be screwed and ultimately decreasing our chances to run events there.

Attendance is Free[/b]]
Anyone that wants to drop by and meet the ET and WSW players, you are more than welcome to come and also join the party. In case you want to watch the finals in the cinema hall, you will need to request a badge, which you only get if you are a member of this lovely community called crossfire.nu.
For security reasons, players and other attendees will get badges so they are able to walk to the appropriate cinema hall in the Cinestar building. Make yourself known with the designated admin to get such a badge on Sunday

Contact information[/b]]
Our contact details:

Remao "Cash" Tummers
Stuart "TosspoT" Saw

As we are trying to make the Crossfire LANs bigger and ultimately boosting ET and CoD2, we ask you to consider the fact that you will be filmed by a production crew. It might occur that you will be asked for an video interview. We ask you to make yourselves available for this in a somewhat professional manner.

It surely doesn't have to be strict and serious, but foul language is something which we cannot beep out on the live stream :P And it won't look good to our potential sponsors for future events or eSports in general. ;)
Cheering, grouphugs etc. is all allowed of course ;)

When you are spectating the match, please keep in mind that our camera crew will be trying to film the players so please give our crew the room they need to make this event also worth to watch to the outside world. Please listen to the request and instructions from the Multiplay and Crossfire crew.

PC Setup[/b]]
Due to a pretty full schedule, we will be very strict to have all matches start on time. Players will have 30-45 minutes to setup and warmup, however once those minutes are over, the match will be started preceded by the random map draw. Once that is done, both teams will have one more minute before the match starts.

Note: Practice installing your mouse and keyboard a few times, to decrease your precious setup time and have more time to warm up

Concerning ET matches, there are no breaks between the first two rounds, but in case of a decider a 5 minute break will be allowed if both teams agree.

We are very much aware that the setup times are limited (at least 30, but mostly 45 minutes), however most problems and delays are not caused by faulty equipment but by the lack of knowledge and routine to poperly install your keyboard and mouse or the sheer fact that people just are clueless on what they are doing.

We urge you to deinstall your drivers and settings a few times from your current computer just to find out in what order you should install certain things when you are trying it.

I cannot stress this enough, but after 30 minutes of setup time, the matches are a go, so it is in your interest to get this stuff nailed down so you will not be stressed for time during the event. It surely is not a big effort to try it a few times to find the proper procedure.

In addition, bring all your drivers and configs on a usb key and upload them somewhere. You will not be able to use any CD's for installing your stuff.

During setup time, if you have problems setting up your PC, make yourself known ASAP to an admin. Some of the problems you encounter are easy things to resolve by our experienced crew. The longer you wait, the less time you will have to warm up, which will not positively affect your match performance ;) If you decide to warn admins on five minutes prior to start, you risk playing with crappy settings as we HAVE to start on time.

Based on last event's experience with the problems players faced setting up their PC's, it is utterly crucial that players will stick to a few rules for setting up their PC's.

Last event, there were players that thought editing the BIOS settings of computers would be a great thing. In fact, two of such events costed us 3 hours in delays for the RtCW tournament ;)

In retrospect of that, we will be accommodating players with a software package ready on each PC with the software people will need to setup their station.

This will also include a quick system restore option, which will be mandatory for each player to run once when he replaces another player at a PC. This system restore will not take more than 3 minutes and will save you many problems installing your own settings as all settings are returned to default.

Over the course of the upcoming days until Sunday 16th of September 23:59 CET, you will have the chance to request different types of software which you would require to setup your PC.

What is and isn't allowed?[/b]]
The type of software which you will not need to request as they will be installed by us on all PC's are:

USB rate changer (by Raziel) (We are considiring to deny any other USB rate changer as this one is utterly easy to use)
Windows Acceleration Remover
CPL Mouse Fix
Mouserate Checker
An ET config, which will have the correct Sound setting which should resolve the sound bug, that was occurring last event.

The only types of software which you can request are in the categories of:

Mouse drivers
Mouse support software.
In some occassions, keyboards require software. These will be considered on individual basis.

The type of software you don't even have to bother requesting as they will be illegal to setup are:

video card firmware or updates.
other video card drivers.
sound card drivers or updates.
No riva stuff to enhace your sight.
Basically anything related

In case players are found to install (malicious) software which recks the PC's without priorly informing one of the admins, you are seriously risking punishment. In addition, the one player that wants to tweak his BIOS settings will be punished by Maverick and Ronner, which should not be pleasant :P

More information on how to install certain things, can be found http://www.xfire.be/?x=tutorial&mode=item&id=42

To make any formal requeststo have your software included in the package, please send your emails to remao.tummers at gmail dot com

Accommodation Information[/b]]
As I have received some emails from worried people, who did not have received confirmation, I have been in contact with WZZRD to sort this out.
Due to the high amount of requests and massive continuous changes (due to roster changes etc), a final round of confirmation emails will be sent out in the upcoming 48 hours.

This email will also include information on how to pay and be 100% certain you will have a roof to sleep under during the weekend. If you have not received anything in the upcoming 48 hours, mail WZZRD (at tymenboon at wzzrd dot nl) immediately.

Make sure you be absolutely clear about the number of people you wish to book for, your own contact information and the names (and team name) of those you are booking for.

CDC Directions Guide[/b]]
This Image features the overlay of the area of the event with directions for those staying in a bungalow. This journal features directions for those driving to the event. Both are courtesy of Nuke

WZZRD Gamestation's specification[/b]]
WZZRD Gaming Cafés has released their specifications for the 44 brand new game computers which will be used for the official tournament. They are as followed:
MB: Asus MBI P5B intel S775
Proc: Intel core duo E6300 1,86 ghz
RAM: 2x Crucial 512 mb DDR2 PC2-5300
GFX: Point VGA 7950GT 512 PCI-E
HDD: Maxtor 250 GB 7200 rpm SATAII
Mon: Samsung SM 960 BF 19 inch TFT (WideScreen 4 ms GreytoGrey)
The cashpost arrived!
nice one!
thx for teh infos!
Like you are going!
An ET config, which will have the correct Sound setting which should resolve the sound bug, that was occurring last event.

125fps = cracking sound.
the problem with the sound last time was a driver issue (no idea what this etconfig cash says is), but they should let u remove the drivers so it will work :<
It was a combination of both in fact. It varied per PC. Some didn't have the problem and some did.

It had to do with the sound drivers yes, but there was a way around it by changing some settings in your own config.

There is a new version of the drivers for the sound card (according to the WZZRD tech guy), so everything might be fine, but I rather be 99% sure than 98% ;)
I didnt had any probs at all but that was because of my USB headset

played the first match with ultra crappy sound
picknick table?
stop spamming, get a bodyguard 1st of all :XD
I think I got few!
I can be yours if needed. Shouldn't be a problem for my fats 8<
As a note, the schedule this year is designed such that we should have minimal slippage unless we have a major disaster. I'm aiming to get almost every game starting on time, so when you're told a start time for a match that should (hopefully) actually be the start time.
An ET config, which will have the correct Sound setting which should resolve the sound bug, that was occurring last event.

it was problem with sound drivers last time , it worked on some pcs when someone changed drivers..
if u uninstalled their rubbish drivers the microsoft hd ones worked or something like that.
Unlike at many other events, ours does allow alcoholic substances to alter the outcome of the tournament. Although it is not guaranteed that you will play better, some players claimed they felt they were playing MUCH better and that their gameplay became much more aggressive on defense. Whether that is a good thing is up to you guys."

:D cu there Cash !
QuoteLast time, a picknick table was damaged which costed the renting company 140 euros because some of the players found it funny not to report it.

Winghaven for sure.

n1 post ;)
smoking also allowed?
and what's up with the guys at WZZRD?
still no reply about the bungalows.
check the last remark i added to the post.
officially it is. Just like last time, but we will ask people to do it at a bare minimum.

We cannot forbid it in the venue, but some sympathy towards non smokers is requested to keep everyone happy.

I can understand that some are used to having a smoke during the game....which is fine. But for other occassions please smoke outside or in the foyer or away from the player area.

We have a new airconditioning system in the venue, so air circulation will be better this time.
nog een toegeknepen oog naar stickies tijdens het spelen?
Ik schat dat ze dat niet gaan toelaten bij WZZRD. Ik weet wel dat veel mensen daar blowen, maar dan wel net buiten de deur op het terras. Ik schat dat dat ook wel overleefbaar is ;)
ik zal me "aah vent crashed" pauze binds weer te voorschijn halen hehe
als vent zou crashen, dan heeft geen enkel team meer vent op de lan, dus dat wordt een moeilijk excuse.
ik wist niet dat er ook echt vent was. en alvast bedankt voor alle info =)
how about smoking weed? its the same or?
I don't think they are going to allow that inside the venue. However last time, people were doing it on the terrace and no one made a problem of that.

Inside is a bit over the top, I guess. It is a pretty pervasive odor.
Hasjies is a good alternative ;)
Yeah, so the people who have no tolerance to weed whatsoever start feeling the effect due to the ammount of weed in the air. :\

(Not me, but it would probably suck for anyone like that...)
yeah I know, but it would be superior plan to sabotage some team, go sit next to them while smoking weed, blowing the shit towards the players etc :p
is the word hotbox used in foreign countries too? like when you close a room off/all windows/a tent or something for smoking?
there is no word for it in finland, atleast that I know of.
Or just a rookie marijuana smoker =7
could be both, ye.
haha my mate had a small porter cabin we used to do that in! gets you fucked!
we had a similar place, a mate of ours had a shed in his backyard that was just his (it was like a work shed, not a storage shed), sealed any holes, got it kitted out with matresses, a TV, kettle and whatnot

most awesome, could get like 8 people layed around in there.
should be ,.. right ?!?

ofc should be !!
Will there be those keyboard(ps/2) extension cords like last time, or should i get my own? Since the pc's are quite high up and i want my keyboard on my lap :o)
Yep, every PC has an extention cord now for the keyboard plug.
bungalows. pls
What is usbrater someonknows
Lovely, as I don't know anything about computers and you will get a lot of questions coming from me. I don't even know what mousedriver I have installed :s.

Wireless keyboards are fine aswell?
I really don't recommend you to use a wireless keyboard for various reasons as frequency interference, batteries running out and the fact that I cannot guarantee you that it will work.

I assume you mean the wireless Logitech keyboards. If that is the case, WZZRD has a similar logitech keyboard already attached to the PC which you can use. The lay out of the keys are almost the same as those for wireless keyboards.

Let me know which type you are using and I will look into it.
I don't know what type it is, but it is this version, only black: image: LO22002-2

Don't know if that'll help much ;)
I've got the wired version of that keyboard :D
Interesting ;)
You will be fine with those keyboards at the venue. They are perfectly the same, but just wired and black.

It will even save you time setting up ;)
Thanks for the info and the spare luggage room =o]
USB rater what is that
Google has all your answers.
Heb het gevonden die gast gebruikt 125hz in ze muis
i am the punisher :P Last cpc i handcuffed somebody to his bed for snoaring, so imagine what i will do to cheaters :)
where can i find the times of when the event starts/finishes, or can someone give me a rought estimation? i haven't booked my flights yet, and need to know that info asap
The tournament starts at 12, which means an early flight on friday is already tough.

The latest you could arrive in Holland would be around 8:00 CET, because it will take another 2,5 hours by train and 30/40 mins to get from your plane, pickup luggage and get on the train.

I would really recommend coming in on thursday night, however if that is not possible and you cannot arrive around noon, we can consider other options if you are late.
thanks :) would it be ok to book a flight for 22cet ish out of amsterdam on the sunday you think?6
It is an option as most of the tournament should be over, but take into account that if you are in the finals, it will all be extremely tight. if you flight is at 22 cet, you need to leave around 6 latest.

And remembering from last time, the last night was really great just to be there. Perhaps you don't want to miss the final crazy night ;)

Most ppl leave on mondays.
my dad will go crazy if i miss two days of college! :D
so i really should leave on the friday- thanks anyhow though!
you don't have classes on thursday night do you? :P
no but i do all friday!
what O/S ?? XP ?? or Vista ?
Do i have to bring my own keyboard?
kyllä pitää
Perseestä :l
Itseasiassa ihan jees, koska minullaki on tämmönen omalaatuinen :P vois olla totuttelemista toisenlaisella. Ja muutenkaan se ei paljoo tilaa vie kassista
Näh, ajattelin yhen repun vaan ottaa, ni kyllä se sillon vie :D
minäkin yhen ISON :)
ee, sellanen söpö pieni!
You can bring you own, unless you can also play on the ones that they have at WZZRD, which is a logitech.

WZZRD has this one:

lol I have exactly that keyboard, it is fucking great!
Lol my mother got exactly same kind of keyboard... :--D
WLAN for the press idiots available?
we are working on it and I think we will have one.
[...]you will need to request a badge, which you only get if you are a member of this lovely community called crossfire.nu. [...]

how do you proof that if i may ask?
just say "lol I spam xfire 24/7, can I has a badge?" or "I know what loekino did last summer" these 2 should do the trick, in case they ask you what loekino did last summer, just simply answer "spammed xfire 247 ofc"
Most people that have a little care level about the community are known by at least some of the admins or players.

People attending the LAN don't just drop out of the sky, so a full proof system is not really needed. And I don't think that for outsiders an ET final is that interesting to watched ;)
let me take fingerprints and i will check their background
that would be sweet.
btw Cash, maybe its worth to mention that on sunday the 23rd FC-Twente plays vs NEC at 13.30 and it might be fucking crowdy near WZZRD, so it might take more time to get there.
Good point.

Normally the NS even runs additional trains but if you are coming by car, I would recommend parking your car either early during that day (sunday) or parking it at the cabins and just walk to the venue.
i'm not really known here i guess but i consider to visit the lan (live in the near of enschede).
Just say "hoi, ik ben Azatej", the admins will instantly fall in love with you. You will get a VIP badge for sure this way, plus Aza isn't going, so it's a win win situation!
i have the feeling that your suggestion could cause trouble... ;)
Thx for info, hope WZZRD will answer soon about acccomodation, I have sent email 7.9. about reservations to [email protected]. My question: Can we make our own photo and video material for czech community? I mean if someone punch me when we wanna take pic of each teams, players, or maybe make short interview - nothing big only I and my m8 pleaaaaaase? First czech crew going to such famous LAN so we wanna make as much memories as possible you know :) And also if it is possible to connect laptop to net somewhere on LAN to be able to write news about that etc? If my questions is annoying you please forgive me. I have never been to holland and dont know how friendly is atmosphere at CDC :) If some czech beer or pics of my sexy girl help PM me asap ;)
bring some hot czech chicks with you :P

There are people everywhere making foto's and video's and nobody really cared. Maybe dont use the flash while players are playing, cause thats kinda annoying. You can bring your laptop with you , but there are always some computers available where you can check xfire or other stuff. Its gonna be cool m8, dont worry :)

But ask Cash or Tosspot, they run the show
thx and looking foorward to see you too
You can make as many pictures and videos if you want, that is no problem. The more we can show how much fun it is at our events the better ;)

If your laptop has a wireless network card, then I can almost guarantee you will have internet. If you would require a LAN cable, I cannot at this time as we are even using a second router to have all Gaming stations connected.

To increase your chances, bring a UDP cable with you just to be sure. If you have wireless, then don't bother ;)
However, our crew is also on site with their computers, if you need to write a news item or do an update, I am sure we can find you some spare minutes on our admin PC's.

There are also solutions for these kind of problems ;)

Looking forward to those czech chicks, next week
ok thx and looking forward to see ya all, hope we will have good travel conditions.
honestly i would decide for the beer. there is no better beer than czech :/
bring some pilsner urquelle
Are PS/2 keyboards working? I remember a LAN event where only USB keyboards could be connected.
bullshit :p ofcourse its working
QuoteUnlike at many other events, ours does allow alcoholic substances to alter the outcome of the tournament. Although it is not guaranteed that you will play better

guess that was the prob at cpc2 =(
By that logic a team should be able to load up on fet, since we are allowing substances to "alter the effect of the tournament"
Wont change much imho. :-P
I'm not suggesting you use it before you know where the cabins are, but there's a shortcut through the forest next to the road which is a quicker (and nicer) route than the one in the image, if you're walking, which most people will be. Also ideal for scaring people witless if you like hiding behind trees in the dark for ages.
Don't tell everyone ffs
or if you want to nearly fall into a mini stream under a bridge with no side rails when youre not looking :C
THIS TIME WE (Wzzrd, Tosspot and I) ARE RESPONSIBLE, which means that if you break something, in essence we will be screwed

Owned !
whats the deal with maxpackets and rate?
100 and 25000. There will be a special lan config.
Super Duper Nice to hear, keep up the good work.
is it also allowed to smoke some weed? <o/
They don't allow it in the venue, I believe, but outside sure.
I need like 7 mins from Hengelo till enschede by train. But on the ticket stays not rly what trainstation in enschede Oo....

Whats the Nr of Taxi ??
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