
Hai, I'm searching a 6v6 active team.
I'm not espically well known or anything but i would like to search a med/+ team as i feel that is my own skill.

Have been playing ET for afew years now although i havn't really played in any great teams, only ones to talk of are #istar and (both pretty unknown :(..)

I can play Support medic, Rifle nade and Engi SMG.

I'm not really interested in joining a brand new team unless you have actual potential :|

Hit me up if you feel i am what you are looking for. :)
Just created an account to post this :s, why does that matter? :P
He's skilled and rly nice, take him!

GL Smurf
good luck smurftang hah<3

gl smurfy
gl sexy !!
gl smurf

nice guy take him !
gl smurftangy

take him, nice and good guy =)
gl smurf
gl smurftang pretty skilled


One of the few cool people I've had the pleasure to meet on the internets. Good shot and smart player. gl smurfypoo.

Faggots pretending to be good friends w/ smurftang.

DO YOU TALK TO HIM EVERYDAY AT LUNCH? Thats what I thought. Hes mine. And Krazys. Back off.
i like your nickname, dunno why :D
good player and nice guy
gl shane!<3
Learn to reply smurfy! :D
Great guy and knws wht hes doing in ET :o

Take him!
good & funny player, take him:O
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