W:ET Aiming Tutorial by BossHK

(Now when ET is elegantly old, its time to release old goldies. Gonna be straight copypaste from pubforums, cba to edit much nor fix fonts/forms etc. If you want to read from original source(recommended), check here: http://fearless-assassins.com/topic/23840-aiming-tutorial-for-wet-by-bosshk-enemy-territory)


I got inspired to put this tutorial together after Blade just released his aiming tutorial here(FA forums). Why? Why two aiming tutorials? I don't know, maybe because I have been kinda lazy to make any tutorials lately and now I just got inspiration to put my knowledge to the table too. Two tutorials also mean more perspectives. :sarc

Okay, so who am I and why should you listen to me? I'm a finnish guy who has been playing W:ET since 2004/2005. Starting from etpub server, moving to NQ servers, discovering jaymod 2007/2008 and loving etpro since end of 2008. Started playing with crappy equipments and zero knowledge about internet gaming, ending up to shoot 60-70 accurasies at jaymod servers. It has been a long but a memorable, lovely way.
I'm a little bit perfectionist. Getting good became an obsession to me back then. I wanted to gather all available information, spec better players and just practise to aim. Eventually I became one of the best players of that etpub server. And then I started my journey around ET 'world'.
To this day I have gathered a lot of information and experience about aiming and now I'm gonna share it all.

Oh, those 70acc pictures: http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/5599/uceserveraccownage.jpg and http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/112/g2pradarstenover72acc.png
Also FA server with high ping: http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/5599/557accfa1temple.jpg

This tutorial will go in next order: First we pick our equipment, then we configure it. After that we discuss a little bit about mindset, how to handle this learning to aim thing. And last we go in game and set our config and start practising aiming.


There is a lot of information available at internet. But my approach is to simplify as much as possible. Seriously, you need to know and tune only some things and then it is just practise. I'll try to list all the important things below that we will go through:

[*] Hardware (PC, monitor, mouse, mousebad, keyboard, headset)
[*] Configuring hardware
[*] Mindset
[*] In-game things (aiming techniques, how to practise effectively, some config settings, secret pro tips)
[*] Extras to learn more

So lets get started!


Hardware sets a base starting point to you. It also determines how much you can use of your potential. With good enought components and parts you will be better aimer than with crappy components. That is the fact. Lets take a quick example: Its like going for drag race. Imagine normal 100hp car versus 900hp race car. No matter how good the normal car driver is, he just can't win with that underpowered car. Or some rally drivers: they are not driving for world championship with some random Nissan Sunny. They wouldn't use their full potential with that poor car.
Or just me: I tested ET three years ago at my friend's computer. He had basic 60hz tft monitor, Logitech G5 mouse, no mousepad, and all settings were default. I shot around 30acc with those parts. The difference was just so huge compared to what I had been playing with. It was a huge downshift. I just couldn't impove much from that point(30acc), it became so hard to control what I was doing, it felt like I was playing in tar. It felt like the whole computer was fightning against me. It didn't allowed me to do what I wanted to do.
So, hardware is very important to bring out your full potential.

The most important part here is the CPU(processor). ET has been published 2003 and uses Q3 game engine. Back then the games were heavily CPU orientated. Nowdays the graphic card is maybe the most important part for gaming in modern games. But as been said, ET is CPU based game. It can use 1 core. So ideally the best processor for ET would be 1 core processor with high clock rate. Nowdays there are 2, 4, 6 and even 8 core processors available. Whats the best? It doesn't matter. You should get 125fps with almoust any modern processors. Graphic card doesn't matter for ET, everything is fine. RAM doesn't matter that much, just make sure you have it enought to run basic tasks + ET(4gb is totally fine).

Nowdays almoust everyone are using LCD or TFT monitors. What matters here most is hz and latency of monitor. Hz should be 120 and latency 2ms. Thats it. For ET other aspects are kinda meaningless.
120hz is kinda must. If you are using 60hz now, just imagine how it would feel if everything is 2x smoother. When you have used 120hz, there is no return to 60hz.

Only thing that matters here is the fact that keyboard should support at least 4 simultaneously presses.

For ET any headset is good. Of course 'better'(generally better) headset is usually more comfortable and might be better for other tasks like listening music etc. Just make sure you use headset and not speakers for ET. Why? Because with headset you can hear with 'pinpoint accuracy' where enemies are and what is happening around you and even further away. You can predict situations and prepare for them since you are able to hear around corner what is happening there and so on...

Which mouse to pick? Do I need the latest high-end superduper DPI monster? No, you don't. There are three major things to be considered when choosing a mouse:

1. It should fit to your hand. I mean, it is a lot nicer, more comfortable and even better to play with mouse that feels good and you can handle it nicely.
2. Sensor should be able to handle the kinda fast paced Enemy Territory.
3. Cord mouse. DO NOT use wireless mouse to gaming. (Because of lag/delay it causes. Yes, every wireless have it(maybe excluding Razer Mamba))

How about optical or laser sensored mouse? Which one is better? Well, the laser technology has been improved lately, but generally the optical sensors are still better in term of handling fast movements.
Now, this whole mouse topic is just a way too huge to start discussing, there are so many different things to be considered so I simplified it to those three steps that I mentioned. For step 2. I have this list: https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AosJbEwEG9GpdEpBMGc1ZXo0S3BLQm1YQ09jeVZ6bEE&w=100&h=650

You should look Perfect Control and Malfunction Speed. Obviously both of them should be as high as possible.

Perfect Control = the mouse performs exactly as it should
Malfunction Speed = the mouse loses control and effectively stops working. Basically anything can happen, like mouse throws cursor to random position or its like you didn't do anything at all.

So pick a mouse that has good sensor and fits to your hand. Sometimes it can be hard to test mouse before buying but if you have a chance, use it.

Do you need more slippery mouse feets? Well, its highly recommended to get ones. Its easier, less frictioner to move the mouse and also the feets last longer. For example Hyperglides are nice special mouse feets.

Mousepad is a must have. It is like enabling your mouse's potential. If you don't use a mousepad, I don't care what mouse you have, what settings you have, what you have done, how good you are, who you are. It is a must have.
Mousepad gives you a smooth, stable/steady surface to move the mouse and better reading accuracy for your mouse. Though, be careful especially with laser sensored mouses that the sensor works on that specific mousepad. Generally a black surface without any design/figures is the best.
Cloth, plastic, glass or hybrid pad? Personal preference. Plastic ones clearly wear out fastest, which is kinda big minus.

Configuring hardware

Now when you have gathered you rig, its time to configure it aka use all potential it have. Even if you don't have and you are not going to get all the parts I recommend, you can still tune your current hardware, so keep reading. Without further ado, lets do it!

Basically nothing to do here. If you want to run ET with specific amount of cores, use this program: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=tutorial&mode=item&id=170

Setting the refresh rate higher: Control panel-->Monitor-->Settings-->Preferences-->Display-->Refresh rate. Change it and press Use and Ok. Most normal monitors support only 60hz or max 75hz. More advanced up to 120hz and CRT monitors even over 200hz.


Not much to do here but you can boost weapon, footstep and other important sounds by boosting middle frequency sounds and lowering a little bit bass and high frequencies. I'm not an expert about this, but just do try&error method. Open your sound card settings and find a page where you can change those frequencies. This is how I have configured it: http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/9563/audiosettingsforet.png The difference is kinda big and nice.

Now, a huge overload of information rumbles over me. I don't want to start writing. So I dig up my "I simplify everything" -idea and I'm gonna give you bunch of links. Yepii! Before doing that, I have summarized all the things you are going to do:

1. Windows sens(put it to 6/11) + disabling windows in-build acceleration
2. Polling rate
3. Find a reasonable DPI

Your source of mouse related things: http://phoon.us/mouse/ (or http://www.funender.com/quake/mouse/index.html if first one doesnt work)
(If you are wondering what is that windows sensitivity multiplier: http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4346/mouseinfosensexplained.png)
Read through all sections carefully, the page has summarized mouse things very nicely. If you are wondering at mousefix section that do you need the mousefix, yes you need it.

What is 'windows sens'?: http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/2961/winsens.png
When having winsens at 6/11, you have 1:1 ratio, meaning that every 1 pixel you tell your mouse to move, the cursor moves 1 pixel(thats the idea).

Disabling windows acceleration:
Win7: http://donewmouseaccel.blogspot.com/2010/03/markc-windows-7-mouse-acceleration-fix.html
WinXP/Vista: Read the mousefix section, download program.
WinXP manual way:

1. Press Start
2. Select Run
3. Type regedit and hit enter
4. Open the tree HKEY_CURRENT_USER-->select control panel-->mouse
5. Right clicking, modify the SmoothMouseXCurve and SmoothMouseYCurve hexidecimal values to the following:

(Remember to take backup copies from original values if you want later restore them)



6. Press OK after setting both(X and Y) values and you are done.

Some people like to use in-game acceleration (cl_mouseaccel) to make faster turns etc, but in my opinion it just hurts your overall mouse control. (Mouse acceleration: when you move your mouse constantly starting from a point (for example from the middle of your screen toward right), it will move faster while getting further and further from the starting point) Also fast tracking becomes harder.

Changing the polling rate of your usb port gives you faster mouse reaction time and smoother mouse movement. I can tell you to set it to 500hz(2ms), it is stable and you won't notice any difference compared to 1000hz(1ms). Again, read through the polling rate section at http://phoon.us/mouse/. (Btw, ET does NOT use direct input as mouse input, but wm_mousemove, so use that mouserate checker to check your mouse polling rate)

Changing polling rate at win7/vista: http://www.ngohq.com/news/15043-how-to-increase-usb-sample-rate-in-windows-vista-7-a.html
Same thing with video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxhAKJ-Dyes&playnext_from=TL&videos=rt0Tl7Xg7Qo

Now, how much DPI is useful for you? It's been made easy for you, go to http://phoon.us/mouse/ (or http://www.funender.com/quake/mouse/index.html if first one doesnt work) , fill in all the blanks at 'settings' tab at top of the page, go to DPI section and press 'calculate'. Do not use much higher value than that recommended because you might face huge negative acceleration problems. Though there is program called Rinput that fixes this. (http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=news&mode=item&id=4053)

Where the negative acceleration comes from? I will copypaste this from another person.

QuoteOne place where it can be introduced is the mouse->computer path, such as USB. If a mouse uses 8 bits for a dimension, it will only be able to report at most 2^(8-1)-1=127 counts per update (in theory 128 in one direction is possible, but I haven't seen it in practice). At a polling rate of 125 Hz, that comes down to a maximum of 125*127=15875 counts per second (CPS) or pixels per second (if mouse input is mapped straight to pixels), taking averages every poll. If the mouse is 400 counts per inch (CPI), that means a top speed of 15875/400=39.6875 inches per second (IPS). Note that this is all per dimension; diagonally the top speed would be just over 56.1266 IPS. Since I've never seen a mouse from the 400 CPI era that can actually track at that speed, and I don't think you'd reach it often anyway, it's not usually a problem. But what if we have an 8-bit 800 CPI mouse? It will still have a top speed of 15875 CPS, but the IPS is halved to 19.84375 IPS. That speed is easily reachable, and the mouse probably still tracks (older optical might could get in trouble). Increase to 1600 CPI, and it's halved again to a very low 9.921875 IPS.
What can we do to improve this? The formula for top speed in IPS is (2^(bits-1)-1)*rate/CPI, so you can increase the size of the fields in the report, increase the polling rate (this is something that might work without getting a new mouse), or decrease CPI (and increase sensitivity in the game to get the same turning speed) at the cost of precision. This is why many newer mice report with 12 or 16 bits, although their claims that 16 is much better than 12 are false. (2^(12-1)-1)*125/1600=159.921875 IPS, which nothing that I know of will currently track at, let alone most human gamers. A 16-bit 1600 CPI mouse would have a whopping top speed of 2559.921875 IPS, or over 65 m/s, 234 km/h, or 145 mph, if its sensor would somehow track that well. But it is slightly easier to handle by today's hardware with 8-bit bytes.
Another similar problem can happen when a game uses pointer input, rather than raw mouse input. If you use 1024x768, you'll probably have a horizontal top speed of |_1024/2_|=512 pixels per frame or |_(1024-1)/2_|=511 PPF depending on the direction. If the game is smart it moves its base point away from the direction the mouse is moved in, but no game that I know of does that, and it actually reduces the maximal deceleration. That probably only gets significant at speeds higher than the former top speed though.
What can you do to improve that? Increase framerate (analogous to mouse polling rate) if possible, ideally to the mouse polling rate or a submultiple (like your ideal framerate is also the refresh rate of your screen or a submultiple), increase resolution (analogous to the maximum value a mouse report can hold) if you aren't fillrate-bound, or scale the pointer down at the cost of precision (analogous to a mouse's CPI). In games, if you like high sensitivity, you can also increase the game's sensitivity instead of scaling the pointer down.

More copying:

QuoteIt's the age-old "cursor hitting side of screen"-problem.
See, ET gets your mouse position by returning it to the center of your screen n times per second (I can't remember the exact number). It gets the distance your cursor had traveled from the center, returns it to the center and then moves your aim accordingly.
If your DPI is high enough for your pointer (the cursor you see on your desktop) to move fast enough to be able to reach the side of your screen, you get dramatic negaccel. Your movement will basically just stop at first and then slow down considerably, which is terribly crap. This is negated on higher resolutions where the pointer has more space to move, for instance I play ET at a resolution of 1920x1080, which means that the pointer will not have time to hit the side of the screen at 1600dpi which I play on.
Rinput (amongst other things) fixes this.

How do you know if you have negative acceleration? Well, maybe the best practical way to notice it is this:
Start ET and join server. Now put your mouse to left edge of your mousemat and in-game aim somewhere(corner/door...) that you recognize. Now move mouse slowly to center of mousemat or till to right edge of mousemat if you want. Check how much your character has turned in-game. Now move your mouse fast back to left edge of mousemat. If your aim returned to same place where you started, you don't have negative acceleration and everything is fine. But if your crosshair didn't returned to starting place but it returned less, you have some negative acceleration.

Also at http://phoon.us/mouse/ (or http://www.funender.com/quake/mouse/index.html if first one doesnt work) there is the negative acceleration calculator. Fill in blanks at top of the page and press 'calculate'. Now, the value that the calculator shows, yes its real, but remember that also your mouse's sensor have limitations. So, obviously the lower one(mouse sensor or calculated value) is your bottleneck now.

Just keep it clean/relatively clean.


I think its time to move on to this section and think a little bit about how to deal with this whole 'im gonna improve my aim' thing. If you feel like you can't handle all the info or this seems too complicated or something, just be patient and do one thing at time. Technical part is kinda short after all, eventhough it has much text and you can find a lot of info about those topics. So, be patient and don't give up. No one can became a champion if they give up! :yeye

Be excited! Be eager to get new information, learn new things! Being positive is a huge plus, be happy about all little things you have learned and practise them. You just increased your mouse's polling rate? Feel the smoothness and power of your mouse! Track enemies like never before! Practise practise practise! Cheer for that triple headshot.
You got tripled and you insta died? That random pro just knew you were behind that wall? Don't blame cheats, crappy mouse or lag. It was you. Try to make a quick analyze what went wrong. Did you strafe enought during fight? Maybe you couldn't track him well enought. Maybe he had better strafe-aim combination. Practise more. After all it comes to practise. The more you practise, the better you will be. Be ready and willing to practise if you are looking for to get a decent aim. To practise a lot you will need a positive attitude. If you hate to start the game and join the server just to get owned, why are you playing this game? Or maybe you enjoy about this game because different reasons, like cool people, nice chats with friends or something else. That is totally okay, but then this tutorial is not so useful for you. But as been said, if you are looking for to get better aim, be ready to practise. And now, lets move on.

In-game things

Okay, now you have tweaked your hardware and you are ready to start practise. But before you do that, you might want to tweak some config settings to make sure everything is as you like. (Btw, if you are new to configs, read this through: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VYMQTLOO (well, since MU has been shut down by FBI, here is the same text as a tutorial I made: http://fearless-assassins.com/topic/36202-enemy-territory-how-to-config-cfg-file-enemy-territory/) So, two 'must-have' cvars:

com_maxfps "x" (sets cap on the frames per second. 125, 76 and 43 common 'tweak' values, as better for jumping. 71 has slightly reduced recoil. Use the one that you have stable everywhere)
com_hunkmegs "x" (sets how much RAM ET uses. Default is 56 but you should use at least 128. 128, 256 or 512 are nice values, though 256 is totally enought)

Now, other "tweaks" are kinda personal preferences, e.g do you like to see blood when you get shot, do you like more sharp or less detailed world, how dark or bright the world should be, what kind of crosshair you like to use etc.
In my opinion the best way to learn what do you prefer is to make your own config. Either from scratch by creating new .txt file, putting cvars and commands there and then saving it and renaming .txt to .cfg or just editing the config that you already have. Or maybe you like to download someone else's config and edit it, thats how you get and idea what about to put into cfg.

If you want to create your own cfg, these two website provide all the existing cvars and commands:


Now, its finally time to start practise. How to aim? Move your mouse and press some buttons at keyboard. Sounds simple, right? Well, the truth is far away from it. Lately, when I have analyzed a little bit about my aiming and speccing some good aimers, I have noticed couple of things:

1. Good aimers don't move their crosshair nor mouse much at fight situation (except if person is very low sens player, then mouse will move a lot for sure)
2. They know where to aim already before enemy even pops up to screen
3. Their movement and positioning is calm and calculated (not always, but helps to get easy win from fight)
4. They know what they are doing. They have a huge amount of repeats, they have played thousands of times the same maps and same situations.

When I think about those four things, I can form a picture of cold machine. Well, if we put all feelings and emotions away, that is not far away from truth. Seriously, those are the things that make you a good aimer along with good hand-eye coordination.

So, some techniques to aim or improve aiming?

1. Aim with your keyboard. This is actually a very powerful method, you don't need to move mouse much from side to side and at same time you are dodging enemy bullets, aka strafing. So basically don't move your mouse much or at all but just move your aim with keyboard.
2. If enemy is even some distance away, crouch. Crouching increases your accuracy (Standing: http://www.enemy-territory.net/images/MP40StandingContinuous.jpg versus Crouching: http://www.enemy-territory.net/images/mp40crouchingBurst.jpg) and you are harder to hit.
3. Always try to get a first hit before your enemy does. This gives you an advantage because if you hit first, enemy gets a knockback effect and its harder for him to start hitting you. Though experienced players know how to counter this by doing quick dodge and starting to shoot back at right time when they are not getting knockback.
4. Obviously obvious, aim at head level. Headshot makes 50hp damage(though first hs makes 40hp damage because of helmet), bodyshot 18hp. At long distance bodyshots make 9hp dmg and headshots 10hp dmg. Generally if enemy crouches, you should crouch too.
5. Generally try to limit your mouse movement. All poor aimers are moving mouse a way too much. This might be hard at first, but when you learn where enemies are propably coming, this becomes easier and easier. You know, when you know that enemy will come that way, you can just aim there already and be prepared to fight. Practise is a key here too, when you have faced enemy 5930 times same way as this, you know how most of the enemies will react and you know what you need to do to beat him.
6. In fights, after you have learned the basic strafing pattern, try to make some unpredictable moves, like crouch during strafe and strafe a little bit longer to other side etc.
7. Sensitivity. Get one that you are comfortable with. Personally I have played with very high sensitivity, uber low sensitivity and all between those and I can't say what is the best. But how you know what sens is good for you? Well, one quick and effective way to find it is to go to a server, find some little solid point, preferably at head height, and start strafing in front of it while trying to keep your crosshair at that point. If your crosshair is bouncing around and jitters, your sensitivity is probably too high. In turn, if you notice that crosshair is falling behind target when you change your strafing direction or you must picking mouse much, your sensitivity is probably too low. This training is also good to get known your mouse controlling, which I will talk next.
8. Mouse controlling. Ultimately this is the key to your aiming. Controlling the mouse movements gives you a feeling that you are in charge, you tell your mouse to move and crosshair will move exactly as you wanted. Practise this as you want, idea is just to move your mouse around fast(snap) and trying to end up aiming to direction you wanted, or just run around while tracking one same point. Do slow movements and fast ones. Your mouse(crosshair) should obey you, do exactly as you wish, go where you want it to be.
9. When you are dueling and you get shot, still keep that crosshair steady, don't start to move your mouse to 'fix' your aim, just keep it there and keep strafing.
10. After all everything comes up to practise and repeats. You get experience, you start to remember things, like at which height to put your crosshair here to get a headshot, you can tell after 0,5 second if you are propably gonna win or lose that fight etc.

You wanted some secret pro tips? Too bad they don't exist. Except one. But it isn't a secret. Here it is: practise.

I think this is all I am able to give you. The top aiming, shooting that 70acc, it is something that cannot be shared, it comes somewhere inside me, its like sixth sense, you know what to do now and what you are gonna do next. The smoothness, the harmony, it all comes somewhere deep inside and cannot be put into words. It all is in spinal cord and comes up when needed. I can give you all the technical things and I can analyze my and others aiming at some level but I can't describe the final touch, the feeling, the thing that I know I'm gonna get this fight. How I could possibly share the feeling that I know I'm gonna win this fight because I have hit x amount of bullets to enemy and I need to hit x amount more and enemy just made a mistake by crouching at wrong time and I see I'm gonna land a headshot in 0,25 second and that will be crucial for me to win this fight and all what I need to do now is to make sure I keep doing this what I have done whole fight, not to differ from my aiming-strafing route and I will land that headshot and I'm gonna win that duel. Meanwhile I also got that sixth sense telling me that everything is not fine, someone is coming soon behind me, I need to keep calm and just finish this duel which I'm gonna win and then I will do a fast, 140 degree snap to left and face that enemy, crouching when my crosshair will be there because I have processed the fact that I'm gonna face him at uphill road, me being bottom. Now back to that duel, that headshot is landing, I hear lovely 'cling' sound and I hit 2 more bullets to him, he falls, I start doing that snap, I remember I'm gonna crouch and I have already a good chance to win that duel based on fact that I have a good chance to land easy headshots when enemy needs to fight from up to down, makes it hard at that slanting slope.
Did you catch my drift? Its just something you personally know, the experience that has came via practise. All those little inexplicables things that only you know, somewhere deep inside you. Nerd? No. Pro? Definitely.

Extras to learn more

I'm gonna throw in all kind of links related to ET, not only aiming things. And only links that haven't yet been in this tutorial:

http://www.challenge-tv.com/putty/q3table.html (Do not use this wrong aka make youself unhittable)

Please comment and ask questions and make suggestions what to add or how to improve this tutorial if you have any ideas. I hope you had nice read!


© BossHK 10/2011
Thanks, will be playing NC/EC in no time now.
Good timing!
Here's the breakdown:
You aim, click your shoot button and win!
As been said at tutorial:
QuoteNow, its finally time to start practise. How to aim? Move your mouse and press some buttons at keyboard. Sounds simple, right?

Isn't that the essence to the story ;-)
I used to play good in ETpub too
whats next, robaciek writing a guide about rifle use coz he once had a 100% acc with it on a jaymod pub after 2 shots?
best pub player is me !!!
Read it, could help your aim man.
who are you to act like a douche bag in this tutorial
Read it, could help your aim man.
read this comment, it could help your aim
playing with 60 hz :C
too much theory lol

just get your hardware tweaked is enough

rest comes by training
just pay few euros for a bot then u are also pro and u dont need to read this
e: never used mousepad and there are many things i didnt know before
Thatz why you suck
good stuff mate
ignore the haterz
just aim the head of the guy. done
you either have aim or you don't, there is nothing in between. 60-70 acc in a 20 min map on jaymode,?I stopped reading right thur.
Its originally made for jaymod/nq people, so why I would include any etpro stats or anything? :)

Also you are basically saying you either have the skills to be a professional NC winner football player or not. Nothing between, no training can change that fact. Have you tried yet are you professional football player?
Jaymod/nq people wouldnt care. Believe me.

This is not training. Training is praccing/scrimming, trying to play as good as you can, without watching your accuracy every 2 seconds. Not trying to get 70acc on random public server.
Sorry to tell you but you are wrong :)
1. They care(those who want to improve), I'v been playing pubmods since 2005 and I pretty much know every pubclan out there(generally).
2. This is aiming tutorial, I provide the technical stuff that helps and as I said:
QuoteI can give you all the technical things and I can analyze my and others aiming at some level but I can't describe the final touch, the feeling...

3. Also as I said multiple times:
QuoteYou wanted some secret pro tips? Too bad they don't exist. Except one. But it isn't a secret. Here it is: practise.
Meaning playing.

This is not training. Thats what I said. + check reply below.
You got any links to *big* communities?
http://fearless-assassins.com (=F|A=)
http://lostlegion.nazwa.pl/phpnuke (-L|L-)
http://www.anclan.nl (=AN=)
http://www.quarkclan.com (~Q|)
http://bunker.aaxxss.com (|>B<|)

These are 5 first that came into my mind, there are lot more *big* communities, then dozens of medium size communities and a lot of smaller clans(with website). Just check http://et.trackbase.net and at left there are different tracking options for individuals and clans.
|>B<|!! not fucking |<B>| shame on you!!!! but thanks :p
who are you and what do you know about the bunker? :O
I'm Goku you dirty motherfucker <3

Kenzi is even a worse name than Goku.....
Fuck you, it's my first name :D
Blame your parents then!

laks of pictures :(
Ye I had a massive skilldrop when going from 100hz to 60hz and just decided to stop playing :P
Prolly the thing with the biggest impact for me, any competitive game sucks on standard LCD/LED screens.
Needlessly long. Aiming on computer games is directly related to time played. And everyone has hit 70 acc once in 8 years, means nothing :D
Aiming Tutorial's are useless. Everyone has his own way to aim. The one with highsens the other with low sens. It's just a way you got used to it. Anyway kinda basic's you've said but won't make big changes
First of all, ETpublic is nowhere close to learning to aim. Most of those pubs have players who can't even move around while shooting. Not hard to hit them with 70 acc.

Secondly, I could shoot 85% accuracy, but it will be worth nothing, if you're trying not helping your team (trying to save bullets/hit every 2nd bullet is bullshit). That's why there's something called spraying/spamming/preshooting and such.

Thirdly, it's not that easy, to break it down to aiming, as you did. There are way more of those other factors to be done.

Overall, well done job, tho in my mind, pointless work.
Check reply above.
1. I don't say pubmods are for aiming practise. How come you understood it like that?(would like to really know, so I can prevent misunderstandings in future).
It is aiming tutorial = helping people to aim at fps games. It starts with equipments and tuning them to make sure equipments are not your bottleneck when playing. Ultimately it comes down to practise aka playing the game thousands of hours as I said multiple times.
QuoteMost of those pubs have players who can't even move around while shooting.

You havent played pubmods since 2006 it seems. Average pubplayer can strafe and shoot same time(with about 30% acc). Now add 2 more players, since usually you are against 2-4 enemies. Pubbing is hard for not to die.
Some players like L4mple and Sinfulsebastian are little bit better players who are able to shoot with 60% when its good day and are harder to duel.
3. Why you are talking so much about accuraties? Not hard to get 70acc? You can do 85? Ok go and show me if it is what you want. This tutorial is not about getting good accuraties.
QuoteThirdly, it's not that easy, to break it down to aiming, as you did. There are way more of those other factors to be done.
Like what? What do you actually mean?

I dont know if you actually even read that tutorial or not lol.
its impossible to go over 50% when playing against good team besides on pub/jaymode/nq so called pro players get their acc from killing uber noobs, hardcore raping & camping, never moving solo... and so on. Acc is shit, you either play this game for acc or for win, can't have both. For the sake of the argument... let's say that someone is playing above 55 acc, maintaining that high acc is impossible unless you don't gib killed enemies, never check corners, never preshoot etc. Fuck a player who does not do this. Today I played with some pro players on jaymode, there were like 5 etpro players on 1 team which consisted of total number 10, and on the other only me good, rest were complete trash, needless to say after the game they were leading in dmg about 40k, ye owning noobs give you superb acc, and thats about it. give me a good team against noobs and i will do the same, 60 acc no problem I will camp one place with 123 good teammates and gloat after it how good I am. If u want ppl to take your notes serious, don't mention high acc as a skill factor, I call that bullocks.

oh yea I almost forgot, If you gonne get high acc, than im sure as hell you won't have many hs as it is much harder to shoot at. I would pick a guy who has less acc more hs than the other way around, as hs wins duels, not 8 body shoots. In a way you missed the most important aspect of aiming, its not about acc, but everything around it.
Great job BossHK! I'm sure everyone can take or learn some bits and pieces from this tutorial just to play a bit better. I see your tutorial as a reference that I can turn back too when ever there is a need for improvement. How long did this take for you to write and gather information? Btw, https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AosJbEwEG9GpdEpBMGc1ZXo0S3BLQm1YQ09jeVZ6bEE&w=100&h=650 didn't work for me.
Seems like it doesnt work for me neither :x

If someone has it somewhere else, pls contact me. It includes mouses with their malfunction speed and perfect control infos + some other infos.
You completely forgot the most important thing, ET´s hitboxes.
plus fucking 66666666666666. its not that strafing and tracking comes important when you dont get a hit even if you are tracking the model perfectly. only shaking (lotto aiming then) will come of some use x)
I think most players overlook the fact that strafing is just as important as aiming.
buy aimbot
So moving crosshair is "out of the deal" huh? It's not like players would be strafing linearily from side to side so you could keep your crosshair still and follow him with only strafing..? And winning the duel comes up pretty much with the idea of "leading" the movements, not following the other guy pointlessly without moving your crosshair. I don't really see any point of this tutorial and why is this posted here anyway.. :x( if you are strafing linearly the same way as your opponent does and both are aiming @ head its only about the hitboxes then right? so thats when it comes all the way to lottoness.

imo infos about right mouses and mousepads would be cool, too bad feuersturm did it before you. oh yea and the tips how to learn tracking and strafing! everything else here is useless in my opinion
most of these links are out dated anyway so maybe before u post it update atleast the links :x
well i like his tutorial, least the guy is trying to help, i found some stuff there i had no clu about.
haters gonna hate.

gj boss
u forgot the most importiant thing

throughout the years and years of studying the esports world of skill and fame i came to the conclusion that the mentality of a person during clutch moments is the most important factor of them all, including fast split second decision making, keeping ur head/mind focused on the game while being calm and relaxed. What im saying is, if monks would be allowed to play in esports they would be invictus.

also dont try to aim, et is a shit game 50% of the time u wont even hit the enemy due to the buggy game, the other 40%u wont hit em because he is polish and if ur rly good, u will hit him 10%

Also there are loads of super pro seacret tips,
-how to improve(literally) ur aim

90% of the time i have no control over my aim, all i do is focus on the game when im in a fight i analyze while moving around trying to get the best angle or pick out the best target.

All of that with no control, i mean my aim comes natural. aiming without aiming (on a subconscious level) will make u react and track faster, but its harder to master.

how to aim on a subconscious level? id have to write a whole book but shortly explained - "dont aim with ur hand" :D

Why would you/anyone want to aim on a Subconscious level?
Your SM(Subconscious mind) processes about 100 billion bits of information per second. In contrast, your CM(conscious mind) processes 40 bits of information per second.
image: subconscious-mind

Your subconscious loves to do work while your body performs other tasks that are easy. I can prove this very easily by asking you how many good ideas you have had while driving or in the shower. When you are relaxed yet slightly distracted, your mind is often at its best.
QuoteDid you know... Thanks to subconscious perception and highly specialized sensory pathways most drivers speeding along the Interstate at 70 mph are in a hypnotic trance?

QuoteThat’s right, when driving conditions are "routine" most drivers are not fully conscious of driving their vehicles. Their subconscious perception is doing most of the driving for them.

That are scientific proven facts.

also on a side note u said getting more then 50% is useless because its impossible to have gibs and 50acc
based on what can you say that.

dunno about u lol but i managed to get 71accu in a 3on3, while being inactive that is, with gibs.
so your source is wrong, or you just made that up by some random facts that arent even true.

the best and the only way i would recommend practicing your aim, is to higher ur acc, not from 30 to 33, but from 30 to 50 or 60.. a litle tip while highering ur acc, hit every bullet. this will help you get control over the spread, know more about the knockbacks/hitboxes wich will eventually lead to a highlevel aim (or in worst case, to better aim).

also gj on the post, but imo, waste of time.
all you have to do is to put yourself in the best place to not get hit and just shoot arround his head, since directly aiming at it seems to not hit :S
that isnt basic aiming
aiming= move ur mouse from point a to point b
not that hard, you do this like every 5 seconds when you use a pc(excluded typing.) ex:
click buttons etc

In ET its just a bit speeded up
yes u could say smthn like that
mAus did read this tutorial, so practice hard!
jeez way to looong to bother reading :s
Read it, could help your aim man.
you need to work on your trace, it sux
pls, how do you think people have learned to aim at first place before there were any guides? by playing and thats how it should remain.
Quote70 accurasies

QuoteYou can predict situations and prepare for them

Seems legit.

Jk man, great tutorial+effort, I'm just afraid ET is just not active/e-important anymore for players to bother with so many details, that are however very well gathered in your tutorial. Many are commenting that this tutorial won't make you aim well; obviously not, many other factors (experience, hand/eye coordination, talent) come into consideration, but what you mentionned here will definitely improve your aim, some is even the basis of an excellent aim.
90% is just copied from AimingbyRaziel...and was already useless back in 2005

Nice editing though!
word! remember the reflex-game? loveit!
still got the setup ;)
cl_timenudge -48

hello immortal faggots from belgium.

image: 16gbo9
The right side of that human being is black man(also known as nigger) and left side is pure Aryan. He doesnt know which one he is so he lets humanized aimbot to guide himself.
I should be a psychologist.
lowsens + mouseacccel
half squats + leg presses with half of leg movement and hands. REAL BAWS DO U EVEN LIFT LITTLE SH1T LOL
Hello random citizen, u shouldn't be jelly
image: 2test_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_
hello random nigger, ur pretty bad at what ur doing :XDD im stronger than u, im 17 years old, training for like 8 months, u jelly mad nerd?: XD and no, i dont do half squats like some scared woman.
no u r shit :D
its all in ur mind look into the mirror first.
hahaha, calling me shit when u don't even train properly, funny nerds here in CF
still no pictures, u just trying to flame famous et players
well aint that obvious that im here to flame bad nerds to entertain myself, but how exactly am i supposed to make a picture of my squats, or why would i give u any kind of picture, dont see a good enough reason, but i might make a video of my squats, REAL squats not some half squats like some faggot
If i make REAL squats u will be happy?
I just wanted to see who is flaming me, but i doubt u look any good.
couldnt really care less, it was just a fun reason to pick on you, since u make a video of 120kg squat, when it wasnt even a REAL squat. but on the bright side, since i picked on you, you're gonna start squatting for real now perhaps
thats not flaming anyone, what ur doing is drugs and stupid comments that make sens none.
why are you replying to me on something so old and what the fuck are you talking about? drugs?
Imo there is nothimg wrong with half squats
Add autoaim to ET and it wil be alive :P

But good effort anyway.
is it me, or is this like Messi giving a guide on how to cook.
was wondering exactly the same :D
It's not because you don't know how to do certain things that you don't know they have to be done in order to get good i.e I know that I have to track my opponent as good as possible but I'm shit at doing it.
dont have a mousepad, my table > mousepad. I always need more space :D
buy a mousepad that covers your entire desk
heaton qpad XL here
still too small xd
that sounds so sexy :$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Only thing that matters here is the fact that keyboard should support at least 4 simultaneously presses.

only part I disagree with. get a good keyboard with switches > logitech spacecommander kbs
10/10 tutorial, will print off and read to my grandchildren.
way too much text

short version? :D
short version = pracchardgopro
what m_pitch is better?
0022 or 0016 i dont remember
0016 was raziel's recommended setting but that was an aiming guide for rtcw
Ok, well I dont really know what this twick changes so...
mpitch is vertical sensitivity (pitch up/pitch down speed), 0.022 is higher therefore more reactive than 0.016 (which lower/slower). 0.016 was used more in rtcw as prone didn't exist.

Since the more recent (well has been set for a while) global rule set has prone delay/extend prone, people don't prone as much as the early days. That means 0.016 is viable in ET again but most people prefer the feel of 0.022 anyway.
Totally personal preference, for example I use 0.016 since I have been using it for years.
QuoteNerd? No. Pro? Definitely.

best part for me ! :D
thx for the MouseFix.zip, thats what i needed!
I use a sharp TV as monitor wich has only 60 hz. Can I get 120 hz with this? http://www.blurbusters.com/faq/120hz-pc-to-tv/
Or is this just a kind of artificial improvement and has nothing to do with real display refresh rate?
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