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- CPU Specs:

- AMD Athlon 3000+ 64bit
- Graphics ATI Radeon 9600 XT 128 MB
- Mouse Logitech MX-310
- Maxtor 512 MB DDR RAM
- Monitor Dell 19"
- HD 120 GB
- Connection 11,0 MBps ( ADSL )

- ET config

- Fov "105"
- Muzzleflash "0'
- Tracers "0"
- Crosshair Size: "35", Cyan dot .
- Gamma "3"
- Mode "7"
- Drawgun "0"
- Sens "2.6899"

- Games -

- RtCW
- Enemy Territory
- World of Warcraft
- FF - 7, 10, 11, 10-2 and more to follow
- MGS - 1, 2, 3, 4 to follow on the PS3: MGS4
- Splinter Cell, Splinter Cell - Pandora Tommorow

- Clan - United Kingdom Smokey's Grotto

#smokeys-grotto @ Qnet

- History -

Germany VP
Europe ND80
Germany Tigers Claw Germany
Europe Signum/hcs.gaming

- Achievements -

1st IC Cup with Tigers Claw Germany. "Wir habn ein Pokal \\o/"
1st Local Lan 1o1's in my town :)

- Manager of Iceland Bigger Than Jesus ! Visit us at #>+ @ Quakenet

- #tigersclaw

- Community stuff -

- ClanBase OpenCup Admin 2004

- Clanbase NationsCup VIII Admin

- ClanBase ET SummerCup 6o6 Admin ( Summer 2005 )

- HCS Gaming Cup Admin (former Wolfenstein Extreme)

- toFOUR ET Cup Admin ( 2005 )

- Head of the ET Section @ eyeon-eSports - eyeon-eSports Website and #eyeon-eSports @ Quakenet || .:. www.eyeon-eSports.com .:. pro eSports coverage .:.

- Newswriter for Sweden Infensus !


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