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  • David Webb
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Our Community

When Return To Castle Wolfenstein was released, a lot of people bought it. These were our own John , and to a lower extent, Jane Doe’s. The average age was average, both old and young played it. The everyday occupation was varied, both the poor and the wealthy played it. And most of all, people from all over the globe were part of this community. Somehow this community evolved into one of the best, and now nostalgic, societies out there.

Recent Comments (8)

  1. hmmz, my enter... 31 Oct 2007
  2. Computer Uit... 31 Oct 2007
  3. Computer Uit... 31 Oct 2007
  4. Wiki From... 31 Oct 2007
  5. [img]http://coralito 31 Oct 2007
  6. [img]http://dump.sla 31 Oct 2007
  7. (\(\ (>'.� 31 Oct 2007
  8. no cheater 31 Oct 2007