Buddies (284)
- 999Jorge
- abs1
- Aggro
- aiRen
- Ajit
- aka
- akkirus
- AKrAm
- akshukovitzky
- Alm1ghty
- AlphaMale
- An7ho
- Angell
- Aniimal
- ANiMiZ3
- Annu
- applesauce
- aSmOgAn
- azerty`
- azuKi
- baq
- bartmen
- Basty
- Baz
- beck
- Bengal
- Benjii
- bine
- bLizzi
- BloOdje
- Buzzer
- Cancel
- casek
- cece91
- chronic111
- cl4ym4n
- Connor
- Constan
- cosmic
- crackji
- crAyZ
- CREaPp
- Cstm
- cutee
- Daga
- Damon_
- Danje
- deact_34587843
- deact_82768
- deactivated1007
- Deactivated2374
- Deactivated5786
- Deactivated5791
- Deactivated5973
- Deactivated6145
- Deactivated6306
- Deactivated6316
- Deactivated6322
- Deactivated6420
- Deactivated6600
- Deactivated6705
- Deactivated6738
- Deactivated6803
- Deactivated6955
- Deryn
- DJOs
- DKeTowelie
- DrLagAlot
- Dudinsky
- Dyal
- Elliot
- Elly
- embarrassed
- Emovv
- envyy
- eonian
- er4z
- exceed
- ezyAhh
- fArr
- Fish
- fLeA
- FLExican
- fumble
- garin
- Gemb
- GirljZE
- GreenClon
- Gungy
- HansoO
- HaoKakao
- Haribo
- Hellgast
- hobbit
- hOstiLl
- Hukk
- Iceblue
- IceQ
- idEviL
- iGlooW
- iiky
- iMarkison
- imp4K
- invi
- ipod
- ironic
- j4gu4r
- Jahe
- JarZa
- Jere
- Jonasty
- jsdseixal
- k1kzzzzz
- K4iN
- kaczor
- Kama
- kapaa
- KareN
- kARnAJ
- Kart
- kennyy
- Kenzi
- kevlar
- Klappp
- knnk
- knoche
- koniu
- koodi
- KPunktor
- Kraguesh
- kramzie
- kreatiir
- krepox
- l0li
- l2evenger
- l4z
- Laddergoat
- lago
- latiN
- lAuraa
- Lavayttaja
- LemonHaze
- Libo
- lolipop
- Lover
- Lrg
- Luis
- lunAa
- lunchji
- M1R53
- m4rkus
- martijN
- MassBlazed
- Masterser1es
- Matan
- mateoo
- mAurice
- Mephisto
- mikeTHEbike
- miles
- miraya
- Missy
- mlo
- mnew
- moLy
- moonlightz
- Mott4
- msh100
- Mxt0r
- n3rdje
- nApixx
- nestoo
- newbcake
- nexism
- Nexk
- nice1
- nicon
- Niels
- Niki0o
- niSmO
- NoCS
- Noezify
- Notorious
- NoXi0us
- Noxisson
- number1dad
- oLGaa
- Onimuska
- outlAwlicious
- Pancho
- PaRzi
- phaloid
- Playmatex3
- potty
- Provok
- psikusek
- punkii
- punky
- Pupa
- qAmet
- r1vA
- radioshag
- rafek
- Rapk
- RebeccaBlack
- Rekti
- rezta
- Rhea
- Right
- RiZkKk
- Robert
- rqmbo
- rvzz
- sAbian
- saKen
- sandbag
- satan
- Scowieso
- scRimi
- Seigen69
- serenityX
- Serrano
- ShanKs
- shEckS
- sHEv
- shimmie
- shitboxx
- shNz
- slay3rs
- sLothh
- Sm1le
- Sol1d
- spankie
- spng
- sprawa
- spring
- sQinN
- stokkie
- strN
- Suyodhana
- swixz
- synce
- syndicate
- szczurek
- Taiki
- TaikuN
- TakoJoTak
- TaloN
- Tesla
- Tico
- timbolina
- ToOxic
- touze
- Transparent
- twiQz
- unforgivenfails
- uYop
- valaR
- vib
- Viperish
- vita
- Woony
- Xorn
- xxAndyxx
- yoshii
- yzi
- z3f
- zaNc
- zenix
- zpar_
- Zw3i
Follows (10)
This user does not have any flags assigned.
I had an autograph from
zaNc wrote his nickname in LeFrancis' e-history by being my 8000th and 10,000th visitor
Shoutout to my buddylist especially my bestest portuguese gaming friendsBasty & punkyy, my listeners and my bestest nerd friends from #follow.et
Successfull troll
First & Lastest team
#follow.et - The Following Day
zaNc wrote his nickname in LeFrancis' e-history by being my 8000th and 10,000th visitor
Shoutout to my buddylist especially my bestest portuguese gaming friendsBasty & punkyy, my listeners and my bestest nerd friends from #follow.et
Successfull troll
First & Lastest team
#follow.et - The Following Day
Gender | Male |
Achievements | Colonel LeFrancis - Retired Professional Hardcore Addicted Gayming Leader of #follow.et eSport Club since 2008 - Best driver, also known as Usain Bolt - Shoutcaster of Enemy Territory in 2009-2010-2011. 8th journal poster of the year Caelesti cup (6vs6) [28/03/2009] with BMG.ego (after e-drama) Coldfire Vengeance Cup (6v6) [20/02/2009] with presshot / Liga4fun (3vs3) [08/2011]with follow.et [4th]ESL Summer League [09/2011] with follow.et Et tourney II (6vs6) [08/08/2012] with follow.et ESL 3vs3 Summer League [09/2012] with follow.et CB 3vs3 Summercup [08/2012] with follow.et SummerCup 6vs6 [08/2012] with affaires sérieuses Cybergamer 6v6 season 1 [05/2014] with follow.et 1 summer 2 teams 4 cups => 4 medals - Impossible is nothing for Colonel LeFrancis |