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C&C Generals 2 announced by BioWare

Hello Crossfire,

There have been many rumours spread around the internet about the new BioWare Game. Nobody was sure which game was shown in a short previous 3 seconds Trailer till yesterday.

BioWare announced Command & Conquer: Generals 2 during yesterday's VGAs, confirming a 2013 release for PC only.

image: bioware-tease-2
It’ll be powered by Frostbite 2, the engine made internally at DICE for Battlefield 3.

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  1. pengu avi 3 Oct 2011

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  1. Been to Berlin 2... 8 Jul 2012
  2. no need to write,... 25 Jun 2012
  3. is 18 Apr 2012
  4. +1 17 Apr 2012
  5. say's the ex... 6 Apr 2012
  6. dunno how to use... 20 Mar 2012
  7. Freelancer 17 Mar 2012