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uk Xeh
  • Darren Daly
  • Lives in United Kingdom uk
  • 10 years, 9 months and 3 days
  • Profile hits: 35
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ET Fortress update

image: VCJDQ

ETF Enemy Territory Fortress

I''ve been looking around the web and still see people posting on various forums about Quake 3 Fortress which came from Splash Damage in the early days and ETF Enemy Territory Fortress which where Q3F was ported too in 2005 saying they miss this game.

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Recent Comments (7)

  1. a different video... 21 Apr 2012
  2. as its built on the... 18 Apr 2012
  3. Never heard of a... 18 Apr 2012
  4. Sorry my bad! 18 Apr 2012
  5. i did that but ..... 18 Apr 2012
  6. Thanks i have... 18 Apr 2012
  7. Might be a idea for... 18 Apr 2012