hollywood's profile picture
  • Rob Fisher
  • Lives in United States of America us
  • 16 years, 9 months and 23 days
  • Profile hits: 307
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Recent News (2)

BoB 3 Is Here!

United States of America TeamWarfare League is pleased to present Battle of the Beach III, a Return to Castle Wolfenstein tournament. This event marks an epic return to the RtCW community by many familiar players and provides a great opportunity to those who have stuck it out, continuing to compete in one of the most successful team-based on-line games.

Recent Articles (1)

Online team-based fps? Splash Damage ruined it for me.

What happened to online team-based fps gaming? Splash Damage ruined it for me.

This article was inspired by many fellow online friends that keep asking me what is the 'next big game'. And now I finally have an answer to give them:

The Past: [/u]
I have found Return to Castle Wolfenstein to be one of the most successful team based objective games of all time. The game play and spectator entrainment was phenomenal.

Recent Topics (1)

Recent Comments (5)

  1. Great work! 17 Jun 2015
  2. Team Name: Team... 17 Nov 2013
  3. Chick-fil-a Checkers 6 Jan 2010
  4. please idle... 14 Mar 2009
  5. double elimination.... 4 Aug 2007