nrGy's profile picture
  • ***
  • Lives in Netherlands nl
  • 16 years and 5 months
  • Profile hits: 90
Has no followers.

Recent Journals (4)

  1. Welcome to ET :O?? 27 Mar 2008
  2. Battlefield Heroes (new Game) 24 Mar 2008
  3. the solution 22 Jan 2008
  4. Metro 1 Nov 2007

Recent Comments (8)

  1. Yeah, thnx man Boss... 1 Jun 2010
  2. Gayniggers from... 30 Oct 2008
  3. hax 22 Jan 2008
  4. whahahahah ... 22 Jan 2008
  5. :D <3 true... 31 Dec 2008
  6. i see dead people... 29 Dec 2007
  7. omg rly :P which... 29 Dec 2007
  8. nice... 29 Dec 2007