Codec x264 Filesize 450.00 MiB Length 13:35

Most Hated 3 - The ResurreXion of Kamz

•••• Most ________________________
___________________ HD Version ••••
•••• Hated 3 ________________________

Starring •••• India Kamz
Ratio •••• 33mb/min
Res •••• 1280x720
FPS •••• 31.25

Songs used:
Pendulum - Blood Sugar
Three Days Grace - It's all over
Poets of the Fall - Carnival of Rust

Special Thanks:
altrnt - synoptek - blitziii - owzo

And everybody in #most-hated aswell as
everybody else who helped with the movie.

Please download the movie to appreciate
its true quality :)

_________________ #most-hated ••••

read your comment, didn't watch
i guess its nice not to have an own opinion eh
saw the 1 and 2, were shit. Read overused pendulum, didn't watch.
Stop lying, you watched it xDD
:D:D agree he could have used a better song but well..

fucking awsome, gj :)
omgomg @D reserved
haha owzocast :DDD

gj enjoyed it
secret message :
Exepting to see something here ?
Expecting to see something here?

had to check it out ;)

enjoyed this movie
i found it before :D
ye, lol ;D 2 seconds ;(
i just forget to write c p:
finally a movie worth downloading :)
screenshot first
That's because no one here is actually nerdy enough or cares enough to make a screenshot of it and upload it.
nice movie :>

mortar_1024.rar !!!
Nice frags + editing was nicely done and not a big overkill on effects (though I didn't really like the shakiness @ supply). Was fun doing the scenes towards the outro :>
5* ;))))))))
were you the maniac with the flamethrower??
Nope, covert k43 jumping around :D
I think havok or someone was flamer : (
Liked it.
You did overhYpe it, but yeah it's good.

Music - 2nd one was kinda swag
+ Sync
+ Quality
+ Content
Nice quality, 1st song heard alot in other movies, syncs and traces were perfect, frags were good, enjoyed
Reserved space.


Very liked it.

+ quality
+ frags
+ some ideas
+ edition, sync (for me it's good)

- weird choice of soundtrack (didn't feel atmosphere of your first movie)

Overall: 8,25 / 10

Good work! =)
srulold a nie megaupload
really nice movie
Nice hypeman
a word "awesome"
Actually I liked it alot.
Not as good as your first movie, but definitely better than the 2nd.
<3 like always awesome Hype
good movie. the best you have done :)

that sten-part in intro must have hurt :(
mixed feelings for this movie, there is lot of works behind it but didn't gave me a real thrill.

+ editing (good idea to add a storyline to your movie, but it looks like 141 decimated inspired you)
+ frags
+/- colours quality (colours were sometimes oversaturated, quality is ok for the size/duration)
- freecam (you got problem with timing, fix it for the next one !)
- sync (not enough for me, the movie was kinda boring)

Stop playing with the volume button ! That was totally weird :(
I should give you 1/10 if you really want to be the most hated.
overall : 6.5/10
Hold your horses Mr. "I won best fragmovie of the year because there were only 4 movies released in 2009" Award...

Imo, kamz is the last guy to copy something from uv prod. And I don't see why this story line(just intro actually?) has similarities with 141 decimated. Or maybe 141 decimated just made a great impact on you.

And why would you sync this more? I'd rather have a clean movie with a good flow overall then a choppy movie that is cut every frame there is a new beat on the soundtrack and you just see a new "You killed Nick" appear and that's it.

And 6.5/10? Oh well...
I didn't said copied but inspired, here is a sample to help you understand why it remind me 141 (next time I will be more specific i concede you that point) :
image: mh

Why syncing more ? Because using pendulum, and got slow flow doesn't compute for me (ex : freecam on radar to show him throwing med pack, 5/6 sec where he reload his luger and time his grenade and throw it...) each of this little sequence slow down the movie and kill the flow.

Why a such bad rating ? Its not his first movie and i'm sure we could have expected more from him.

"Hold your horses Mr. "I won best fragmovie of the year because they were only 4 movies released in 2009" Award..."
I invite you to read again my statement about this award. I don't want to make review just with my ego or whatever (unlike fredd's comment).
I tried to be sincere as i can to rate, and giving the reason of this rating. It's my opinion, and I try to express it the more objectively i can.
yeah i'm totally ego
was waiting for this reply :)
just expected you to make a solid review :/
he thinks he's the best moviemaker in ET so why would i?
I can say exactly the same thing about you.
oh, really? because unlike kamz, i've never proclaimed to be the best moviemaker in ET, so how exactly would you say the same thing about me? unless you think you actually know what i think of myself, well, i'll tell you this, i actually think most of what i've been bothered to put out is bad and i can't rewatch it without getting annoyed.
Yes, really. You behave like you are the best in everything you do and your comments prove it. For example,

And there is more comments like that. Don't you think that?
yeah, no, you're wrong
"i actually think most of what i've been bothered to put out is bad and i can't rewatch it without getting annoyed."

Yeah I think that's pretty common. I only tend to see the negative poiints in my releases now.
so what now? his opinion, fuck it. hated pendulum but loved the movie. it isn't like kindergarden when you reward a child even when he makes poo poo
I didn't say you said he copied. I just said he would be the last guy to copy, he would rather go in an other direction than uv. And I saw that 141 movie a very long time ago, so nothing really came bluntly to my eyes and made me think of it.

So by syncing you mean faster pace? pace =/= flow imo. Some moments could have been faster ok. But I stand on my earlier statement on that matter.

Well you can try and say you express your opinion and stay objective blablabla, but I just think you are totally irrational with the rating, because I think people actually care about a rating on an ET scale which has more sens on this website. The scale should take in account every movie. And if this has 6.5, I have quite some difficulties finding a 9 or 10/10 movie on this website...

And I hope you understand why I thought that you winning the award and being irrational was not just a simple coincidence. (Don't get me wrong, for 2009, I guess you deserve it, and I can't be arse to check your statement :D)
People have a different way to rate, personally I never rate 10 because there is always a moviemaker who's gonna do something better and perfection doesn't exist ! :D
I keep the 9 and 8 for very good movies.
6 and 7 is more for "average" movies but with good ideas, sincerely i was gonna to rate this one 7/10 but because he is an experienced moviemaker we could have expected more, so I lowered my rating a little ! :)
Reviews are useful if you want to improve, ratings are just accessory for me ;)
Agree about the rate system. I don't think there is any movie 10 worthy tbh :\
There is few movie worth a 9/9.x, but a 10 would have to be something 100% awesome....
Well I am happy to see that you have the same way of rating a movie as me, but that wasn't my point. I just think that you don't seem to follow that lead of thought.
And by "And 6.5/10? Oh well...", I meant that you are pretty arse with the ratings, but who cares about the ratings.
btw"It's my opinion, and I try to express it the more objectively i can."
"Why a such bad rating ? Its not his first movie and i'm sure we could have expected more from him."
err, ok

I remember when indu did good quality vids with 200 fps. I found it very nice and you didn't need more to understand why the frag was nice. The standard was ok and you didn't need to work your ass off to do a good movie. (not saying I have done a one, cause I really don't do much work for my movies myself)

So if this is average with good ideas, I am curious to know what your standards of a good movie are. And I hope at this point, to have movie considered good, we won't need to do 10000 fps movie with a combo of 3 programs like image...
"btw"It's my opinion, and I try to express it the more objectively i can."
"Why a such bad rating ? Its not his first movie and i'm sure we could have expected more from him."
err, ok"

You got me :)
So i'm not objective to give my +0.5/-0.5 point :(

"So if this is average with good ideas, I am curious to know what your standards of a good movie are. And I hope at this point, to have movie considered good, we won't need to do 10000 fps movie with a combo of 3 programs like image... "

Standard becomes higher each year, because making a movie has become easier.
Although you don't need to focus on the quality etc, if you come with fresh ideas and if you can keep your spectator during 10min watching their screen without having an eye on the time left (that's where sync is important), you win.
You havent done any good movies except this one. This one was nice and the story suited perfectly.

Tag fags rolled did the movie
awesome movie!
i hope u did a better work than MH2 :) downloading
Best you have done till now imo! GJ ;D
really nice

Best ET movie ever done 1010101010
Not even a shoutout, I'll never again give you my server :p
this time i liked ur colors and basicaly whole cfg. Fragz were good eventhought that I expected a bit more "names" there.
Sync was ok, music was ok too (used already but who cares)
Only one thing bothered me, I dont like when music is almost muted during using ingame sounds.
in general its nice looking and entertaining movie
Only one thing bothered me, I dont like when music is almost muted during using ingame sounds.

you are a wiener!!!!
awesomely done, didnt see such a great movie in a long time
omg such a nice movie and happy i starred in the intro :D
i guess we died as moviestars there
well done hype! :-)
zero.E > all :D :*
hah, tbh i couldnt even remember that team :O who was the second guy killed? Sal?
btw, whats with your mobile phone? already made up a decision?
virtu, ohzor4, rise, reaz, tALi, n00n .. that was our lineup back then I believe..
waiting for the google nexus one, if it's too expensive I'll go for the HTC Hero. actually we both know why you don't remember our lineup, don't we? :DDDDDD

let's have a chat about the htc hero tomorrow <3
i love it, well done
nice movie :)
Great picture. :D Looking forward to watch the movie...*dling*
good movie, i liek
TAG-zerender fag got rolled!
please, was one hit, i was superlow health
Jk,just saying he called you a fag :d!
what else to expect from a sad angry nerd full of jealousy and hatred
Well done, obvious one of the better ET movies
awesome, with pendulum :-D

You're not very creative with the soundtrack, eh

Very good movie btw
lool dling
nice movie hype :p
this fucking nice movie give me fucking happy feeling i was fucking loud laughing about that TAG frag scene's that my mother comes and told me that i have to be quiet !
Kamz fucking nice movie like usual
your mother is awesome
ahaaa and you are ?
mr. nice guy who respects mothers.
nice movie tbf, for u ;))

QuoteThree Days Grace


nice intro.
quality casting by owzo!
This is one of the best movies I've seen in a long time.
Great mirrors!

Good frags, especially the last two. ;_;

Disappointing music, usually it has been alot better.
hype <3

awesome movie!
Three Days Grace.....why?

haha, good movie, played against hype in scrims a few times, he seemed nice. Haters gonna hate.
enjoyed it a lot!

the best about your movies are the intros and outros ! :)
very nice. good job =P
very nice
even if hype is my friend i will be honest:
I didnt like it -_-
do you have link for your latest(last?) movie of winghaven? i only find own3d shit stream
I dont have a link
Movie was nice but didn't like the soundtrack.
Dude you got humor XD.. just watched the first 1 min :P and im laughing my ass off already... Rehabiliation lab xDDDDDDDD
:OO i donno but those guys from tag got bashed :)
should be 13:37 instead of 13:35
W O W... this movie was fucking epic for me... one of the best ever made probably...

I like hype movies, because hes never picking garbage frags, all are finest quality...

Sadly, only 17 tag fags rolled :<
even if hype isn't my friend i will be honest:
I like it -_-
I don't really like to comment movies, specially because i know kamz for quite some time...hope you don't get this as a bad comment.

I was expecting something better, specially because it's your 4th movie. There isn't a "solid story line" or a specific path, it's kinda confusing because you tried to do it. Most Hated 1 was way more epic and entertaining in my honest opinion.

(+) Dof usage at ice
(+) lol'd at TAG fags counter :DDD
(+) fragmovie, unlike those new movies (you focused on frags, not on some super b edit/sync, eventhough i would like to see more edit/sync)
(+) Most of frags (++)
(+) Humour
(+) Quality (not the best i've seen, but it's kinda ok)
(+) Mirrors :)))

(-) slowmotions (seems 62.5 fps isn't enough, they were kinda blurry/weird)
(-) Some boring edit/sync
(-) Some frags (backrape while they are reviving)
(-) movie lenght (13:35? 13:37 next time!)
(-) music (personal? maybe...)
(-) some effects (vegas glow!! wtf)
(-) "testing aim/reflexes/wtv" -> wtf is that for? boring...
(-) some cams

Creativity 7 - Nothing really creative or new at all.
Editing 8 - But its well edited, seen better but wouldn't be bad if all movies would have the same edit/sync amount.
Content 10 - Good frags vs good opponents.
Quality 8 - Seen better, but you improved since last one!
Average: 8.25/10

Overall it's a good movie, expected better though. Good work, keep it coming!

(+) Dof usage at ice

its not DOF
What kind of effect is that? even if it is a post process dof (seems so), its clearly depth of field :c

looks like a combo with dof and blur on the edges :s
Ye :) he is still focusing the center while blurring the borders
ye thats it, the borders are blurred with vegas effect called soft contrast
very nice hype :>
leave Hungary alone!
but i am Hungary ;D
and I'm hungry : )
gay music but the rest was rly nice
quite entertaining, shame the carnival of rust song werent used at its full pwnage
But "Don't walk away" part looks nice :).
loved this one and the whole Most-Hated serie.

Hype's movies mark the ET movie macking age of now days.
a great movie from a great player
jag spydde
nice movie.. great job hYpe
nice movie :)
best movie ive seen in a while :P
good movie but not really the best in my eyes.

i enjoyed the first most hated part much more...but i think this part here ist at least better than the 2nd one.
nice movie but i didn't see so much sync

there was a part (when the new song started) and it was full of sync, it was radar part with the revives i think :P
yea ofc, but in all the movie, the sync are based on the action/frag, it would be nice if he try to sync with editing action not only on kill etc ..

sry for this bad english but dunno how to say :d
Didn't blow me away as I thought it would after reading some of the comments.
expecting to see somthing here

got me!
did you use 2 different movie cfgs?
solid movie :)
cool movie. nice frags. nice music.outro (love poets of the fall) was awesome. intro was nice too. I like it.
nice movie you improved much from MH2

+ Colors (nice colors, maybe you can give me some tips ^^)
+ Frags (good opponents)
+ Quality and music

only - i can give you is:

- popups (they look fake with "red kamz" instead of your real nick)

overall i think you got ur 9,5 gj :)
nice gibs
wow that was great. best so far. :)
he photoshops the names with proper tags and shit so it looks good in moviez
o/ Finally.
nothing special imo.. ~7/10
no not really...

nice movie :)
best movie this game have ever seen... + owzo shoutcastin, just awesome bro <3
awesome movie 10/10
i enjoyed watching.nice work
+ some synchro
+counter of killed tag :D
+quality, colors

9/10 awesome movie man :)
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