Codec x264 Filesize 1000.00 MiB Length 2001
Video available for download only

European Community Movie by samAel

Hi, this is my 4th project, evolved from Eurocup XXIII the movie. Starring players from all over the world.
Hope you will enjoy :)!

United KingdomRazZ
United KingdomMerlinatoR
United Kingdomsheep
Czech RepublicGreen'Clone
Czech Republicmarv

Program used[/b]]Boujou 4.0
Autodesk 3d Studio MAX
Adobe After Effects CS4
Adobe Photoshop CS4
AviSynth 2.5
Magic Bullet Suite 2
MeGUI Modern Media Encoder
Smireboule Camtrace 3D
Sony Vegas 10
Ultraviolet Movie Maker
Ultraviolet Movie Mod
Ultraviolet Media Manager
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (2.60b Patch)

Movie Information[/b]]Type: Community Frag Highlights
Length: 20.01
Codecs: x264
Resolution: 1280x720

Music used[/b]]Violin Hip Hop Thunder
Juno reactor - biot messiah
Gravity Kills - Guilty (Juno Reactor Remix)
tritsch tratsh polka
Nightwish - Planet_Hell
Ozzy Osbourne - Dreamer

Extra content[/b]]


check ftp for camtarce files n demos

Shoutcast: Germanyeujen & Polands0kl

Greetings goes to:
Moldovaeujen for BIG help from him, ideas and shoutcast file :*
Polandcymky for helping me out
EstoniaEdgar for hosting the mirror
AustriabeAsty for providing great ftp for me
United KingdomMerlinatoR for ze news
Polandsanti for helping me out
Scotland-Max- for help and opinion
Germanyhannes for such a great tool MediaManager
Anonymousmadscientist for such a great tool image.et
EnglandR0SS for sticky my topic

FIRST LOL :D accoz aint jewish bro, or is he?! 1,2 GB LOL WUT

image: tumblr_lhpx4mXCWZ1qaue4m
I made mistake
that aint his flag either :Dddd
acozz is from croatia
tell that to Samuel L. Jackson

image: samuel_l_jackson_cool_with_gun
this pic load from bottom to top, that was mysterious.
acozz is a jew living in croatia
i have seen much better fragmovie

and shit frags are shit, you should have sorted out some guys
Should be cool. Downloading.
post owned link
son, im disapointed, again.

some frags were boring ( talking about a lot of x3 with some low hp )
some action were not sync ( tekoa's colt action also, shame )
sometimes it wasnt smooth ( you were playing with the timeline, blame your low fps recording )
could be shorter ( 12mins max )
too much polak shoutcast
strange colours/quality, looks like not very nice to me
no time to see popups from nice frags, sometimes i cant even see who was the killer ( white light shit )
was more like demos + mp3 + with some idea cams
"challange" :D

1,2gb for 20mins, lol cmon i downloaded that muvie, and not enjoyed a lot
QuoteEuropean Communiuty Movie by samAel

QuoteStarring players from all over the world

another mistake dude
there r only few actions with 3 killz :<
too much "2/3 bullets per kill" i mean low hp
Starring :
robol? wrobel? dunno who he is

Movie Information:
FPS: 30*
Release Date: "add it"?

Extra content

dude, be serious
u dont know robol from netr?
Quotedunno who he is

didnt know, my bad

time to edit ur faults now ;p
Quoterobol? wrobel? dunno who he is

Made my day, thanks

i dont have to know every polak uno :P
Pardon me?

He, Kot and doktor are the only one worth knowing!
Transitions from music to another would'v been better. I don't want to crash to "wtf" -wall ever again when I'm having a cool feeling, enjoying etc...music just stops and another one starts.

Quality was very nice, epic music's saved a lot. Some miscellaneous fails like spelling, "cam_004" showing etc. Still better than expected.
fuck off with your shit rushed projects, im srsly wondering what u got in your head, thinking you can produce something like this in some weeks. Dont u understand that you gotta take your time to make this kind of stuff?
you didnt understand that either.
Didn't you already learn that you shouldn't speak of what you dont know shit about? ;)
I know that good things take its time, so Im just supporting what u said. Please get a brain instead of flaming others, thanks.
:D haha, it would be awesome to actually meet you and see how you would arguing, if you actually would keep your words. Cause what you're saying is so brain dead haha
It might be braindead for you, but thats no wonder with a brainsize comparable to a dust particle.
Oh you gon be dissin now huh? hahaha

But hey, i aint the one pretending i've got a social life on the internet, neither do i make 200 sit ups per day since that would break my muscles in to pieces, but you a super human so i guess you can do that?
I neither pretend to have a social life on the internet, np for me to differ these two things.
kNas on 13/05/11, 17:57:36 PM | Report | Reply

Didn't you already learn that you shouldn't speak of what you dont know shit about? ;)

Why are you talking about workout/muscle training then? 200 situps per day aint much, Christiano Ronaldo e.g. makes up to 5000 situps per day, maybe you should ask alexL, urtier or any other guy here on cf who knows something about workout how many situps per day are possible.

I hope you are now quiet for a while.
lol, you never shut me up. Since your pretending to be something your not, confident on the inet you seem to have loads of. But it shines through ;)

Especially when you get obsessed of some girl im my class "D:" . When you pretending your going to a party and drink 1 beer, comes home with girls but you go onto facebook and crossfire while shes laying on your bed :DD
I'm not pretending to be anyone or anything, internet is internet and rl is rl. I wasnt obessed from her, I just said she looks good, as a lot of others did in your rl_but_posting_on_gaming_website_cause_I_wanna_show_my_social_life_video journal. I went to party and drank 2 beers, already too much for a driver, went home with a friend and browsed facebook, now please sue me for having a rl.
think its pathetic how a man on 22 years is rushing stuff like this was some kind of race
maybe post some constructive criticism instead throwing sentences like that
dont even try to argue with him, he's going retarded if he notices that someone is better than him.
:'( dunno why people mad, its just a lot of work i putted in here... they dont even understand how to make a good movie
maybe create something who is worth giving constructive criticism.. I think you got loads from omg maus omg?

Neither do i think you need such kind of critic since i know you can do alot better than this, which obviously piss me off when you dont. You rush through something which could have bin awesome if you gave it time.
ok, next movie (hx^riddla) wil be producing in years :<
it is constructive because wat this guy is saying is afaik ur MAIN problem in all of your movies
Me in the movie = win.
10 / 10
very nice movie
gj samAel ;)
thats mentor! thnx:)
Thanks for greetings
np m8, post some review instaed talking shit :D
did not like the movie itself:
- shit edit
- nearly 0 sync
- lol cams
- didnt like the colours
-1.2gb 30fps 20mins cmon
- random shoutcasters sleeping with their microphone on.
same for the most of the content, community movies usually present SICK frags, not these boring triple kills/backrape like some of this content
some frags were good though
nice one greetings from me for objectivity !! ;D
dont u think that it would be cool asking if you may use the frags? I dont really mind it but i know that some of those frags are going to be used on other movie.
and what difference would it make anyway? many of these frags could have been seen on ettv by one or another.
This iz no serius buziness
fra has spoken.
the difference is that now if someone uses them again, the public has already seen them :) imagine if someone uses your frags in a movie and when you want to publish your own, it won't be as "fresh"
honestly, I'd be frustrated 2 mins ... come on, it's just a frag ! I'll move on and say to myself "fuck yeah, someday, I'll just make a frag 10 times better"
im not talking about the movie itself, but the general idea of asking a person

not like CAN i use like copyright style but just if he/she is gonna use that frag for a movie :)
stream plx
buforuje sie :'| do mycia
jak sie zrobi to sie okaze czy do mycia!
stream? :|
from the names in this movie I'm hoping you didn't waste any of the good frags, coz it would be a shame for people who are putting more effort in their projects who were planning to use those frags. ;d

dling anyway
hope ull enjoy this one
i hope so too :3
well they could have asked to samael to not use the frags
write review mate!
how would they know what frags he's gonna use? :d it's 20mins long ffs
read reply to FINTARDFAGGOT below
god you're a dumb faggot :DDD I bet ur a nigger lol
I asked him not to use any of my frags if he had any. go back to your hole fintard.
well, its like saying Sony entertainment could have ask to me not to use their music in my movies, its not my fault it can violate copyright law (well, I dont think copyright laws are covering gaming content, but logic is same), it just does not work like that
Of course it covers it. Our use of protected music - where rights have not been assigned or licensed - in our videos is a violation of copyright law.
I guess you didnt get my point, it was sarcasm from my side (as a reply to rockstars comment), I wasnt saying that using licensed music is ok (well, I believe that as long as videos are not for commercial purposes and only for purposes of criticism and commenting its ok, its covered by clause of fair use). My point was just to point out that players should not tell moviemakers "dont use my fragz" but moviemakers should ask permission before using someones fragz, thats smth what is guaranteed by copyright laws irl (thats why I said that I am not sure if they are applied for gaming content, and by gaming content I mean actual actions and frags, not movies)
Ok, but 'fair use' isn't a universal thing. It's mainly to do with US Copyright law.

Also....sure education purposes, critical purposes etc can fall under fair use, but fragmovies don't.
I know fair use is mostly for US eventhought I have never read the whole thing (I am not a lawyer and my english skills are not good enough to fully understand all law terms with context and transfer them into my language with their exact meaning). But I know its Fair use I am refering to when I want my audio to get enabled on youtube :)
bleh m8, I know you put alot of effort, but i didn't like it ;(
I'm bad at writing reviews :D
tell me bad and good things
+hitsounds are synced better this time ! (still room for improvement though :X)
+colors + quality (I like them, dno why some don't :p)
-music (but that's just personal taste)
-cams (your previous moves had better & smoother cams)
-popups (many mistakes, maybe try using photoshop once :D)

that's about it I guess.
cams?:X Im dissapoint:(
I always thought your camming skills were amazing, kinda dissapointed because these cams looked rushed ;(
takie sobie
disappointing :[
+ decent quality
+ some good cameras
+ tank at the end was nice
+ '2nd part of intro' was sort of promising

- most of the frags were pure shit
- shoutcaster
- bad cuts
- 'funny part' was fucking depressing

- too fast frags, cant see who fragged who
longer movie then mine ^,^ Anyway, looks like u rushed it a bit, seen quite a few mistakes :( Overall nice movie! Though the content was kinda rubbish, but ye, I guess that's not your fault. Good luck in your next projects and don't rush it next time ;)
ye, will do sir :) thnx!
stream plz. Where are the nl guys when you need them to upload ..
you just forgot to put me in the starrer list or you didnt even put my frags in ?
cant remember :X which frags did u send?
5 man Airstrike vs gZilla and 4 man vs noTeamplay
i bet you didnt ask if you could use any of the frags , i know that artstar was planning on using some of them and im sure he has or was planning on asking if he could use them you should have done that man :s
I can't stop him from using the frags, but hopefully he did ask the players idd ;l I'm planning to do so when I have enough time to begin this 8)
You win the prize for the most retarded custom death animation ever. Really, just look at it. It's neither cool or realistic in the least.
Stream or I won't watch :"D
best et movie ive seen so far, brilliant job
a lil' review of mine":
- music choice, could be synced much much better, should have chosen smth which is not screaming "pleeeease, sync me" (wont go much into that 3 songs has already been used before)
- inconsistency/luck of lucidity (like using fragz were enemy wears no tag for example @7:12 or no popups at all like @8:03 or spam fragz where popups can be read only when u pause movie)
- this goes with inconsistency, but its disturbing me from enjoying movie when ingame sounds are getting on and off, also some actions feels like being slightly off sync on ingame sound (except for tekoas gr pistol action, its heavily off sync :P )
- some annoying effects (like flare at radar @4:23)
- vignette effect was too intense for my liking
- length of the movie, to me it wasnt entertaining enough to cover 20 minutes without making me check timeline if its already close to the end
- this is based totally on personal taste but I just cant enjoy eujens shoutcast, too annoying for my liking
- engrish skills, why didnt u let some of uk guys check correctness of ur subtitles for first action?

+/- content, it wasnt absolutely terribad and some actions were fresh and unseen but there were many actions which should have been left behind (seeing the length of movie, how many players u have in it and what u actually have in it, I dont know why u used fragz like "9 bodyshots and 4 kills", would be more entertaining not using fragz like these and shorten length to half)
+/- overall image quality (I like it, crisp and clear, no fancy color, only that vignette effect was annoying)
+/- ingame sounds, mostly they were synced eventhought they should have been used in every smg action
+/- intro eventhough I kinda didnt fully get the idea behind intro (random headlines part)
+/- "funny" part wasnt rly funny, and with all sneaking going on these days, it wasnt even special

+ (prolly) cams, I am not cam guru and I hate making them, so I give u + for ur effort eventhought they werent absolutely perfect, but still nice in most cases

all in all, feels like very rushed movie with content which is trying to please everyone who sent a demo and making it ridiculously long filled with mediocore fragz, my final verdict is 6 from 10
hope I wrote down everything I wanted, watched it twice but cant remember whole 20mins :)
much appreciate, thnx
nice but jumping guy @ start isnt twidi its jewe and sebastian is finnish + its not challange... challenge...
- Config was way too dark
- Majority of frags were incredibly average, especially when you consider the vast scale you've gone to. If you're really going to encompass all games from early 2005 to present day, that's over 6 years of frags, yet you hand picked many frags which were 2/3 man backrapes or pistol vs. revive train.
- some editing was way OTT
- randomly off sync hitsounds

+ didn't lack ambition
u mad because you're not there, freak.
Who is ramnes ?

Cool movie !!
it's meh :{D
As many people already mentioned, you did it too fast and movie is just bad, horribly bad in my eyes. You should've made it shorter, 6-10mins would be enough so you could be a little more focused on the editing and stuff. I don't know if it's just my PC or some of actions weren't smooth at all and you messed with fps and they are lagging like hell. Music was the worst thing in this project, who the fuck gave you this crap, it's just demo + mp3 because of this, you didn't put any effort to make a proper sync, even some of actions were fucked because you didn't sync hitsounds properly. You put glow, so quality was worse than it could be, everything looks blurred, not sharp and smooth.

Well, you should definitely look at your previous projects(including this one either) and ask yourself why the fuck you are so lazy or should I say impatient? I know that you have a big potential, all of us saw it while watching Templar the Movie. You should think a bit more next time, while you are gathering and selecting demos for your movie, because many of actions here weren't movie worthy at all.

The next thing i would like to mention is that you fucked up with shoutcasters again , they were just bad, in Poland the only one worth was Wookash and noone can be compared to him, when I was listening sokl in this I felt like he was bored and I missed excitement in his voice, the same thing goes with eujen or whatever his name/nick is.

Huh, that's enough I think, gl in the future mate.
Didn't like non-English casts. You don't have to add a cast behind a scene always when there's one if it's in Swahili. And some the casts just feel awkward to just listen to.

Sometimes I had to rewind and pause to see who pulled the frag off. Use multiple cams on some frags if one isn't enough to show all aspects of it. Like pumu's panzerfaust on Supply. Should've added some another cam or used totally different one to to float around where the projectile exploded.

The "cam_004" popup was already mentioned but you should've just recaptured that one. You made the whole movie so recapturing one scene isn't really that much.

Don't let the cam stop before recording does.

Use higher capture rates when you are about to use slowmotion. Otherwise it's just pure eyecancer. I thought people would've learned this by now.

"Greetings goes to"

Wtf at the ending?


"doble landmine kill"
"geting fucked"
"realy great"
"who pushs"
"the sun of a mother"

Realy... I mean Realy??

And please use punctuation marks when trying to subtitle shoutcasts. They don't just spit it all out in voice now do they?

Also what gemb said. Especially razz and eujen talking.
well, as you like reviews, I will post one as well:

- didnt really get what snoops movie or the apology of grzesiek has to do with this Movie
- intro was somehow weird, who cares what eujen and razz talk? also it seemed it was randomly put together
- vc stuff :<
- english, let someone check it next time
- shoutcaster at 0:40 ,I noticed after 10 seconds that its german, lol :d (sohn einer Mutter = Son of a mother: WAT?
- hitsounds, sometimes out of sync, sometimes none at all
- transitions, too rough
- length 10 minutes are even too much
- let the shoutcasters pls shoutcast in english, dont wanna listen to polish or german or germanenglish shouting, also shoutcast sometimes were too long
- glow, you often even saw the player models glow reflecting on walls :S
- sync, could've been much more synced
- flare at 4:23 on radar, why, just tell me why you would put a flare there?
- at 4:37 theres still the cam_004 popup listed
- radar sky, looks so unnatural
- popups were too short often, had to pause to watch who got killed

-/+ cams
-/+ creativity, seen nothing new :(

-/+ frags, could've been sort out better, but Im not even half as good as these players, so I dont really rate that negative

+ quali

I just watched till Minute 9 cause I got really bored then.. You should take more time for your projects and also focus more on creativity.

e: eujen, pls stop shoutcasting.
Ten minutes isn't always too much. But it takes some effort to make a movie intresting enough to keep the viewer in the flow with the movie.
yea thats totally true, but I hate watching a movie with the same style for more than 10 minutes, Im getting bored very fast :/
Nice critics.
you agree with it Lefrancism8?
as many before have said
-spam frags were too fast, cant see who fragged who
-low music
-too long
-lot of shit frags
-not enough sync / ultrabombastic cams
-pl shoutcast probably annoying for every not polak

Didnt enjoy it much (maybe coz of ultra shit stream quality) but it wasnt terrible either.

Ocena: do mycia z plusem
I don't mind if there's some casts in the background in Polish. But they should be somehow pleasing to hear. Not just some random screaming from which you can't even understand the player names.
i actually enjoy a polak shoutcaster ( i dont remember his nick but there was a nice one ) even if i didnt understand a single word, he was pretty good and this feeling was in the game ( talking fast & higher when there is a fucking nice action etc, not like some shoutcaster who is talking slowly & looks like sleeping during great action :P )
i think thats that smoke guy
he was czech
It was s0k1
many unknowns on that list, but that's what "community" means I think :')

downloading atm :)
look up what ppl wrote :P
paras pask
boring, rushed with absolutely no flow

be creative

from sneak part, only karsiah one was interesting

tank render was cool

no funnies, but i guess thats what you get if no one ever watches their demos anymore

quality and config were nice, so were few cameras

never use polish/german casters

accoz from Thaiwan
Awesome musics
Frags suck hard
Found the effects, cams and editing really great, never seen it better before, also good quality (maybe some fps more, but don't know whether that's even possible, never tried to make a movie) and nice to see some old frags, one didn't see before. However some kills were rather boring, few minutes less wouldn't have made it worse. In exchange you could have used some (more) gamesense-scenes / scenes from saving the objective in a movieworthy way, I recall one from Night and XyloS from not too long ago. Minor negative aspects are the out-of-sync-frag at around 14.30, the spelling mistakes (may they be on purpose or not), too many polish casts, showing too much from some frags (like when he dies, while you could easily cut it before without making it look shit) and the abrupt end.
The already mentioned positive things and the variety (ninja, spam, smg) and whatever I forgot make it still a very good movie imo.
+ pumu 2k11 frag
+ hatred frag (PWNAGE!!!!!!!!!!) wanted to see that in a movie for FIVE FUCKING LONG YEARS!
+some frags from old players like 2006-2007 :-)
+simon + razz
+eujen "thanx for the interview" rofl'd

-/o sometimes its getting boring a bit because of -> frag -> frag -> frag -> frag.. well its called fragmovie, but u need to entertain aswell and not just mp3 and frags with another one etc!
could have also shown smth more from that awesome spam-frags, u had some nice airstrikes+panzers, but only showed it for like 1 second each

-size, downloaded it in 8 minutes or smth... but still for others its huuuge :P

overall 8/10
mainly because there are some NOT-awesome frag from medskill players or who i (being arrogant) believe to be medskill players ;d
+some frags from old players like 2006-2007 :-)


but fuck you for not mentioning me

me me me me :<
+ kevin

actually i rly saw u and thought "n1 frag keviN!" :p :)
what miNd said there. I was kinda 'surprised' that I'm in that movie, because no1 asked me for demo and tbh I wouldn't send that bad frag to anyone.
the german caster ruined everything

the cuts are waaayy to fast - most of the time i cant even recognized whos killing who
Why my name is not writen on my Karsiah sneak ? :(

Anyway, nice movie ! longtime someone haven't put that efforts in a moviemaking ...
"Crossfire Challange" I don't understand how you make a video and spell things wrong before you release it :S

btw that vid was a yawnfest
brilliant job

tanks, samAel
worst fragmovie i've seen in history.


btw, rambo's frag was like wtf. or maybe u shud have cutted earlier, i thought he was gonna do lots of airstrike damage or smt. so disappointing lol
quit after 5 seconds, sorry :')
shoutcasts and most of frags are bad :<
Stopped watching when I saw "crossfire challange"
Quality was good, mediocre frags from bad players and bad frags from good players.

+ nice editing imo

- You're ridicilous attempt trying to subtitle shoutcasts :DDD Go learn some english gay polak :DDDD
-You're a polak :DDDDDDDDdddddddd
- Shit music
- No syncing at all.

Overall: 4/10 :DDDDDDDDDDDDD

image: epic_fail_Epic_Fails-s420x420-48808-580
haven't got much to say then:

overrushed, you haven't improved at all, just another epic fail.

because of these 3 facts I am asking myself, what is the difference between you and any other 2 hours fraps moviemaker ? The quality.

I don't know what do you expect from posting a Movie that really has almost nothing new from your previous projects.

Where to start... lol @ "CAM_004 Popup"

-The intro was fine except when you started to spell wrong some stuff plus that you added a random interview fragment :/
- The music , hmm the first one was decent , the last one didn't really fit in the video content ...
- What are we supposed to "lol at" from 12:43- 14:40? i still don't get it.
-Shout cast was not that exciting, must be because i didn't understand most of them by the language :(
-There were no flow between songs

-Overused transitions and some times you made some random cuts that looked really bad
-What's up with the laggy slow motion scenes? very inconsistent ....
- I didn't really like the color corrections that you made on supply,battery & adlernest. and that flare effect on radar was not good!
-The frags weren't that amazing, only a couple of them....
-I liked the cams it seems like you actually put some effort on them.
-Anyways the final one, watching 20 mins of frags with no effects or sync is boring, missing creativity ..

everything was pretty good, but next time try to finish the movie
Thnx for opinion guys, Ill promise Ill improve next time ;)
could've been much better :(
much "fails" in the movie.
The idea of make a community movie was good but I think many of those frags (incluiding mine) are not worth. You should take the best frags and make a movie with 7-8 minutes max! But the quality and sycn were pretty decent in my opinion, good job ;)
first of all i have no idea why there's so much flame about this movie, of course it's not perfect but you can see that samAel really put a lot of work and time in this projcet and some of you should of respect it. Movie is a bit 2 long for me but still I didin't feel bored even once while watching it - all the time something was hapenning, and i really didn't like the first part with the german shoutcast + allies jumping around the truck, no idea what was it. But still i kinda don't understand how the fuck people can rate this movie as 2/10..
Quote... you can see that samAel really put a lot of work and time in this projcet and some of you should of respect it ...

as a guy who already made few movies, I can safely say I cant see anything in there, not a lot of work nor time. This is just ordinary movie with some huge flaws, without any special work put in it, no extra time had been put in it (more time brings more ideas, more sync and overally higher entertainment value). Btw, commenting negatively on someones movie (when its appropriate ofc) does not mean that I dont respect that moviemaker.
btw. This movie one more time proved that this game was created for 6on6 not fucking 5on5, miss the times when rifles were balanced and field ops made sense. Field ops have become a dead man walking ammo cabinet, tactics now require to sacrifice classes..
wait for Oldschool Superstars, frags only from 6on6, 2005-2006 ;]
i dont get your point sir, explain please

for me:

i played fops most of the time with my ex teams and i wasnt useless for the team, and wasnt a "dead man cabinet" ( no ego or whatever you can think, just saying that fops can be usefull, ofc you can also remove for one great aimer as medic and cross only, thats different tactics )

for the rifle part, please, good rifle can saves the day and make their team winning a round etc.

ps: i remind you that i didnt understand you, thats why i ask you to explain.
so many unnecessary, seen frags
so much bad music
so little sync
not enough on casts/big game moments for a community movie

some good content
decent quality
samAel 10 10 10 10


+ editing
+ cams
+ quality

- music
- frags was boring 7/7/7/7
Well it was okay but I preferred the EC movie concept, that was a unique idea and could've been kept as a reminder of this specific EC. This is just a general movie of frags done throughout ET, reminds me of Devastation. The main criticism I'd say is don't cut so fast after a big spam kill, I had to rewind it a few times & pause on bits just to see who got killed. Oh and 6-8 minutes is probably the best length for movies these days, anything more strains my attention span.
Actually i dont get those putting some bad critics in here...

Its not like samael released a 5 days project which he put zero effort in.
The movie is pretty much serving everything i want for a movie.

- The quality was really nice, perfect colors and clean config
- Good fragchoice, even if some of the frags were seen dozens of times already but still they should be in that movie
- you played the frags with original speed and little editing... overedited movies might look professional but still this is a gaming movie and therefore it was great to playback the frags with normal speed
- i just noticed two delays of hitsounds which is okay, since the movie is really long
- music choice was good, although i dont care too much about the music in a movie...
- cams were really sweet but not overused

all in all i loved to see you putting a whole lot of effort into that project and congratz&thanks for the result :)
keep it up
Quoteperfect colors

Now pls compare the grush colors from this movie to drj3w's Movie "jere 2010", and still try to argue that the colors are perfect.

or do I smell big sarcasm in ur post?
why on earth is everyone so fucking retarded on that community?
i guess he didnt make the movie just because he wouldnt know anything else to do with his time and everything you guys re doing is talking shit...
do colors have to follow a certain ideal to be called perfect? There was nothing wrong with the colors and the colors in jeres movie were also perfect. but not perfect because they are the best ones ever seen but perfect because there is nothing to complain about. They look good and give it a special touch...
alright, now Im sure that you are ironic :p
and I am not sure if I didnt misjudge you in the past. the only thing you do about others movies (or atleast this one) is criticise. is it really the only thing you can do? are you jealous or something?
huh? A movie is here to get criticized, and no, why should I be jealous on this movie? :D Im just saying my opinion, which Im allowed to, right? Now look at my "review" I made for this movie, its helping samael more to improve than lots of other comments ppl made it in this post, so why dont you ask them what you asked me?
the colours in jere 2010 were fucking horrible :D
+1, too much contrast :P
wat? :o imo the colors fit to the maps and had good saturation :S
Maybe a bit too long the move, got a bit boring after 10 minutes. the sneakpart was a bit boring too :& Also some times the audio & video is not synced :&

BTW: hi mum, i am in a move (1 second :D) but this pf was not only a 3manpf, you should have seen it through my eyes :p
You sun of a mother.
Is that a good thing?
if mother is a bitch then not
and if u have 2 dads ?
do mycia
that kid casting in nazish annoyed me and i turned the stream off
believe me, that wasnt even nazish, that was a mix of kurdish and clingonian.
It was ok. I couldn't tell who was picking up the frags (scene cut too short, fakenicking) & some of the frags are basic kills, I thought frag movies are meant to be highlights.

Would like to see some exciting, unusual frags. It's the only movie I've seen of yours which I really don't like.
Didn't see my frag? :o Still you mentioned me starring there (skipped through it, maybe I didn't recognise?).
Anyway, this fragmovie is a big disappointment...quality and editing-wise.
Maybe, for next time, you shouldn't put the announcement of your work on such a big scale...people will start flaming, it's not unusual.
Also, for next time, don't take on such big projects if you can't take all of the work that comes along with it, or just put more time and effort into it so that it won't be that boring, especially through 20 minutes.
the frag iz in there :o
sry i didnt see it then :(

i was in a rush because i had to get to work :'(
@9.20... duh? :D
thx for the hint xD

the name is BelgiumqONWAX !
dont fuck so much! At least he is the only one creative moviemaker here who's keeping the mm alive! Its a nice movie, everyone has his own style etc.
Also nice that you've added some others :) not only the same shit!
I like it, big respect! ;)
maybe his style is bit different, but atleast something new! Others are always same!
Don't make me laugh dude. Different style? What the fuck, lol. There is alot of mistakes, he did it too fast and thats why it sucks so much, there is no different style, he couldn't even think about his style while he did 2mins/day ;XD
Then do a better movie, atleast he did something, was hard work for sure. The rest of the mm guys here are lazy bunch of shit, fraps only. Atleast some creativity in it
didnt say youre bad or something, and look how long it was ago! I meant it from now on, and for the community not single player. Thats what I mean, check owned.at every video is with fraps and lazy or no editing there :P
So what do you expect, do you really think that I'll be grateful because he didn't use fraps and he spend many hours on this project? He wants audience's opinion so he gets it and more than half of them thinks that he did terrible job there.
gowniane jest to movie a rating o niczym nie swidczy
komenty swiadcza o tym ze sie podoba
mi sie nie pododba, imo pcm bylo w chuj lepsze (fragi mst byly chuowe)
pod wzgledem wykonania spamtastic bije na leb pcm IMO i tez wedlug wielu innych ludzi, ja tam specjalnie na fragi nie patrze - mam wyjebane :P
gdybys mial tylu haterow co ja to bys mial 6.00 za to movie :D
stopped reading after Belgium AL1
Well.. for a community movie alot of small things are wrong.. making it not so pleasant to watch.

- Fakenames
- Shoutcast in polish
- Some frags shouldnt have been in there
- Alot of frags from toxic, if its a community movie put some frags vs lower clans with alot of hs
-skipped some parts too fast, couldnt see who made the frag
- stupid death animation, doesnt look good in ET movies

liked the colours :)
one of the worst movies ever... of all times...
this is the worst movie i've seen in my whole et life. i want my time back fuckward...
If you just used more time on the "editing" and not the freakin colors, I am sure this movie would have less insulting comments.
The colors are looking great indeed, but people doesn't really care about it. Just think about requiem and fragarea, those movies didn't have the "zomfgz0r-so-pro" colors, but the syncing and editing was great, and thats what people like.
Quoterequiem and fragarea, those movies didn't have the "zomfgz0r-so-pro" colors

They didn't? :-(

dont take me wrong, I just meant that samael spent too much time on the colors instead of making the editing and cams look good like your movie for example:D
imo max colors r special
part with polka is epic and made me smile :) video is too dark, too much multikills made on low hp players, last song is great idea
Don't worry Samael, people are just flaming your movie because first of all they expected some super1337wtfhaxorreddupermovie, and second of all there is always the fact that the ET-community is filled with little kids who are bitter about their lives and they take it out on anything.

I personally think your movie wasn't excellent, the scenes were sometimes too short so you couldn't see who made the kill, and there were some frags in there that weren't special at all. But I really enjoyed it, it's one of the better ones, mainly because of the awesome quality and the good music choice.

For your next movie I would just recommend that you spend like an extra day on editting the minor details, so people won't destroy your movie because of ... details.
hmm, im on the starring list... what time is my frag/s?
well its your 4th 'big project' and you have again made same mistakes as in previous
indeed, thats why im not even trying to tell whats wrong since he cant learn from mistakes it seems...
mistakes in subtitles are awesome
Some frags were definitely not worth being in a fragmovie. (including mine)
too long,

sloppy work in general , closed after intro and 3 minutes into the movie itself
rAmbo FTW !!! :DDDD
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