Video available for download only

twinzzy The Trailer

Name: twinzzy The Trailer
Movietype: Trailer
Starring: twinzzy
Movie By: Spree
Length: 1:17 Minutes
Size: 39mb
Codec: x264
Date Of Publishing: 03-12-2007
Music: Dimmu Borgir - Fear And Wonder
Programs Used:
Sony Vegas 8.0 Pro
3D Studio Max
Maxon Cinema 4d 10
Adobe Photoshop CS2
Adobe Illustrator CS3
Adobe Aftereffects CS3
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
CamTrace Pro
Ultraviolet Moviemaker


This trailer does not represent the final quality of
the full movie.

This trailer was a learning process for me (Spree).
It learnt me many new techniques, as well forced me
to buy new programs (like aftereffects). The
animations you see (exept for the Twinnzy 3d fly-in)
are the first I ever made, thus are not of such a
high quality to be really convincing. Though, in the
full-movie I'll try applying all the experience I
will acnowledge the coming weeks in order to create
high-quality, eye-catching, movie-worthy animations
and movies.

This isn't my first movie, but it IS my first actual
finished project.

We hope you enjoy the trailer, and that it will make
you want to watch the full movie.



- The trailer shows an animation of the full
movie being released Q2-2007, which
ofcourse should be Q2-2008. Since this was
my first animation ever, I wasn't able to
change the text anymore, so you'll just
have to take this as it is.

- The movie may lag on some dualcore pc's, just set the affinity to two cores and
you'll be fine.


More mirrors to come!!!
Could not get image size for /home/

Nice trailer.
yea, rly weird tbh :/
I'll try reuploading it as soon as the admin removes this pic

edit: thanks <3
Size: 40.517kB

^^ typo, soz
hmm normally i dont comment on movies but ..

the frags, quality and music were awesome, although i didnt like the echo'ing dungeon background sound. But that was prolly part of the music.

you absolutely 100% completely ruined everything by not using draw2d 0. you had that cinematic effect and you waste all the effort. I dont even understand why you used 1st person view in the first place.

And, since you're into graphics, try implementing them in the game rather than using a black background. Make text stick to walls in ET, appear in the stars in the sky, in the water, etc.

good luck on the full movie :)

btw: dont forget to put a crosshair in. You wont believe how much whine i got when i showed people some test renders without one.
you absolutely 100% completely ruined everything by not using draw2d 0. you had that cinematic effect and you waste all the effort. I dont even understand why you used 1st person view in the first place. Don't exactly get what u mean by that ^^ explain

And about the text @ walls n stuff, just read the readme / specifications here, and you'll understand why I don't have that yet ;)
console text display onscreen
I actually have that ;)
if u knew what draw2d 0 does, you'd understand you shouldnt.
I know what it means dude, it's the removal of all the texts + crosshair + everything else 2d

pm me so u can explain me in dutch what you'd like to see changed in the movie :)

edit lol already know what u mean, at the flying cams I used draw2d too, but that was on intention ^^
can't wait

Quoteas well forced me to buy new programs (like aftereffects).

are you serious?
I'm completely serious, had to work a while for it though, not earning so much money atm :<
and you don't have any better usage for your earned-with-hard-work -moneys than buy some omagad expensive adobe software that you can torrenntzz easily?
cuz I want to make commercial use out of it ;)
u can do that by using a cracked key...
No, if you bring stuff for sale out then it's illegal. Ofcourse I know how to crack the program, np4me, but I want to make COMMERCIAL use out of it, which means I want to put things for sale I make with it.
u can do that by using a cracked key...
U retarded?
Ofcourse u can, I KNOW what cracked is (btw, a key is never cracked, you can either enter a 1000 times used key, OR install a crack, trust me, I know much more of this area than u do ;)), but it's ILLEGAL. So if I would put things for sale which I made with the CRACKED program, I would be doing something ILLEGAL, which I don't want ;/
but no one would know...
ofc they would, your metadata gets saved with the project.
and even if that wouldn't be the case, if I grow a bit bigger it will still be investigated ;/
i admire ur aspirations ;OOOOO
im glad u like my sarcasm
Can't you smell the lie?
He just lies to not get caught by the Adobe-police!
no it's true, I really bought the program
btw can u plzplzplz make that hitcounter I sent u the psd from? <3<3<3
Plekter needs to get home..
? lol soz, syntax error, didn't know what the hell u just said :'D
Plekter is the coder of the hitcounter, and he also hosts the hitcounter.
Without him online, I cant do anything.
<3 twinzy well done
Coming Q2 2007? :XD
That's like.. A while ago..
mb read the text
shity frags , nice trailer !
- please use more of the glow effect next time, cant get enough of it
- please buy more software that you didnt even need for this simple trailer
- it really wasnt that good, and i really hope you understand that it is impossible to learn how to make a proper and good looking pro movie in a few weeks, cause all the pro moviemakers atleast worked for 6 months on their projects, and are still learning today how stuff can be better(this was based on your line in the readme about coming weeks bla bla bla)
- i really hope you didnt buy AE for this, cause i can do this with mspaint.exe lol

dont take this as a flame, its just fking hilarious some ppl think this is good, i want to actually SEE frags in a trailer, so i have something to look forward to, not half assed effects disappearing to soon or someone that still thinks glow looks nice if you use it every 20 seconds

*edit: and i really hope the final movie will be better config/quality
Quote- The movie may lag on some dualcore pc's, just set the affinity to two cores and
you'll be fine.

why? i can watch the movie (i can even watch 1080p 25fps movies) at my amd 3000+ 512ddr400 and a nvidia fx5200
i think you're confusing ET and movieplayers at this point, for some weird reason.
There is absolutely no reason why a movie should lag for dualcore users just because the other core isn't being used (mostly both are used by default anyways)
no, it's the codec, I'm quite sure ;)
you aren't making any sense, i'm sorry, but it just doesn't work like you said it does.
I'm having a dualcore processor, without enabling both cores it lags
Another friend of mine who I sent this, has the same prob
Another one too
Then I got one who didn't have this
And also some1 with 1 core didn't have this

Cud be coïncidential, but I just noted it in the description to be sure :)
ye it's a coincidence. it just doesn't make sense otherwise.
i thought quaky was doing twinzz's movie?
i belive the quote was "hahha retard look quaky is doing my movie lol fucktard fuck u and you shoulda accepted to make my movie but fuck u lolol cause quaky is making it now and u shud be jelos im retarded lulz"
hahaha, quaky making his movie, i lol`d :D
i still have the amazingly funny irc logs where he flames me for no reason just because i didnt wanna make his movie after he called my friend etards when we played 3o3.
he's pretty stupid tbh :DD
i already figured that out long ago lol ;P this only keeps making it better :P

i find it funny that this should be quality stuff :D ah well the community is full of retards that think theyre the new gods of ET :P
Well well, being 22 years, and still acting like a kid, Who is a retard now. Instead of being such an idiot u maybe can try to be nice to spree who actually tries to make something. But you satz u are sad rlly.
thats not acting like a kid, thats being in a community for 5 long years and see it go to shit.

i didnt even think the trailer was that bad, but with such an description and program list, i atleast expected a bit more then glow and fade, glow and fade, glow and fade.

but if you cant handle it that people wont like it, dont release, there will always be people that dont like it, unless its made by shaolin-productions
I can handle it, since i didn't edit is. But maybe give the critism little bit more positiv :P
as i said Quaky Pictures are. So quaky and his team...
Session Start: Fri Aug 10 18:45:24 2007
Session Ident: pstarZ\twinz
Session Ident: pstarZ\twinz ([email protected])
    02 —› 12Query with 02(12pstarZ\twinz02)12/02([email protected]02)12 opened on 02(12Friday, August 10th 2007, 18:45:2402)12.
    02 —› 12Total queries: 02(1221802)12/02(12~5.8 per day02)12
    02 —› 12Queries today: 02(12302)12
    02 —› 12Common channels: 02( +#dropshot´n´friends +#crossfire02)12

02(pstarZ\twinz02) rtard :D
02(fredd`02) Huh?
02(fredd`02) what's the problem ?
02(pstarZ\twinz02) you are :D
02(pstarZ\twinz02) you said anim is ur reallife friend
02(fredd`02) nope
02(fredd`02) I said I was gonna make it for my reallife friend
02(fredd`02) but then I made it for anim
02(fredd`02) cause my friend didnt want it anymore
02(fredd`02) :)
02(fredd`02) just get over it and leave me alone
02(pstarZ\twinz02) i am over it i got 3 news moviemakers ::D
02(fredd`02) it's not like I have to report to you when my plans change
02(fredd`02) good for you, maybe stop pming me like a kiddie
02(pstarZ\twinz02) j1nx, quaky andddddddddddd s3b1
02(pstarZ\twinz02) :D
02(pstarZ\twinz02) you are kiddie :D
02(fredd`02) and?
02(fredd`02) I don't care, dude..
Session Close: Fri Aug 10 18:50:00 2007

oh, right, forgot. you cleared up the "quaky" part

02(pstarZ\twinz02) maybe u should look the topic
02(pstarZ\twinz02) :D
02(fredd`02) cms
02(fredd`02) not quaky
02(pstarZ\twinz02) dude quaky helps him
02(pstarZ\twinz02) rofl
02(fredd`02) but it's not by quaky.
02(pstarZ\twinz02) its by Quaky - pictures
02(pstarZ\twinz02) :)
02(fredd`02) yep
02(fredd`02) but not by quaky
02(fredd`02) like you said
02(fredd`02) also gl , i have never seen 3 moviemakers make a joint-project
02(fredd`02) will be intresting
02(pstarZ\twinz02) its like
02(pstarZ\twinz02) 2 full movies
02(pstarZ\twinz02) 1 trailer
02(pstarZ\twinz02) trailer by s3b1
02(fredd`02) oke
Session Close: Fri Aug 10 19:54:05 2007

hf with your 4 moviemakers and 2 trailers and 3 fullmovies
s3b1 isn;t active anymore in the MM scene, Cms & quake still is. Dunnow how far they are. And spree on my full movie. So i think i still get like what i said there. But the one from quaky pictures is going to be nicest proberly. So based on my own logs. I didn't say anything wrong :)
you should get a 5th moviemaker just in case though as some of them might find out how dumb and rude you are.


02(twinzz02) why u still idling pstarZ?
02(fredd`02) sorry?
Session Close: Thu Aug 02 21:36:33 2007

a few days later:

02(twinzz02) nice tj movie
02(twinzz02) very smooth
02(fredd02) thx
02(twinzz02) but erm u still dont want to make mine
02(fredd02) not really
02(twinzz02) why not
02(twinzz02) only because i was 1 time not nice.
02(fredd02) yeah, im not gonna make it because my friends think you're an ass also
02(twinzz02) well ur friends dunnow me.
02(fredd02) what are you gonna do. I dont wanna make it and thats final. sorry.
02(twinzz02) Ah ok. To bad i wanted u in quaky pictures but ok
02(twinzz02) go on making movies for nothing :)
    02 —›12 nick: 02(12twinzz02)12 is now known as 02(12twinzzOFF02)12
    02 —›12 nick: 02(12twinzzOFF02)12 is now known as 02(12twinzz02)12
Session Close: Mon Aug 06 19:57:29 2007

there's more funny stuff but too lazy to search for it
Well, about that quaky. They where searching 1 last man !
in france we say 'les grand esprits se rencontre' try googling it if you are bored, its pretty much what happened there
can't find what it means :e
its almost like they earn money for movies in quaky XDDD
especially cms : DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDddd
why players like you need 2 movies and a trailer?
I don't, but i asked multiple mm's and suddently I had some guys who wanted.
k watched it and if you bought aftereffects to use overused white glow then you fucked yourself.
ofcourse I know there will be more effects in the movie but I just can't see why you say that you used many techniques in the trailer, when you didn't.
The text was rather simple and the outro "stay tuned" was a simple ambient light moved up to create lightbeams. really there was no ingame editing at all besides the white glow, ofcourse, that every other moviemaker uses, so i fail to see how it forced you to learn anything useful as you coulda done all that in Vegas except some of the text

oh and forgot to say, i rather liked the trailer, it was good. I just think it isn't as complicated as your description says it is.

edit2: oh and another edit, if you're going for the cinematic look i wouldn't show maps with warm colors like supply, it doesn't really fit
Nou als je goed keek had je gezien dat er wel degelijk 3 ec players werden fragged als je dat bedoeld ;D
by writing a long useless description and the overall stuff you said

"This trailer was a learning process for me (Spree).
It learnt me many new techniques"

if the techniques you learned weren't in the finished trailer I really don't know how much you learned, do I?
Just said what I saw based on the trailer you released.
I learnt many of the basics + some extra stuff from aftereffects already
I learnt completely how to use illustrator
I got some better x264 settings out of it

By now I've learnt how to use motiontracking (not yet used in the trailer), how to make it look cinematic, and a few other cool things I'll apply in the full movie (including sexy 3d :D). Trust me, the full movie will be way better, even though I was pleased with this trailer too :)
good luck with the full
seems like little twinzzy doesn't think that way though, as he has 4 moviemakers and doesn't expect much from you.

Like you said. Quality.
not bad.
why u crammed all those programs into 1 trailer and having it still look the same as any other trailer ive seen, i will never know
nice trailer, can't wait to see the full version
you need a hobby
nopp soz twinnz , to much crouching xD
I'm not doing that so much anymore.:b
hehe , everyone got their own style ;)
I noticed that before, and I'm trying to get rid of it, its working a bit better now since i binded crouch buttong somewhere else :P
to esc for sure! haha :p
No bad, but we need something new, not only "some cams,epic music and 0.3 timescaled frags".

hmm, j1nxkZx isnt making twinz's movie, he's making Krein's movie or something.. but not twinz's movie for sure.
He started @ mine, but couldn't finish :(
You didn't buy any of those programs, stop lieing.

Too much glow.
Too slow.
since a dualcore would be the same as a single core if the affinity is set to one core, this text makes no sence at all.
Q2 2007? brb timemachine.
trailer imo was average, the effects u put there may easily be done in ae only, even in vegas if u have some time( makes more problem but is still possible tho).

panz rocked, rest suck :C
+ n1 spending 1000000$ to make twinz trailer, thats called megaego! :D
Why panzer rocked, cause it was versus u :P to bad it doesn't show the whole frag :P + if he spended that much to make my trailer online there wouldn't be a full movie :P
panzer would still be n1 even if it wasnt vs us :D
i dont get the other part tbh. if he spent so much money ( if he really did what i doubt) he`d take so much money from u for the movie that you wouldnt be able to pay ever !
still i dont really get the 2nd part but lets stfu about it Xd
He is graphic designer thats 1 so he is making it for me cause he is a friend :P
those effects are actually easier in vegas than AE...
depends what u mean
glow- yes
logos- rather not :d
you didnt say anything about logos. only about effects( and glow)
but i meant logos :d
then you should say logos and not effects to avoid missunderstoods
okay im sorry i promise i wont make this mistake again!
lolz :D
thanks now i can go sleep happy : )
twinzzsnor :)
wtf spree, you betrayed me
no he didn't
How much AE payed?
You are from rich family?
very poor family actually
I work ;)
Who the fuck is twinzzy ?
Isn't important :O
I expected a "who the fuck is Nonix?" comment : D
I;m a nice guy and i know u to bad ;P
whahah lekker hoor twinzzzzz neurd :p
its like nah =(
damn i wanted to use this music for my movie

what is the resolution? next time don't forget it in the details pls
nice trailer
huh this twinzz guy gets a movie. What i thought is that he is a noob and kiddo.
he is, but he is MY sexy noob kiddo 2guys1cup-dude, so I'll make him his trailer + movie <3
This is something I have hard to understand. What did you need Cinema 4D and 3DMax for? Plus Illustrator. You used all those 3 programs for a simple text+animation?
This is something I have hard to understand. What did you need a wallhack and aimbot for? Plus cvar unlocker. You used all those 3 programs for a simple game?
You know me, can't hesitate to hack! But I need you to explain this, do you read exactly everything on Crossfire or do you just check my latest comments so you can have something to reply to? :o)
I have some black gay midgets with foot fetishes that checks crossfire for me and reports whenever they find something interesting, or when they see something you posted.

You can't hide from me!
You sucked tonight :DD
yep, but still we won.
ofc, i didn't play
If your team cant beat a low+ team if you're not playing, you should probably look for a better one ;)
Wasn't my team boy.
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