Codec x264 & XviD Filesize 1.00 MiB Length 1636
Video available for download only

seNti's Adventure

**** seNti's Adventure ****

by #stfu? productions

A movie by Nizou, starring seNti

Length: 16.36
FPS: 25
Resolution: 1280x720

XviD version
Video: 5000kbps XviD
Audio: 128kbps LameMP3
Size: 607MB
Ratio: 36,6 MB/min

x264 version
Video: 4200kbps x264
Audio: 192kbps LameMP3
Size: 522MB
Ratio: 31,4 MB/min

Programs used
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Sony Vegas 6.0
Adobe Photoshop CS 8.0
Camtrace 3D
x264 MeGUI

Moby - Whispering Wind
Sunbeam - Outside World
Delerium - Truly
DJ Orkidea - Inner Peace


Primary: x264 - dec.pp.fi ftp
Mirror 1: x264 - bounce.bluebone.fi ftp
Mirror 2: XviD - dec.pp.fi ftp
Mirror 3: XviD - filefront
Mirror 4: x264 & stream - own3d.at
Apart from a few things which annoyed me I thought this was great.

- The intro wasn't too promising, but I liked the sync at the revives in the black and white.

- A rare movie where I actually take notice of how good the frags are.

- The glow got a bit glowverused - my new technical term - imo at a lot of parts, but it did enhance the ethereal feel that the music gave.

- The first song wasn't that good compared to the rest, which were really good.

- You should have used gamesounds for the whole movie imo, since the music, while it synced throughout for the most part, still felt a bit like background music, like regular Q3 movies.

- Compression was pretty good. Don't know if that's to do with it looking a little softer than usual i.e. not sharp.

- Use r_zfar 10000 and wolffog to get rid of the cfg glitches on radar. I hate seeing those glitches in movies.

- Cam on goldrush showing different panzer kills was well executed.

- Is the Matrix stuff in the music or did you add it? It got a little tired after a while.

Can't think of anything else atm. Very good job though. A keeper for me.

EDIT: Also, I think it would've been a good idea to have split this into two movies or something.

Around 10 minutes in, I was checking how long was left...
Thanks for comments, but...


This is what happens if I raise r_zfar on radar. So far nobody has been able to provide me a solution for this.

Edit: The "Matrix stuff" is part of that song.
That happens when you increase z_far TOO much.
The value didn't matter, like I haven't tested it enough. Anyway, some kind person already pm'ed me with a working solution.
What is it again? Mines is fucked up too since I reinstalled ET on new comp. Didn't notice it until you said r_zfar doesn't fix it.
"- A rare movie where I actually take notice of how good the frags are."

are you serious?
Yes, but I'll freely admit I'm not a great judge of these things...I'm not a player. Which is why you very rarely see me comment on frags in fragmovies.

To be honest, I've read some of the comments about hax, and after flicking through, there are some parts which just look really suspicious.

Is this why you brought this up?
I doubt it's hax, It's his movement. its rather lowskilled + very laggy, thus making it not so interesting to watch.
i agree with most of ur comments.
Mainly the idea of keeping the ingame sound, which would have made the movie alot better.
after first watching: better than some other recent movies!

I like the soundtrack, execpt for the first song, yet i expected smth from sentis brother.

Well wont go too much into detail, overall this movie is the expected fragfest, but leaks proper cams, transitions, flow, and this glow gets boring + way too overused.

(while this may sound bad, just to make it clear, i enjoyed this mov)

popups were done with moviemod, right?

I'd say good job and now stop making a fool of yourself whenever some1 is having a clantag or name u like!
Yeah, moviemod was used. Forgot your name from thanks, sorry :(
lol even i voted 7.25...

great votes here again -.-
i liked the timing of this movie's release

-still images and mblur :l too much glow and boring music, laggy, though theres nothing you can do for the lag.
+frags and the hitsound part

without that much glow and decent motionblur would have been much better already i think.

---such many still images reminded me of hypes movie
Stream plz


Nice movie frags were pretty nice
Was looking forward to this movie actually, but after playing with and against senti many many times .. the guy is an obvious cheater and I won't be downloading this movie. bye! sorry nizou :*
Don't forget that he has the same mental condition as malczik.
You play with cheaters?! Cheaterlover.
nice movie, bit overeditted maybe but frags were pretty nice. Soundtrack with the matrix stuff got a bit annoying after a while and some cams (f.i. grush before the 3x 4panzer) looked laggy (don't know if that was your intention though).

Downloading now
Was waiting for it ^^
Was waiting for it for like 1 year ^^ dling, ill watch it in 5 hours gonna go to my doctor wich isn't Dr.seNti! :P
waiting for ur other movies like u said!


start workin on ur skating movie!


u can't strafe jump! lulululul, well.. music was kinda BG like -Max- had said already.
the rest was kinda nice exept for that retard matrix sounds.
can someone tell me what is wrong with people (mostly polish for some reason) that can make 5 kill sprees with 3hs per kill but can't grasp the concept of a motherfucking strafejump. yes, the frags were good and the movie was okay, but jesus christ, it was fucking horrible to look at that lowskilled movement and jerky aim.
not just jerky aim and lowskilled movement, but choppy, laggy and warpy aswell.
same with their gamesense, I hate watching a 5 man kill and letting people revive when I can see that they are too dumb to gib a fucking engy.
hey hey, seNti is the best tactical medic in the scene

but still, too fucking true... I'm truly envious of his brilliant gamesense and experience
year great :)
gj nizou
almost enjoyed it as much as Intelligent life by Nizou, gj!
haha ervin... movie nr1 out of 5? :P
"Adobe Photoshop CS 8.0"

it's photoshop 8.0 cs :p photoshop cs3 is the latest version ...
downloading :p
cs(1) version 8.0, not cs8 :p
i know, but i wanted some random whine:) and seriously, it's incorrect!
woohoo 4200 kb/s sounds like lagfest for me :D
hope its worth the dl!
edit: lol suspicious! many scenes that look very VERY strange
finally a new nizou-production :D dl'ing
music fucked it up
horrible music ....... :<
great movie, wonderful editing

the music didn't stand out as much as other movie soundtracks as it was calm music but that's a good thing because you don't get distracted and you can concentrate on the frags :D

+++quality (i have a nice cfg but when I compress, the red in peoples names always seem to blur quite a bit and it doesn't look like the cfg I actually used)

nice movie, well done 9/10
It was so uber-booring, not because of the frags or the editing, the music was just so terrible :S
My guess is you would've preferred some generic nu-metal crap or emo rock?
Dont take me wrong pls. And its useless to discuss about music.
btw, i dislike nu-metal and emo rock.
At least something we agree in then :D
bad music, overblurred sometimes :>

but its still an awsome movie ;)

[e] Nice music (no sarcasm)
nice movie!
Nizou supporting cheaters/cheater lover? Fucking nice rly..

Downloading anyway.
Is there any evidence for this? I haven't been tuned in to the gaming side of ET much.
Someone that plays with kenta, myth6s, myst6x (aka junky), jkzz and all other busted players cant be clean. + he have been playing soo fucking obvious(ask hype)
someone who plays/played with other busted players cant be clean + i saw you protecting/being friends with some cheater some time ago
Depends. But you never saw me defending/playing with a cheater after he get busted. Senti does.
yea did and you still were defending/being friends with some cheater which i cant remember right now some time ago (less than week)
how should i remember who he was, i dont usually care about this kind of stuff, but your comments made me kinda feel like replyinh.
You cant name any :P
I don't agree with everything he's done but despite all the random accusations I've never seen any real proof (or even close to it) of him actually cheating. And moviewise I didn't care about the rest. Besides I already promised him to make his movie over a year ago, if I remember correctly, could be even more.
headshot part made me think that he could be cheater >:)
well, he is pretty obvious and i wouldnt be too surprised if he would cheat.
tho its quite late reaction... like more than a year ago we (elite) played against team hungary during ECXV several times and senti was so fucking low. I was like "lol, low max, that guy is so fucking bad that i cant understant why he is so recognized in the scene". And if you say that now hes like uber pro n stuff then theres nothing else to say but "he iz haxoring"
ok, nice to hear oldschool opinions too.
btw!! can you tell me the star(s) of slovakia and tsech ice hockey teams in worldcup 8)
im not rly following hockey so i cant give you any tips :) The only guys i know from the lineup are Hnilicka, Kaberle, Hlinka and Elias - those were good like 4 years ago when i actually cared about hockey, dont know if they are still good n stuff :). And i dont know anything about slovakian team
ask about the slovakian from somewhere!! its rly important right now :|
nice multikills, nice movie

nice movie ervin
we need naxid
lul saw it before you all.
watched it before too, lol!
no näin sen mikä oli sun ftpl mitä et ollu uppinu kokonaan
eli et nähny kokonaan etkä ennen mua lool
Nice movie
nice frags and good music , first time i don't have to turn the fucking volume down to 1 because of some random hardrockband yelling in my boxes.

great job
I prefer movies with hardrockbands :p
fragstealing & backraping only ;( But nice movie never less.
Everything okay, exception the music + seNti is a hacker.
lovely 8)

fucking nice work nizou!!!! I will let this be in my hd :PPP Too bad there wasnt hitsounds all the way :<

frags 10 editing 10

"Sunbeam - Outside World" awesome track :)
really liked it nice frags nice music nice quali lets give it a 9 good job
music boring for me, frags impressive, jumps really funny, quality decent
Despite the bad music, I still enjoyed the movie. :)
Well done Nizou
Nice frags, quality, editing.. annoying music after a while and annoying movement.
music is (ool
good movie
-------- gunsettings BAH

+/- musik
+ headshotfrags-.- (tingtingtingtingtingtingtingtingtingtingting)
+/- colours (nothing special)

EDiT: nice cheats around 14:30 on b4
LoL that frags is really weird, can someone explain plz
hax, what else``??
what cheats oO
watch the b4 frag,pretty funny, looks so...., Fabish!
Gunsettings suck, very nice movie by neverheard name for me,maybes me is too neeeewsch00000lzor] not spoiled with those gay backrape frags 3man lowhp fragstolergayzor
Great work from the moviemaker.
Although the frags were multikills and great hs and everything, didnt enjoy them that much. I think this has to do with the style of the player. E.g wiesiek or razz have a much cooler style for fragmovies; senti has abit of a dull way of playing imo
wow awesome movie guys :))
dling >:>
gonna give more detailed feedback later
btw, you just stole mtm's song :)
nice one :)
Ohmagawd it's asd.!
asd! :> pmme on msn mate:)
movie had no guts :< sorry nizou but trance or wtf it was is actually worst musics you can pick for the movie, it made the movie bad(at least for me) editing was fine, frags also- but still i didnt enjoy the climate of the movie, next time make it more dynamic :<


+ dont use the cg_popupstaytime 10000000000, its disappointing when you see a ss with 6-7-8 kills, and in movie they are made in 1 min or so :<
No offence, but generic Nu-Metal-kinda music isn't the way to go either (at least for me) :)
i like to flame thats why i say:
Not the best choice, but better than all the fucking metal/wannabe rock shit tbh.
expecting revives
i wish i could lag as much as he does
i can tell you how to lag like me.

pm me
Wow, damn Nizou, you've just entered my top3 of movies ever for the second time. My current top 3 is:

1. Coolvibes
2. SnypeMovie
3. seNti's Adventure

Quality is awesome, music sucked me in the movie (although somehow normally I'm not too fond of trance, but this one really hit me), nice subtle sycning, frags are epic, simply to put it together, EPIC WIN!
you only like cool vibes because i get fragged there :-)
Intelligent life > coolvibes
Have to agree!
Could be, but coolvibes has nostalgic value for me, intelligent life doesn't, simple as that...
I just watched Cool Vibes because you are in love with it.

I think it kinda sucked. The frags weren't that oldschool and most of the opponents were lowskilled newbs. I also never heard of 'chs' and if this is the best ET movie ever, then I'm the best ET player ever.

well then this must be one of the worst movies ever
it's a rly old movie man, they reuploaded it here on crossfire :/
Yeah.. from 2006, that's soooo OLD!
tbh that is old :/
Good movie. Something is missing, but quite good.

The only sad thing is that senti is a cheating cunt imo. No idea, why he never got accused.
sarcasm mens0 ?:P because u were e-buddies with him? :o
No, I meant it serious. I am pretty sure that he is cheating. The "e-buddy" thing was long time ago until I noticed what a tard and ass he is tbh.
I liked it
one of the best movies so far
great movie . n1
well i can't say anything on this if you don't use r_shownormals 1,
rly even Killeyboy makes better bust movies
it must be good if it's made by nizou! <3
fucking nice, smtn interesting after a long time! great work. Don't like first track at all, but rest are close to the best (unimatrix?) :P
Even in the movie you can see he's lagging like trash.
Unlike you, polfag.
I like frags, I like quality but that music... boooooooooooooooooooooooooring
can't understand why some people like this movie,

i fell almost asleep halfway
the trance music was shit
everytime he makes hs's ( im just guessing), hes thinking OMFG IM SPRAYING CUM EVERYWHERE ROFLPANTOFFELCU@MYBARBEQUSOMEDAY
wtf are you smoking
you are so damn right mate!!!
I dont say this about much fragmovies, but you did a very nice job on the editing :O
Everything was really nice but music ... that was just too tiring
shit to average music (1st song in movie = worst song i'v ever heard, seriously, i had to do s_volume 0.00001 while watching that part)

good frags (but omg wtf @ lag and pretty weird aim)

liked colors (oasis tunnel was awesome)
why is there always whine about music. its obvious theres always some personal preference from a movie maker (or who the movie is being made about) personally I like a wide range of music so Im not so bothered most of the time, perhaps just headbanging screamer rock I cant stand.

hard to make a movie too if the songs you are using you do not like, can get a lot of motivation from the songs alone.
(19:17:18) (seNthai) :) if you would live close to me
(19:17:35) (seNthai) i would visit you kissing your ass while crawling your ballz
(19:17:36) (seNthai) <2
(19:17:37) (seNthai) lol
(19:17:41) (Nizou) :D

thanks nizou for making my moviewish come true :) <3!
can't see da jeans in it :(
Well I don't like neither too much Nizou's trance but in The pineapples.avi..there is nice soundtrack! :p
after watching, perhaps a bit too long. some of the lesser 3mans could have saved some time if they were not in it.

nice overall though, music was not to my personal taste but it went well with the movie- some of the glow seemed a bit much sometimes but it did make the ice effects nice (bloom?)

well done, keep up with the nice movies :)
Very nice ;)

Sunbeam Outside WORLD <---- 1994 :D
music&lag made me press [x]
lol i dont know why everybody says that it has good editing, i'd say that there was not much editing at all, just some random effects and fades.

music hurt me soooooooo much, couldnt watch this movie all way through.

gun model is ugly!

this movie is like most of the movies: not a keeper and only decent
First to agree with for me so far.
amazing *___*
nice editing, very nice frags (ding,ding,ding :D) and nice quality
fuck .... music rux hard but i loved part with hitsounds and thousands of headshots ... rly :) that was nice
realy nice movie! on of the best movies in ET
u failed now ...
lol you must be kidding...
checkt die comments op wa em zei :p
heh heh! :D we moet onze senthia to backup geve hoewel da de movie stinkt :D
Vind jem zo slecht de movie? Ik vind het een mooie movie om eerlijk te zijn
ba nee movie is ne slecht maar belange ni de beste of een van de beste :D maarja suport zha team :D
Nice movie but music are horrible :xx
Senti newbie :Y>>>>
ep1c :)
I died. Lol.
i thought you would like it :'(
Unlike most i liked the music, and the frags/editing too ofc!
Great one
dling ;)
frags were mostly backrapeheadshots :(
How do you get it so that in the kill/death box its only your frags, no bullshit like picked a medpack/a mp40.

Can anyone hook a brother up with some help? :D
It's a cvar in Ultraviolet's moviemod, you can get it from their site.
Can you list it here? So i can look for it next time i load up the moviemod :) thanks.
mm_drawyourownfragsonly 1

this is the command in the mod (thx Nizou)
Thank you very much :)
well done nizou, editing was top, synching wasn't overused imo.

some parts of the music got a bit boring after a while for my taste.

frags were ok, but not too entertaining (boring playstyle)

(soz i still couldn't find out the details :()
very nice frags and nice quality, rest :-/ - 6/10
very nice movie :)) maybe too long :S 9½/10 :))))
you liked it ;)?
yeah sure. there were some really nice frags that i enjoyed : )
you should do a movie aswell. i remembering you on sd on the crain killing 7 guys on us ( queens ) me razz winghaven mztik and co..

such brilliant frags are welcome for everyone who loves et. =)
I dont remember that one, only this one:

image: vexogs1

And the movie is coming out next summer (hope so)
ye it smust be this one then ;). rly good
one word: antilag.
no this is the other seNti
i was the founder of bsturz... but i never thought it will be such a hackerteam which it was on the end.

excuse my fail. i wasnt leading it.
music SUX!
rest is ok
Nice Movie ... seNti you're a little bit ill, but it's ok :P .

@ Shpek: Yes, the music sux ^^
nice movie, i enjoyed it.
good work
nice movie
i like hsSounds parts .. :)
colors are....dark or faded..:D but...is passable :D
-music(but first was good)
gw :)
fucking awesome 10/10
n1 movie sentiii <3
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