Total amount: 1612
120 121 122 123 124

more humbuk

my second quake live fragmovie! ..
adze & BoRi - The Untouchables

adze & BoRi - The Untouchables

adze & BoRi - The Untouchables

Quaility: Fraps
Sync: adze styles

In before you download this movie:
The quality is like in my previous movie ( here: ) check before you download the movie.
same goes for the sync/edit.

Filesize: 1331 MB

The frags were performed in 2008-2010
HF :)
Players - The documentary

Players - The documentary

Movie made by #after-midnights.

I noticed this wasn't yet posted on Crossfire even tho it's nearly a year old.
GIGA TV - Enemy Territory

GIGA TV - Enemy Territory


GIGA TV is a gaming TV-channel which presented Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory for the first time in 2007. FlyingDJ (german ettv-shoutcaster back in the days) was invited to the show and explained how the game works. In my opinion he did a good job compared to the host who made some stupid jokes, whatever...

If I'm not mistaken the broadcast had a couple of thousand viewers which might be concidered a bigger success than any CiC-final. Now some of you might guess that idle, parodia etc. were playing but no, in fact two medium skilled german clans had the honour to represent ET in the ET 6on6 Premiership 2007:

aGu vs minus-Gaming

Even if both clans weren't top teams, they delivered a decent performance and some thrilling actions on Supply and Radar.

aGu won by the way :)

aGu: lagg3r, hal, flopje, lumpi, cyrus and Ti+es
minus-Gaming: coOles, Sebastian, Whisk3y, vAlium, akI and serr

P.S. The coverage is in german and I think a friend of lagg3r recorded the match with a dvd-recorder. There won't be a own3d link cuz otherwise you wouldn't be able to see anything.
over 9000 $u$umu

over 9000 $u$umu

$u$umu's minimovie, #lotte.priv community frapsmovie.
120 121 122 123 124