Total amount: 1612
227 228 229 230 231

The LiNtu

Second movie by VoDKa of skilled player LiNtu.

Frags by LiNtu
Editing by VoDKa


Resolution: 1280 x 720 (HD)
Duration: 8m 45s
File size: 250mb
Video Codec: x264
Audio Codec: FAAC ( 128 kb/s )

Music used:

Disturbed - The Deify
Powerman 5000 - Drop the bombshell
Per aspera Ad Astra

Programs used:

Sony Vegas 7.0
Virtualdub Mod
ETPro 3.2.6
Smireboule Camtrace 3D
Ultraviolet Media Manager
Ultraviolet Movie Maker
Ultraviolet Movie Mod
Adobe After Effects 7.0
Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory
Sony Sound Forge 8.0

The Cheatreport

Mercilessly honest and 101% authentical, Daniel P. Schenk's second moviereports about the abysses of the human mind. While “A Gamer's Day” ... Alle » was an environmental study covering the gaming scene in general, “The Cheat Report” shows us the shady side of eSports: For one year, Schenk's team around Alexander Roth dived into the depths of the notorious cheater community. And what they found out maybe had better not seen the light of day ...

In five chapters the movie makers tell the truth about cheaters. From their long standing history – which already began in stone age – to the growing contemporary cheating cult, its origin, and well-planned counter measures, Schenk and Roth uncover numerous scary facts.Whether it's interviews with psychiatrists, scientists, traumatized victims, professional gamers or cheaters themselves, or strange ritual meetings and spectacular arrests: A crystal clear picture of cheaters as broken, but extremely dangerous individuals emerges. As much as one may be tempted to pity them, it becomes obvious that uncompromising action must be taken to stop them and their devilish drive.

The cheater community is no longer anonymous – “The Cheat Report” reveals!

Runtime: 50 min
Language: German

A Finnish Day 2

Second movie of two finnish Enemy Territory players.

Frags performed by: Moff and Jeti
Edited by: Moff


Resolution: 1280 x 720 (HD)
Duration: 9m 35s
File size: 378mb
Codec: x264

Musics by:

Charlie Clouser

Programs used:

Sony Vegas 7
Virtualdub 1.7.6
Camtrace 3D


primary: - download + stream

Just Spam It

Game: Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Length: 11:15
Size: 349MB
Resolution: HQ 1280x720 / LQ 856x480
Codec: HQ x264 / LQ XviD
Release Date: Monday January 1st 2008

Produced by: MTM-Studios
Directed and Edited by: DabSter
Content by: DabSter & ohzor4

Additonnal Information:
The project was started in August 2007 and regroups a highlight of frags from swiss player DabSter from NationsCup, Crossfire Devotii Challenge 3 and praccs, and from german rifle ohzora from NationsCup, EuroCup and praccs. This movie demanded alot of work, so we hpe you'll enjoy the next 11 minutes and 15 seconds. Low quality version is coming as soon as possible.

Music used:
X-Ray Dog - World's End 2nd Trailer Soundtrack
The Exies - My Goddess
Overseer - Skylight
Rise Against - Tip Tap Scales
Three Days Grace - Get Out Alive

Tosspot, Mashed & Flash

Software used:
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 2.60b
ETpro 3.2.6
UV Moviemaker Mod
Seismovision 3
Virtual Dub 1.7.0
Sony Vegas 7.0
Adobe Photoshop CS2
Adobe After Effects 7.0
AD Sound Recorder
Smireboule Camtrace 3D

Special Thanks to:
MTM, vaGgi, Split for feedbacks and a nice collaboration.
Snake, for the huge help for the outro.
ReavEr, for.. nothing lol.
ohzor4, even tough his frags weren't special, for searching tunes and giving me feedbacks.
Hype, for helping when needed and adding a mirror.
ShAx, for helping me with some programs.
zillEh, for helping me with some programs.
Mashed, for searching some tunes aswell.
swine, for hosting the movie.
slifer, #webartdesign crew and jotadog for hosting the movie.
And everyone hosting the movie or who has helped me in any way.

Animal, Rapt6rr, conan, Iratou, Limbonic, speedy, immoo, Bruzl4h, rat, tornis, w3st, GuNnEr, gifty, Melkor, vegi, dooZie, wck, ram, aspa, donuts, ext, Snuble, on3md, arrow, butch (cze), marv, miXer, viol, emorej, momo, fra, kaz, maxuh, Colo, Xend, Elsen, freek, Bumeu, Eht, senvelt, pheex, douille, Zorn, xenium, jicao, Timon, Worm, Spiroze, Kevin, vila, ovie, diO, abort, Estaloth, kemar, Elmo, Ark, warN, v3XO, Rafiki, duKe, edison, ScaTmaN, Sheep, eVo, elessAr, Straf, Lady, Puu, hOMER, BuLL, insecure, snoop, Matias, Faky, DaNoNe, mNo, sexyhot, Arachon, Bulld0g and olBaa!

^romeo, conan, tAli, shmoe, nk3, swine, cOoles, kholic, jok3, anim, ReavEr, arrow, speedy, Scatman, butchji, snoop, drago, keran, wEAK, Limbonic, Bruzlah, Noorgrin, chosen, Sight, gzD, w3st, hentai, eva, confo, nevari, stiff, vEg, Viax, hatred, haZer, uN1x, duKe_, g0rg, Iratou, Xpaz, tornis, vaGgi, zerender, immoo!

Download information:
Primary: HQ
Mirror 2: HQ
Mirror 3: HQ
Mirror 4: HQ and stream
Mirror 5: LQ


This is my 4th fragmovie,i hope u'll enoy it

Length: 7.06
File Size: 222 Mb
Codec: x264
Frame Rate: 25 FPS
Resolution: 1280*720

Primary mirror- 222mb x264
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