Total amount: 1612
73 74 75 76 77

Fragarea : Scrapyard

Produced by quaky
Duration : 1:45
Resolution : 720p @30fps , 1080p @30fps
Codec : x264/AVC , NeroAAC

Starring :
Lagg3r, Butchji, Freeze, mAus, Ponte, Agera (Remind)

Primary : 720p @Megaupload
Mirror 2 : 1080p @Megaupload
Mirror 3 : youtube

nexiSm - Rush Obj Delivery (2obj = 1min)


nexiSm - Rush Obj Delivery! (2 Obj = 1 min)
Release date: June 13, 2011
Description: 1:08 | HD | 50 FPS
#nexiSm production
Music :
Limbonic - Preview

Limbonic - Preview


I've always wanted to make a movie, so i recorded a view clips yesterday and merged them. This was all done in one day using image.exe (thanks to madscientist for that tool), virtualdub and megui. i am not really a fan of overeditted vids (and lacking the software to produce pieces of art anyway), thus only had motion blur turned on (samples = 10), and recorded with 30fps.
Thanks goes out to ag0n for his moviemaker's pack and the configs provided (which i used thus far) and to hannes for his tutorials.

Constructive criticism would be much appreciated, what kind of frags would like you to see, what about the quality, do you want to see anything at all? dependent on the rating i will decide whether to delve into the arts of movie-making to get a sort of decent output after all.

Have fun watching!

edit: yes, there's a still frame in there, dunno why :p

nexiSm - The return (Special Edition)


nexiSm - The return
Release date: June 10, 2011 edit : 14 June 2011
Description: 05:24 | HD | 50 FPS
#nexiSm production
Music :

-> Madcon - Glow
-> LMFAO feat Lauren Bennett & Goon Rock - Party Rock Anthem

Sony vegas
Uv decoder
Baggiez - Fragmovie

Baggiez - Fragmovie

- made terrible movies before this
- motivation for it ofc
- poor quality :D
- no ability to sync :D
- previously made 18 minute long boring movies
- experience with <20% smg accuracy and <3 headshots in 60 second clip of constant shooting
- experience in making shit frags look even worse in .avi format
- no creativity
- awful taste in music
- will guarantee 1,1,1,1 ratings from every skilled player on crossfire
73 74 75 76 77