Total amount: 1612
87 88 89 90 91


Had some decent frags, made another frapspiece.
I rendered it at 50 fps, quite smooth and nice qualy, but own3d seems 2 fuck it all up.
Since they can only handle 30 fps, and some weird blur appears.
Strenx 2010

Strenx 2010

Quake Live movie about fnatic.MSI QL squad player - Kevin "Strenx" Baeza
Directed and edited by Dmitry "MMd" Lomonosov
Music by Bloc Party - Ares (Villains Remix)

Kevin's 2010 achievements:

4th Extreme Masters IV Euro Finals
7th Extreme Masters IV World Finals
1st ESWC France 2010
5th ESWC 2010
3rd DreamHack Summer 2010
7th QuakeCon 2010
5th EM Global Challenge Gamescom
3rd MSI Beat It


Just 8Min Fragmovie made by myself, the quali is shit and no editing at all :D, iam shit at moviemaking.. :( whatever , just wanted to share some old frags, hope you still enjoy the movie.

I just got the megaupload link, i tried to upload it on own3d but its not working dunno why :X
so if someone want to upload it on owned it would be very kind :D

regards : kresti
I will ROCKiT

I will ROCKiT

I started making this movie in August 2010, with some nice ideas which I wanted to put in there. Unfortunatelly, I was facing some serious issues which kept me off the project for kinda long time and being unable to implement everything I wanted to be there. I was kinda lean to a thought of not releasing it at all, but after several requests I decided to release it as it is.
Fragz are performed after cic7, mostly with Rockit/idk/Giants team (with couple of additions with Winfakt/Team East).

Soundtrack (in order of appereance):
Igorrr - Liquid Requiem
Inva Mulla Tchako - The Diva Dance
DJ Pablo - BBoys War
Igorrr - Dixit Dominus

Hopefully this movie will entertain you for those 7 minutes :)
1stCav Lan Movie

1stCav Lan Movie

Movie contains frags from EGU LAN 2009 where 1stCav obtained 2nd place.
87 88 89 90 91