Hello ! How's family doing ? Tell us something about yourself ?
Hello ! i'm fine and my family is doing great thanks babe, rushed off our feet right now it is school holidays soon, so I am trying to get as much work out of the way before the big vacation. I am the seriously over-worked mother of three angel-demon halfbreeds. I recently set up my own editorial business from home, so that I can be on call to strap my three offspring to chairs whenever the need arises.I am also on the staff and war team of two of the best ET clans ever set up so, as I said... busy :)

Oh yeah.. and I am working on 2 ETQW sites right now, working on raising a great community for what is sure to be a very succesful follow on from RTCW and

Nice. Hopefull you will succeed.
QuoteThank you, if I don't I will probably have to gnaw my own arm off in despair which would be a shame, since then I won't be able to play any more ET.

So you are very busy person. But how on earth you find some time to play ET ?
QuoteSometimes I don't. Ask from both my clans. They sent out a 'Missing Persons'
bulletin some time ago, before I finally turned up under a pile of laundry. Actual game time is the one thing which I do seem to miss out on when things get busy.

But there always has to be someone behind the scenes, helping the wheels to turn, or we would never get anywhere and in the vacation I will have more time, especially since the scool run every day takes almost 2 hours in total :) (Or at least that has been my story for the last 3 years.. I just dont tell them which vacation ;)

Tell something about your current teams ?
QuoteWell, as I said, there are two.. cos I like having more than I can cope with, it's genetic I think.
Apocalypse.nl is a dutch clan, we have been around for a year and a half now, without achieving any real spectacular results except having a lot of fun together. We get together whenever we can, especially at Halloween, when we (me and my partner TGC) throw a huge party for all our friends. We get very drunk and scare the crap out of the neighbours for a few hours, then pretend it never happened for the next 12 months. ApoC did recently come third in the Clanbase benelux cup, so I guess we can actually play a little underneath it all.. if only the boys would stay sober long enough

And Girlforce...

Gforce was set up in a fairly controversial way
it was actually the idea of someone else - a male ET player who wanted to retain control of a girl's only squad He had some pretty stupid rules and conditions, so Lelie (GForce co-CL) and I decided to set up on our own.For a while it was pretty empty on our TS, with only the two of us and Fanta our webdesigner (also female \o/) But word - mostly thanks to Lelie - started spreading, and soon we had enough girls for a full squad. We recently joined th Clanbase 3v3 Eu ladder, and our first official will be at the end of this month we plan on being the first all-girl clan to make it all the way to the top of the ladder

ApoC is like my big brother.. but Gforce is my baby


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