A few questions from GirlForce team. Like. Whom are keeping up the current roster ? And could you tell something about them ?
QuoteOf course...
The first on the list would be Lelie she is also a mother with three small children and works very hard to make Gforce run the way it should.
She is usually an Engi or a medic, although I think if she wanted, Lelie could grow wings and fly round the map.

Current GirlForce lineup
Netherlands Genesis
Belgium Lelie
Netherlands Mormel
Netherlands Tammie
Belgium Fieke
Netherlands Roos
Belgium Scara
Belgium Moby

Do you think that girls are just as equal or even better gamers then boys ?
QuoteI think that as in every other social situation, stereotypes are so done now. It depends on the player and whom he/she plays against.Although... We do have one or two members who can kick most of the male player's asses.

One think I do have notice when playing just with a group of girls is how much more relaxing it is.
Maybe that is our secret so far. We just relax and have some fun, no pressure to perform win or lose, we just do our best and try to learn from every match

What you think about these incoming games ET:qw and RtCw2 ? Do your think both of them are worth of buying ?
QuoteWell, since ETQW is already starting to pay a few of my bills (not many, since I buy a lot of shoes), then of course I am going to be playing ET:QW. Not sure if I will buy it thought (hint for the people whom i'm currently working for) And i even havent really looked seriously into RTCW2 yet, but when it is released I will definately check it out. All new games should be tested at least once.

Have you ever participate any kind of LANparty event's or just visited one ?
QuoteI havent been to any of the big scale events yet, which is a shame. The Lannest I ever went is having 4 PCs connected to the router in my home Gforce is discussting about hosting a LAN sometime soon.when I have more details I will let you know :)

What is your favorite song ?
Quotelol, we were having this discussion today actually.
I am absolutely nuts about rock music. Pink FFloyd, Aerosmith, Bonjovi, Gun's'n'Roses, etc...

But my all-timer is a little bit soppy and girly...Madonna's "crazy for you" Every time I hear that song, I am 16 years old again, playing pool with a group of friends we used to set it to 'loop' and sing along all night long or until the they kicked us out of the bar

What is youry favorite food and drink ? :D
QuoteFavourite food would be anything indian food.
I love hot and spicy !My favourite drinks would be very hot coffee or very cold coca-cola. Anything with caffeine. I guess, if food says a lot about people, I am not the healthiest specimen out there :)

Do you want to say anything during your moment of fame?
QuoteWe need sponsors :)
And idlers to both of our IRC channels...
and lots and lots of love cos I need attention, it is ike a drug for me, and if I dont get it, I will wither and die like an old raspberry

Thank you very much from this exciting interview. I wish you and for your teams gl & hf
Quote<3 u 2, and thanks for the nice hour together Insu ;)