What is your favourite et player of 2005? (585 votes were cast)

1) Finland mystic 43.76 %
2) Sweden feruS 17.61 %
3) Finland Raveneye 17.26 %

Mystic solo at the top with feruS and Raveneye fighting over the second spot. Ferus won with a difference of only 2 votes.

I managed to get a hold of mystic to get his response to his award of Best et Player of 2005.

First of all congrats with your award.

mystic: thanks

How do you feel being elected as best et player of 2005?

mystic: Of course it's a great honour to get that title and it feels quite nice to know that someone thinks that I might be the best player of 2005 :)

What did you do in order to get this award? Or what did 2005 bring you (or your team)?

mystic: I think I got the award mostly because I played with a great team. Though the year was full of disappointments.

You mean the lost title in the last EC?

mystic: Well the most disappointing thing was that we couldn't get funds for the trip to get to Quakecon

Some discouraging stuff indeed. I think there is little doubt that you recieved this award because you are one of the best aimers in et. Have you got any secrets on how to get there?

mystic: There aren't any secrets, everything you need is in the raziel's aiming guide. And just run around and try to get to know your sensitivity and so on, that's pretty much all the prac you need.

If you had to take a guess, how many people did ask for your config in the last year?

mystic: That's a tough one, all I know that I didn't send it to anyone

Haha. Do you have any guidelines or advice to people wanting a shot like yours?

mystic: Nope. :)

Bastard ;). Do you want to do any shoutouts?

mystic: Hmm...shoutouts to my teammates and to gunslingers

Thanks for the interview m8.

mystic: Yeah thanks