[img|right]http://www.webstylestudio.de/teams/div.jpg[/img] With wins against kujuneb and Fear Factory during the EuroCup XIII with their former name Polewka, diversus already proved to be one of the international top teams. Again they came up with a great performance to participate in the ESL IPS Final Stage as many others without losing a single match. As the German top team they were not able to claim the top of the hill but are on the best way to keep up with a nice teamplay and atleast one of those players with a decent aim and known nick.

Poland kot
Poland majcok
Poland buzka
Poland nrs
Poland oic
Poland chester
Poland gotti
Poland rio

Qualifier Cup: IPS Qualifier (1st)

Former Results:
IPS Qualifier
4:0 vs. Finland SFX Gaming
def vs. Europe Zero Point
IPS First Stage
4:0 vs. Russia roYality-eSports
4:0 vs. Europe oceans6
4:2 vs. Russia Violence is Bad

[*] [urlnew=http://www.esl.eu/eu/et/team/1953464/]ESL Team Sheet[/url]