[img|right]http://www.webstylestudio.de/teams/sfx.jpg[/img] When this team played idle in Rotterdam at the CPC with their new tactics on radar and tons of individual skill they didn't want to keep on participating in ET's competitions. Finally mAx steped back from his Quake4 carreer and the way was open for a new and ambitious team: sFx.LAN. With the hype of the CPC to be one of the teams being able to face idle. As a new team you will not have the teamplay as one of the msot known teams in ET. With their only loss against idle in the first stage they will have the chance to prove this during their skill in the final stage again.

Finland Tiigeri
Finland twidi
Belgium Xionn
Estonia Reload
Belgium mAx
Finland lettu

Qualifier Cup: Joined after the drop of Germany aGu eSports

Former Results:
IPS First Stage
4:0 vs. Croatia elite
0:4 vs. Estonia idle.ee
4:0 vs. Germany HighBot

[*] [urlnew=http://www.esl.eu/eu/et/team/2029044/]ESL Team Sheet[/url]