The prize:
- 1 x bnc sponsored by killa / #a.toon (no timelimit for use)
- The Map will be used in the ESL Mappool (3on3 and 6on6, de and eu)
- The map will be played in some short cups (f.e. get-liga)
- Clanbase will use the map after some tests in cups and a good response there

1st official deadline is: 25.02.2006 (first playable version or msg an admin)
2nd deadline is: 20.03.2006 (first playable version, first beta, or msg an admin)
Final Release until: 10.04.2006 (final deadline for the map)
If the time is not enough for you, you can message the admins in #et-scene and tell us, if you need more time for your map

How to submit it:
Message swine or chosen in the channel #et-scene and ask what you need or just tell us, to be a part of this contest and upload your map to our ftp server (msg us, if you need someone to test your map, too).

Who will win?:
At first, we will check all submitted maps with a group of 10 people, 5 admins and 5 players. They will select 5 maps. We will open and announce a public server for this 5 maps in an objective cycle where you can play the maps on, we will publish the maps and you will be able to download them.
After this, we will make a poll on different community sites like, where you can vote for your personal favs.
One week later, we will annouce the result of the collected votes and will take in the most voted map in the competitions.