The first place to visit is of course the Crossfight homepage. There you will see all the currently participating teams and who you may challenge, denoted with the image: challengeld3 challenge icon.

You may challenge teams from Friday to Sunday. When you click the challenge icon, you have several choices. These are: day of the proposed match, time, as well as any other infos you may wish to provide like server details. When you confirm a challenge, the recipient team has several options:

1) Accept the challenge and set the match details as final
2) Query the challenge and dispute the time or day.
3) Wildcard the challenge - teams have 1 wildcard every 3 games. EG Wildcard game 1, play games 2,3,4, wildcard game 5, etc.

Queries can be returned 3 times. This means that if no date or time can be agreed, the higher placed team receives a forfeit loss. This aids activity in the ladder.

Currently, we are working to generate random match channels for confirmed games. For now we will continue to use #crossfight. We reserve the right to add any game to ETTV, if any team has a specific problem with this, please contact us.