The Netrunners ]

Poland buzkaPoland chesterPoland gottiPoland kotPoland majcokPoland oicPoland rioPoland robol

The Netrunners are a culmination of half a polish side (Polewka - kot/chester/buzka) that warranted a direct invite to Eurocup XIII but underwhelmed in the group stages after a promising start. Some lineup issues recently including picking up Poland robol from rivals Fear Factory and the departure ofPoland nrs leaves the side somewhat weakened in my honest opinion. nrs was the best rifle in Poland and oic is in no way a suitable replacement if the side wants to continue to improve and progress to the latter stages of the Eurocup. But as with so many things in life, luck determines a great deal and has favored the poles given that 2/3 opponents are in reality mixes scratched together, and even more promisingly they even overturned one of the pre-tournament favorites zeroPoint! on Lan at Poznan, although 5v5 something can still be taken away from this, and when the 2 face off again i am sure a lot more respect will be shown than previously imagined.

Prediction: Quite comfortably through to the play offs with a narrow lose to zeroPoint so finishing 2nd overall in group A, but they will get no further than the last 8 thats certain.

Player to look out for: Poland gotti

Noll8 ]

Sweden donkeySweden EddieSweden FiENDNorway GjerrySweden HellgoatGermany keran - Norway kris -Germany _shy - Sweden Blaze

Recently reformed after a disappointing end to last season, being forced to withdraw from eurocup despite holding a commanding position , they could/probably would have made the play offs, but it wasn't to be. Finding it hard to adjust after the collapse of riZe, Germany keran has uncomfortably shifted between teams, first with Europe komedia (along withGermany _shy) then onto Europe quashpain but finally settling down at noll8 in time for the European qualifiers for PGA Lan. Although the team didn't qualify he and now joined by _shy and even more recent import from uQ.Gaming, Gjerry. Sweden Noll8 after disbanding there wholly Swedish speaking lineup are looking mighty impressive going into this eurocup.

Prediction: Impressive or not, nothing can hide the fact that they in quite simply the toughest group of the 4. Another group and they might have proceeded to the play offs but life ends at the group stages for noll8

Player to look out for: Norway Gjerry

one4one eSports ]

Italy dAnOnEFinland Iron - Belgium KevinUnited Kingdom Sheep - Finland Squall - Switzerland vegi

When it was announced that the former Belgium myLegend team were joining Germany one4one, most were skeptical and dismissed the team right off. But what a difference a bit of time can make, going from ruining the one4one name to one of the best clans in Europe. The team utilizes a mixture of proven skill in the form of fins squall/iron and the Belgian Kevin who have previous Eurocup experience and new breed player like dAn0ne and vegi combined with Sheep's leading and multi-class ability makes this one4one side on they day the best clans in the world, and one that even the likes of idle need to look out for!

Prediction: Despite my kind words, there lyes a problem. Despite being highly talented, and in my opinion obtaining possibly the best team work of any clan playing at the moment, you just cant buy experience. They should easily be able to take Belgium vib down, but with 70-80% of both Europe aMenti/Cdap – pi's players having played at eurocup play off level before i just have a feeling that they will be pipped out despite being skilled enough.

Player to look out for: United Kingdom Sheep

Rewind ]

Germany CriaturaTurkey fireball - Russia humm3lGermany jiggyGermany ohzor4Poland z3roAustria silent - Germany MurDa

Russia humm3l really does have a hard time with it all, last season he was handed a qualifier against the 2nd Estonian coming known as Estonia Kujuneb and this season despite being granted a spot in eurocup with a Highbot on steroids side. He know has to live with the curse that is the Rewind name, on top of that! They in the toughest group as well. It would be easy to write off Rewinds chances, so thats what i will do! Despite making some nice improvements like grabbing Germany MurDa from last seasons Helix Team, i find it hard to imagine this team winning a map let alone a match in the group. Life really isn't all peachy for the Germans after all.

Prediction: One of 3 teams that will share the unfortunate fate of finishing the tournament without winning a map.

Player to look out for: Germany ohzor4