Team Helix ]

Germany biqqGermany conanGermany dragoGermany evilGermany ramiN - Germany riddla

As the number one side in Germany, the team was pretty much guaranteed a spot and especially after a very nice run in the ESL IPS up until a few hours ago that is :>! The German national team aka Helix made up of components from vicious and evil and Helix have a bagful of talent, with every single one of there players highly talented they can really go far and create quite a reputation for themselves. No German team has ever won eurocup, and i doubt this team will too but thats not to say they cant give one of hell of a go of it anyway and try and recreate riZes achievement from last season finishing in the medals.

Prediction: A win over Finland Abnormal Monkeys would give them a much more favorable draw in the long run, so is would be best for Helix to think of more than just qualifying for the play offs and try to top there group.

Player to look out for: Germany drago

uQ.Gaming ]

Netherlands abort - Germany chaoz - Germany FlixXSwitzerland GuNnErNetherlands LightningIsrael LION - Germany zerender

Seeming not to want to uQ to die, even more players have been brought in, and god knows if this lineup is even right! Only 3 survive from the pingwins and the same 3 from the Maybe side before that. Norway Gjerry and Spain dr3am are out, Netherlands joop left for Morrigu and that left a gaping whole that needed to be filled and so zerender from the death of vib (Russia tank34) comes in as well as some old schoolers in the form of gunner and labort. Another german grabs the 7th spot, a team mate of Chaoz from the 3v3 champs streetfighers. Conclusion? Mix team. No doubt that these players are talented guys but that just isn't enough at this level.

Prediction: Good enough to beat Morrigu, but against idle and Netrunners they isn't enough substance to get them through against quality like that.

Player to look out for: Switzerland GuNnEr

Vib ]

Belgium AcidBelgium LiocoBelgium mAusBelgium SneeKBelgium vilaGermany violenceBelgium emzi - Belgium MesQi

Really not that much to say about vib, an over-reliance on certain players helped slightly by the the inclusions of emzi and MesQi but somewhat disappointing still. On a good day they can give a good game, on a bad day they are simply dreadful and can lose to even low skilled teams...Eurocup has a habit of throwing together a random assortment of Belgians together and this looks nor different and nor will it end any different. The skill difference in the team is too wide, and skimping in certain areas and the departure of Belgium zeto, although now replaced looks a pretty big blow as he was one of they better players.

Prediction: Bottom of the group, without a map win to there name.

Player to look out for: Belgium mAus

zeroPoint! Gaming ]

Germany butchjiAustria DarkySwitzerland giftyGermany HatredAustria potter - Austria rapture

Last of the “big 3” , and the most immediate threat. Since already achieving they biggest goal in beating Estonia how can they prove they are a better team ? Beating them again of course! On the real stage, all guns blazing and most importantly with Estonia Night! They have the caliber to do it, a understatement could be more clearly written with the possibly the best aimer in ET at the moment in the form of butchji, the most aggressive/influential rifler-nader on the planet in the form of Switzerland gifty and the Austrian trio in the form of rapture/potter/Darky who have been there and done it, on every stage. With United Kingdom Tosspot as a manager the task in beating idle has been made slightly simpler for obvious reasons. Time will tell if the difference between last seasons for the riZe pair will turn into , and take home there first major achievement, bar winning the PGA European qualifiers.

Prediction: Semi finalists easily but like last season where the 2 best teams struck it out in the semis, it will be important to see who they will face.

Player to look out for: Switzerland Gifty