The playoffs:
Grand Final:
Korea, Republic of SK|Lyn 2 vs. 1 Korea, Republic of MYM|Lucifer

Upperbracket Final:
Korea, Republic of MYM|Focus 0 vs. 2 Korea, Republic of SK|Lyn - Matchlink

Winnerbracket Round 2:
United States of America mTw|nilk 0 vs. 2 Korea, Republic of MYM|Focus - Matchlink
Korea, Republic of SK|Lyn 2 vs. 0 Korea, Republic of MYM|Lucifer - Matchlink

Winnerbracket Round 1:
Canada mTw|KiWiKaKi (orc) 0 vs. 2 Korea, Republic of MYM|Lucifer (undead) - Matchlink
Korea, Republic of MYM|Susiria (undead) 0 vs. 2 Korea, Republic of SK|Lyn (orc) - Matchlink
Germany SK|miou (human) 0 vs. 2 United States of America mTw|nilk (human) - Matchlink
Germany mTw|hanf (elf) 0 vs. 2 Korea, Republic of MYM|Focus (orc) - Matchlink

Lowerbracket Round 1:
Germany mTw|hanf 2 vs. 1 Germany SK|miou - Matchlink
Canada mTw|Kiwi 0 vs. 2 Korea, Republic of MYM|Susi - Matchlink

Lowerbracket Round 2:
Korea, Republic of MYM|Lucifer 2 vs. 0 Germany hanf - Matchlink
Korea, Republic of MYM|Susi 2 vs. 0 United States of America mTw|nilk - Matchlink

Lowerbracket Final:
Korea, Republic of MYM|Susi 1 vs. 2 Korea, Republic of MYM|Lucifer - Matchlink

Consolation Final:
Korea, Republic of MYM|Luci vs. Korea, Republic of MYM|Focus - Matchlink

The groups:[/b]]
Group A
Germany #1 Miou (SK)
Korea, Republic of #2 LyN (SK)
United States of America #3 SonKiE (srs)

Biggest surprise was Germany miou beating Korea, Republic of Lyn with a 2-0. Lyn is the clear favorite for the first place and was able to get a 2-0 win against SonKie. United States of America SonKie himself beat miou after three maps, but still miou placed first in the group, cause he won the most maps.

Group B
Canada #1 KiWiKaKi (mTw)
Korea, Republic of #2 FoCuS (MYM)
United States of America #3Dooki

Group C
Korea, Republic of #1 Susiria (MYM)
United States of America #2 nilk (mTw)
United States of America #3 Shriek (PGS)

Group D
Germany #1 hanf (mTw)
Korea, Republic of #2 Lucifer (MYM)
United States of America #3 Shortround

Germany hanf beating Korea, Republic of Lucifer was a surprise, just like miou beating Lyn. So both germans made it to the playoffs.

Matches to watch:
22:00 CET - Germany SK|miou 2 vs. 0 Korea, Republic of SK|Lyn Waaagh!TV
02:00 CET - Germany mTw|hanf 2 vs. 1 Korea, Republic of MYM|Lucifer Waaagh!TV

The participants[/b]]
Korea, Republic of Lucifer (undead)
Korea, Republic of Susiria (undead)
Korea, Republic of FoCuS (orc)
Korea, Republic of Lyn (orc)
United States of America nilk (human)
United States of America SonKiE (human)
United States of America ShrieK (human)
Germany miou (human)
Germany hanf (elf)
Canada KiWiKaKi (orc)
United States of America shortround (elf)
United States of America dookie (undead)