The Qualifiers:

Team <O> - Part of 8Bits vs Estonia xZone]

Belgium Team <O>
Belgium jetro
Belgium Worm
Belgium spiROZE
Belgium dAv1d
Netherlands Leonneke
Netherlands hayAa
United Kingdom tyyrd
Norway Eirik

Quote by WormWe're very happy to see xZone playing instead of bSTURZ, although I don't underestimate o2. They're a stable team, solid teamplay, what more can you say? We are a rather new team, which is most likely a little disadvantage. With some more practise in the next few days I think we should still be able to take the victory. My guess: 4-2.

Estonia xZone
Estonia Fierro
Estonia eurUz
Estonia sCyter
Estonia Ince
Estonia LudA
Estonia EmeRica
Estonia anim

Quote by Fierro We are happy that we got this chance to proove ourselves in this year's EC. But due to these recent lineup changes what have been, my expectations aren't so high. We have shown some improvement in our teamplay and have managed to show some decent games against the top teams. At this point i would be really happy if we manage to win 8bits in the qualifiers and maybe even reach the playoffs. Also like to thank xZone for taking us under their wing and supporting us in anyway they can.

I expect this qualifier not to be a close one to be honest. Maybe o2 can take one map from <O>, but i think that it will be a win for Belgium Team <O> in the end.
All things considered Estonia xZone havent prooven themselfs in any competition so far, while Belgium Team <O> has already performed quite well at CDC (with a different lineup though).
Belgium Team <O> - Part of 8Bits 4-0 Estonia xZone

OVERLOAd.X-RAYPAD vs Netherlands team ephix]

Netherlands BuLL
Netherlands M1lk
Netherlands mize
Netherlands modus
Netherlands perfo
Netherlands spho

Quote by BuLLi dont really expect anything, I hope the game vs ephix will be good and fun and I hope it'll be exciting

Netherlands team ephix
Netherlands joop
Netherlands Kiewan
Netherlands Kitty
Netherlands Ronner
Netherlands aeq
Canada Wesbo
Norway Domi

Quote by Wesbo I will be surprised if we qualify for EC. If we do qualify for EC we'll probably end losing in the group stages and if we won't qualify it'll be a very short CB season for us.

The qualifier between the two all dutchspeaking teams will be a exiting one fore sure. Though in my oppinion, theres just more experience on the Netherlands overload side.
With some oldschool players such as Netherlands BuLL and Netherlands M1lk, id say they can beat Netherlands team ephix.
Netherlands OVERLOAd.X-RAYPAD 4-0 Netherlands team ephix

FatGames vs Europe Oceans6]

Europe FatGames
Poland kot
Poland S4rna
Poland etsi
Ireland sol
Estonia Holz
Germany urtier

Quote by urtierFirst of all we need to win our qualifier against o6, who seem to have gathered some pretty controversial, but still decent players. In case we win, we hope to survive the group stage and try to finish under top5 atleast.Unfortunetely our activity is limited to about 3 nights per week due to Holz's work and me playing ET:QW, but I'm sure we will work something out for that during the season.

Europe Oceans6
United Kingdom FaTaL
United Kingdom clarkje
Scotland razz
India Hype
Norway Lakaii
Hungary Nonix
Finland besche
Sweden tornis

Quote by tornisFirst of all we need to get going on with the practices, since 2 players are away for some time. 1 player is on vacation and other one is moving but we should have a nice lineup anyway with razz and besche replacing them. So far we have been playing quite well and I hope we can give fatgames a nice match and even beat them if we have some luck.

Quote by HypeI think there's a really nice team here, especially in terms of the balance and individual experience. About our opponent, no doubt that FatGames have a great bunch of individually skilled players who have all played at the highest level, on paper they are probably the best team in the qualifiers but we prefer being the underdogs going into this one, it injects more motivation into us and we will strive to overcome them and pull off a great upset.

(Taken from an interview by England eVo)

Two new formed teams will clash in this qualifier match! On the FatGames site we have some former players such as Ireland sol, Estonia Holz, Germany urtier and Poland kot, on the Oceans6 site, with Finland besche, Scotland razz and the swedish allstar Sweden tornis we can also find some experienced players.
I think Europe FatGames will win simply cause they have the stronger lineup!
Europe FatGames 4-2 Europe Oceans6

HighBot vs Europe one4one eSports]

Germany HighBot
Germany criatura
Germany faux
Turkey fireBall
Russia humM3L
Germany roYal
Austria beAsty
Austria jaN
Switzerland rapt6rr

Quote by rapt6rrI am pretty confident that we can qualify for this Eurocup and perhaps even make it to the playoffs (depending on the group distribution). Wish us luck.

Europe one4one eSports
Estonia hell
Estonia al
Estonia indu
Belgium Lazio
United Kingdom Griim
Germany duKe_
Sweden rat
Netherlands plu172

Quote by duKe_I think that we are good prepared for this EC Quali, but i also think that HB is a strong Team tho. Our advantage is clearly our Teamplay cuz we are playing a long time together now. But it will be a hard fight anyways. If we gonna make it into the EC then iam thinking we should expect a good place in our Group that means a place from 3rd or maybe 2nd. But honestly, i dont see us even nearly to be one of the favorites of course. We are just looking forward to nice games and we are trying the best to entertain the viewers on the ETTV servers.

On the one hand we have an all germanspeaking team with Germany highbot, on the other hand we have the quite mixed cocktail of nations on the Europe one4one site.
Like in some other qualifier matches also, i think, that the more experienced team, in this case Germany highbot, will win, since the core-team is sticking together for years (!) already, while one4one is rather "newschool"
Germany Highbot 4-0 Europe one4one

muse-gaming vs France dESIRE eSports]

France muse-gaming
France douille
France mazette
France Bumeu
France Zorn
France freek
Germany pumu
Germany ohazor4
Switzerland ReavEr

Quote by pumuFirst of all we need to play our qualifier match against dESIRE, but we should win this. Although we have just reformed our lineup we should get enough practise in the remaining days to be able to beat them. Then for groupphase our aim is on reaching the playoffs, which will be hard but not impossible. I expect KKK to win this EC with Impact as 2nd, if both teams play on their full potential.

France dESIRE eSports
France Bruce
France Sinus
France kEEji
France karnaj
France RiZzle
Spain Wezor
Belgium xAv

Quote by Bruce I think it will be an exciting war for our whole team. The team muse is the strongest french team since a long time now, so it will be a nice fight against the second best french team (us). I think we got our chance with our nice teamplay. I expect a nice war and gl&hf muse

The whole french qualifier match will be, to use e-slang for once, an "izi bash" for France muse-gaming. With their recent of the germna player Germany pumu and thier general stron performence particullary at the last CDC they are the clear favorites in this match.
France muse-gaming 4-0 France dESIRE eSports vs Hungary Overdose-Gaming]

Latvia fuzz
Latvia vinyl
Italy mamalukes
Italy vegeta
England hentai
Austria xet
Sweden NuggaN

Quote by mamalukes Well we hope we will win the qualifier if we success our next goal would be to try to pass the groupstage even though its gonna be a hard one. After this EC nothing special is gonna happen we will continue playing and wait for the next Lan.

Hungary Overdose-Gaming
Hungary Boristen
Hungary d3st
Hungary Kimji
Hungary K4T0N4
Hungary d0dy
Hungary isl4m

The stable and experienced team of Italy versus the completely unknown new hungarian squad of overdoese gaming, in my oppinion also here the more experienced team will win.
It would be a huge suprise if the hungarians would win this qualifier, thats why i tend to the following score.
Italy 4-0 Hungary Overdose-Gaming

Fear Factory X-Fi vs Europe Authentic-Gaming]

Poland Fear Factory X-Fi
Poland dvk3
Poland Frag-Stealer!
Poland krisek
Poland sOme
Poland Templar
Poland uf0l
Poland wiadro
Poland wiesiek
Poland Wrobel
Portugal archy

Europe Authentic-Gaming
Poland dialer
Poland krein
Poland naga
Poland zMk
Sweden unix
Hungary phobeus
Netherlands aphesia

Quote by phobeusThere are many strong teams which can take the first place in this season. We have a hard quali match against Fear-Factory but i think we can make it! And after that i want to play in playoffs

This qualifier is surely one of the hardest to predict. The two mostly polish teams have both a very strong lineup, even if there were some rumours about authetic players cheating.
All things considered id guess the score as the following.
Poland Fear Factory X-Fi 4-0 Europe Authentic-Gaming

hardMethodgaming vs United Kingdom unKind]

Europe hardMethodgaming
Belgium IsEN
Belgium .X.!
Sweden slajdan
Sweden nordaN
Finland olBaa
Slovenia snail

Quote by nordaNWe are looking forward to this season of Eurocup, last season we had to play the EC-winners in qualifier and we got pretty emo about it. I think we as a team are absolutely not as good as we once were but we will do our best to get our skillz back, but i think we will win the qualifier without any big problems and also do "ok" in groupstages.

United Kingdom unKind
United Kingdom eVo
United Kingdom crumbs
United Kingdom w3st
United Kingdom sqzz
United Kingdom R0SS
Sweden savage
Portugal sexyhot

Quote by eVoWe have our qualifier game against hMg, not a team we have practiced against before but i feel if we play to our potential we can win this game and possibly surprise a few people in this EC season, we have added Savage and Sexyhot and this in itself brings some more firepower to the team however it is key that we do not upset the balance of teamplay that allowed UnKind to go to CDC4 in the first place, time will tell :)

With a team that played at the last CDC, and one that has had already a EC qualifier last season, we come to the last qualifier match.
In my oppinion this match will be very tight, but i think the brits will take it.
United Kingdom unKind 4-2 Europe hardMethodgaming