The Semi Final was played with the following lineups:

Impact Gaming]
  • Estonia Night
  • Estonia reload
  • Slovenia jakazc
  • Germany snoop
  • United Kingdom mztik
  • Malta toxic
  • Estonia r3vers

  • United Kingdom Griim
  • United Kingdom w3st
  • Sweden rAtzilla
  • Germany duKe_
  • Norway Eirik
  • Belgium Lazio

Starting out on the forced map Radar this was certainly brinigng some objective run excitement to the viewers. And so we went into this first map with Europe re-play attacking and in the position of the underdog really performing well.
The viewers could clearly see which team had their advantage in teamplay and which in the individual skill section.
But still after Europe re-play set a time of 6:34 on radar United Kingdom Impact Gaming was going to attack.
The radar parts defence of Europe re-play worked out pretty well and nearly until the end. But when United Kingdom Impact Gaming got the West Radar Parts out of their control and with 1minute left on the clock and a long run over the command post they secured the parts on the trucks tailboard.

Now it was losers choice and Europe re-play chose to play Bremen on the defending side.

This map actually went worse for the Europe re-play side as United Kingdom Impact Gaming simply rushed through their defence lines and set a stunning time of 5:56 without being somehow stopped at all.

After getting such a bash on the 3rd round motivation understandingly seemed to decrease on the Europe re-play side and they did not manage to steal the flag until only a few seconds remained on the Clock.

image: lb_final

By this the given matchresult was scored and Impact Gaming went on into the Grand Final facing Germany megaProGaming against which they lost the round before in the winner bracket section.

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