Hi Crossfire,
I'm bored in the train to Belgium Leuven, so I'm making my CC5 journal.

It all started on friday morning when I left for Belgium Antwerp, where Netherlands Jo0f picked up Belgium Worm, Belgium siL, Belgium Lazio and Belgium me. It took us some time to find the road to Netherlands Enschede, we even were 15 mins too late for our setup, but because of some delays, we were on time. We met Netherlands vaNqu1sh and Netherlands ins and we started to setup. After 10 mins I thought all was fine and I was readdy to play, but suddenly my ET started to lag. So United Kingdom Unblind came to help me, it took him a little hour or so to fix my pc, big thanks for him to help me out! Then we started to play vs Germany aToon, which wasn't much of a problem for us. After that match we had to play vs Poland Polagz, we played decent and we won that match with 4-2. Afterwards we also won 4-0 vs Netherlands True Destination. By winning all our 3 groupmatches, it was clear that we were groupwinners and we went to the playoffs with the best 8 teams. Then we went to the cabins to play some poker and drink some beers. Unfortionately I was feeling bad, so I quit drinking after 1 beer (naiz LAN-skill :D). When there was no beer anymore, we decided to stop playing poker and got to wzzrd to watch some games and get some beers. Btw Belgium siL won the pokergame and I ended up 2nd, altough I wasn't really paying attention and folding/going all-in all the time :DD. At 3 am or so we went back to the cabins to get some sleep.

We got up at 8-9 am on Saturday, because we had a game at 10 am vs Impact. We weren't really that much in the mood for playing that early, so we kinda fucked up that game. Altough I think we could have done better, I don't think we could've won them on this LAN. Then we went to Netherlands Enschede city for some food and drinks for the evening. After that we specced some games and we went to the cabins. At the cabins we went to bed for 1-2 hours, only Netherlands vaNq couldn't find his rest in the late afternoon :P. After our energy-nap, we went back to wzzrd to play our next game. We played very very well vs Netherlands ZeroE dNan, so we won that game with 4-2, this was our best game on LAN. Then we had to play Europe mamut, where we got owned on delivery, but then we holded them for 13 mins on goldrush. We fucked up the attack at the first barrier tho... :( So that's where our 6v6 tournament ended, we placed 5th/6th together with Europe Polagz, which is a very good result for us I think. Then we went to cabins to drink some beers and later that night we went back to wzzrd to watch some games and drink some more. We had a lot of fun with United Kingdom Ross, United Kingdom Starzi, Netherlands hayaa, Netherlands Ati and others. We went to bed at around 4-5 am.

Then we got up at 9 am on Sunday, to play the 3v3 tournament. Altough Netherlands hayaa was playing in my place, because of my smg-skillz, I also went to wzzrd to watch some games and manage our 3v3 teams :P. Belgium siL, Netherlands vaNq and Netherlands hayaa lost their first game vs highbot, so all our hopes were on Belgium Worm, Netherlands ins and Netherlands Jo0f. They did well and ended up 2nd, so we got our sign-up fees back :P. Then we went to eat something and we left CC5 when the price ceremony was about to start. Our way back was much shorter then our way to Enschede, we were quickly in Belgium Antwerp, where I was 5 mins to late for my train, that costed me 45 mins in zeh cold =(.

So that was my CC5, hope you enjoyed to read it. I enjoyed the LAN very much and I hope to be back with the same team next year. We are plannning to take a break untill the beginning of february due to some exams and stuff, but we'll be back at EC and CC6 for sure.

I also want to thank 8bits for their support, whole FiF for being a nice bunch of guys, all the guys from Crossfire who helped us during the tournament and special thanks go to Netherlands Renegade.

Thx for reading and cya at CC6 !!