Ow, yes, Dutchies. Strong team, but lets dig in a history a bit. When they actually managed to achieve something in NationsCup? Let me remind you- it was 9th edition of CB NC. Netherlands teKoa and Netherlands Lightning were in the winning squad then. Long time ago, isn’t it guys? Another reason why they are here is because of their performance in #evu.cup. Estonia Estonia played much better, fully deserved 4-0 win, Netherlands Netherlands just did not exist.. Fortunately for them, Netherlands Ronner noticed that and decided to change first 6 a bit, which now looks like:
  • Netherlands Lightning
  • Netherlands teKoa
  • Netherlands joop
  • Netherlands p3RfO
  • Netherlands M1lk
  • Netherlands Overboost

I haven’t seen Netherlands M1lk playing with them yet. Also, some are questioning Netherlands Overboost’s position there. Those are opting for Netherlands abort. We will find out soon whether that change brought any positive effects. The team is positive tho:

Netherlands M1lk
Quote Ronner made some changes to the line-up and I think we'll be aiming for #1 like always

  • United Kingdom hentai
  • United Kingdom Meez
  • United Kingdom syK
  • United Kingdom Griim
  • United Kingdom w3st
  • United Kingdom R0SS
  • United Kingdom medixza

What they will shown seems to be unknown for me. I wonder if they even pracc. Half of the team playing for Europe mouK Sleeperz, rest are also in clans playing on decent level, but they may lack necessary teamplay during the cup. Last time they finished groupstage on 4th place. British certainly wants them to qualify further. Will they fulfil expectations?

United Kingdom hentai
Quote I've not spoken to my team in any particular depth about this yet, and despite my role as captain i don't feel i have any particular right to speak on their behalf, but my personal target for the NC would be to place in the top 5. Whilst i initially felt this to be possible though, from the practices we've played so far i don't feel confident we will achieve this, and we really will need to practice to fulfill our potential.