• Poland Wrobel
  • Poland Xanah
  • Poland Frag’Stealer
  • Poland naga
  • Poland diAler
  • Poland wiaderko

That was the lineup announced by team captain- Poland Wrobel. Was. According to the rules:
Quote by NationsCup rules
• A national team may never have more than 3 members of the same active clan playing at the same time. ClanBase does not yet define squads. Players are strictly bound to the clan instead the mod they play in the clan.
• Players are considered to still be members of any active clan they've been a member of (no matter how briefly) after 29th September 2008 until Monday of the 2nd Match Week of the cup. Activity for clans is defined as participating in any ClanBase competition (Hosted Cups and QuickCups which are not intended for National teams included, Friendlies excluded). Exceptions may apply.
National captains are expected to know the full clan history of any player they wish to field; not knowing it will not be an excuse to break this rule. If any doubt is possible about the membership of a certain player in a certain clan then the captain must always get permission from the supervisor before using that player. There is no limit on how many members of the same clan can be registered with a national team.

Poland Wrobel:
Quote I was told that wiaderko can play after 2nd matchweek.

Belgium Bartichello
Quote The deadline to be in the clan is between 29 september and 2nd matchweek. wiaderko's last game with k1ck was november 16th. This falls in this period thus it means he will be classed as a k1ck member.

Quote I'll give another example: Germany has 3 of mamut: drago urtier and senji and that's the maximum amount they can have during 1 game. If after week 2 butchji joins mamut, then butchji can still play for Germany. If he joins them before week 2 he can still play but then one of the other 3 has to stay out.

Quote The rules are kinda unclear. I asked the chiefs to make them better.

Let’s hope there won’t be any other misunderstandings and may the best team without using ping advantage win.

What are your predictions?
