Will the new season be 6v6 like always or would you prefer the new 5v5?

After the show match between 141 and Idle, and the ESL 3day Cup, alot of interest aroused so as to try this new method of playing.

Also this poll http://www.xfire.be/?x=poll&mode=item&id=285 also prooved that there is enough interest for this method to be tried.

What are your views on this point? We are running this discussion following the words of the mighy United KingdomTosspot :

So, you want 5on5? You want something else? Go run a cup, run a credible cup with the neccessary coverage, and make Clanbases job easy. Make it so that if Clanbase does not implement your changes then they are the only cup without it, because Clanbase has a duty to represent the normal gameplay of ET, and if your cup forces Warleagues and other cups to move to whatever new style you want, then CB will have no alternative. (http://www.xfire.be/?x=column&mode=item&id=385)