Another question will be - the maps you wish to play on? Would you want the normal default maps, or would you want a season filled with new maps which I am personally sure they are gonna hit the community really well!

These are a list of maps which personally think would do a nice cup roster :

image: adlernest_b7 Adlernest
This map for me is the new supplydepot. Forming part of the crew it is a must for me to love this map, after all the propoganda heard by EnglandNellie. Well, alot of you played it by now so I'pretty sure many can give an objective view on this.

image: raw_b3 Raw-b3
Another map we as gtv crew have been evaluating is this small castle map. The only flaw that it has in my personal opinion is that mines kill the attacking fun, so if either a new script is created for it or else the config forces a max mines of 2 on this map it will be one hell of a small steal-the-docs map.

image: rochelle_b2 La_Rochelle
This map has already been tested in some cups, and what I could get as outcome was quite enjoyed. What are your views on this?

image: sp_delivery2 Sp_delivery-2
Another map which took part in some cups, naming for sure the gamers-database one. It is a very attacking forwarded map, has some close quarter battles and also long range in the start.

image: vengeance_te_final Vengeance_te
Does this map make it a good map to play in competitive style? I know for sure there were some cups that included this map, so please admins of such cups please leave the comments you gathered from your community.

Having this discussion been made, after all would you want a full new custom maps season? or a mixture of old - default maps - naming the normal sw_oasis, supply, sw_goldrush etc and some of the new maps here named?

Another discussion would be how to choose maps!

- Should we do a rule that no clan can choose the same map twice in a row?
- Should we force 2 maps per match week for the group stage and leave decider for clans to decide? Then for playoffs each clan chooses.
- Should we force 3 maps per match week for the group stage, 2 being the normal maps and the 3rd the decider one? Then for playoffs each clan chooses?
- Should we force 2 maps for group stage and also for playoffs?
- Should we force 3 maps for group stage and also for playoffs?

Please Discuss