If we keep on praccing and evolving i hope we can get into the top 5 rankings in our group


We definitely need some more time of intensely praccing, because every other factor for successful playing is warranted in our team, we are having great fun on comms and are all looking forward to the coming 800sloted enlarged LAN this summer, where we will attend.

I’m very pleased about the fact, that supply is out of the map pool, since it was just overplayed already a long time ago. It's very nice to see so many more or less fast maps in the map pool, besides sw_oasis, which I absolutely detest and i think it would be great for the cup if this map would be removed as well. The new oasis is meanwhile played nearly the same as the old one and there are just too much full holds. I can't say much to the rest of the changes, since it's easy to adapt to things concerning wildcard, forced days etc.