I expect fair and exciting matches and of course I hope, that we will reach the playoffs :D

We discussed in our clan, in which group we should play in. In our opinion it should be Delta or Echo. But we will see soon, in which division we are in

In my opinion the new structure of 2 group-phases is a good idea. This means more matches and u can reach semi-finals even when u lose a match (not like in elimination rounds). As I looked on the map pool, I thought: "They forgot supply!" But I think it was a good idea to replace supply. But we have no experience with frostbite, so I think there will be some funny matches on this map at the beginning of the season

Sometimes I think we are ready, but there are also many times, where we see that there is a lot to improve. But we would have no problem, if the "kick-off" would be next week.