United Kingdom The Last Resort

Belgium mAus
Netherlands M1lk
United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom sqzz
Italy XyLoS

4:0 Most Valuable Players - ESL Major Series VII
2:4 Team Dignitas - CB ET EuroCup XXII
4:0 Most Valuable Players - CB ET EuroCup XXII
4:2 stronger than hate - ZOWIE ET G-Cup
4:0 Team Dignitas - CB ET EuroCup XXII Grand Final #1
4:0 Team Dignitas - CB ET EuroCup XXII Grand Final #2
4:0 ALNC - ESL Major Series VII
2:4 Team Dignitas - ESL Major Series VII Grand Final

8 games, 6 wins and 2 losses

After a dissapointing CB Winners Bracket Final, TLR and their fans will be jubilant after a fantastic double final victory over dignitas, who were not really given the chance to play their game as TLR dominated the matchup so impressively. In probably one of the best games of the year, the EMS Grand Final swang the way of their rivals but looking at the results and performances TLR just squeeze into top spot this month.

United Kingdom Team Dignitas

Estonia Anderson
Germany drago
Netherlands Lightning
Finland olBaa
Finland Squall

4:0 ALNC - ESL Major Series VII
4:2 The Last Resort - CB ET EuroCup XXII
0:4 The Last Resort - CB ET EuroCup XXII Grand Final #1
0:4 The Last Resort - CB ET EuroCup XXII Grand Final #2
4:2 The Last Resort - ESL Major Series VII Grand Final

6 games, 4 wins and 2 Losses

A Mixed set of results for last months chart toppers, dignitas first beat TLR into the Grand Final of the Clanbase's EuroCup with a 4:2 win, then dramatically lost twice with 4:0 results after not really impressing at all in the grand final. They picked themselves up for the EMS Grand final where they faced TLR yet again, winning a very close and entertaining match 4:2. Dutch rifle Netherlands Lightning continued to help the Team Dignitas cause after Finland Matias ran into technical difficulties with his PC.

Europe ZeroE - MvP

Belgium chry
Poland Frag'Stealer
Poland numeric
United Kingdom Mztik
United Kingdom Razz
Poland zMk

Belgium lio

4:0 inteRaction - Aero X-Mas Special
4:0 TAG - Aero X-Mas Special
4:0 stronger than hate - Aero X-Mas Special
0:4 Keskus Rikos Poliisi - Aero X-Mas Special
0:4 The Last Resort - ESL Major Series VII
4:0 Rage-Gaming - CB ET EuroCup XXII
0:4 The Last Resort - CB ET EuroCup XXII
4:0 tMoe - ZOWIE ET G-Cup
4:0 Pharaons - ESL Winter Leagues

9 games, 6 wins and 3 losses

MvP find themselves at third spot again this month, after 9 games they had a good few results - securing third place in Clanbase EuroCup as well as a second place finish in Aero's X-Mas Special, where former belgian all-star player Belgium lio joined them.