4th Belgium Belgian Fraternity

Netherlands Lun4t1C
Belgium Jere
Malta toxic
Belgium Sup3r

Netherlands teKoa

4:0 CodeLust - Aero X-Mas Special
4:0 K1ck eSports Club - Aero X-Mas Special
0:4 Keskus Rikos Poliisi - Aero X-Mas Special
4:0 stronger than hate - Aero X-Mas Special

4 games, 3 wins and 1 loss

Steaming up the charts are Belgian Fraternity, pushing up from 7th to 4th place. Managing a 3rd place finish in a self organised cup for their former organisation Aero gaming. Top dutch player Netherlands teKoa played with them for the Aero X-Mas cup as his normal team, ALNC, were unable to take part.

5th Europe TAG

Netherlands Lightning
Latvia Clown
Germany butchji
Poland Krein
Poland edain

4:0 energy-WAVE - Aero X-Mas Special
0:4 Most Valuable Players - Aero X-Mas Special
4:0 1stCav eSports Club - ESL Winter Leagues

A New TAG Lineup started up this month, although they are very familair faces. Coming into the charts at 5th place, competing in ESL's winter league they have a good chance of victory given the mix of players they have on board.

6th Europe stronger than hate

Croatia frozz
Croatia calisto
Estonia frEeze
Sweden NuggaN
Finland miNd

France kARnAJ
Poland wiaderko
Germany butchji

2:4 The Last Resort - ZOWIE ET G-Cup
4:0 red as a beetroot - Aero X-Mas Special
4:0 SPEEDLINK - Aero X-Mas Special
0:4 Most Valuable Players - Aero X-Mas Special

4 games, 2 wins and 2 losses

Moving up the charts with a 6th place finished is Stronger than Hate, they used a few mercs in their Aero X-Mas Cup appearance where they managed to finish in 4th place.

7th Portugal K1ck eSports Club

Estonia mant
Sweden slajdan
Estonia EURUZ
Estonia subbi
Estonia Raul

4:0 Lost Soldiers - ESL Winter Leagues
4:2 1stCav eSports Club - Aero X-Mas Special
0:4 Aero Gaming - Aero X-Mas Special

3 games, 2 wins and 1 loss

Another team featuring on the top ten for the first time, the former Squad.ee lineup hope to rekindle former glories after being one of the surprise performers in EuroCup XXI, the season ahead could be good for this team and after securing a well known organisation such as K1ck they will hope to push on with some more results.