Tipped by many to be the only team which could topple Estonia idle.ee and Finland UQ-Gaming (aka Parodia) from their positions as Europe's top two, United Kingdom one4one ended up with what some saw as a disappointing finish in joint 5th in EC XII after a surprise loss to Finland Gods.Inc. Now, with a rebuilt roster the core of the team is drawing on the talents of some well known (and lesser known) players from Europe and Israel to have another go as Europe Maybe. The team confidence is high, but it remains to be seen if the new team will gel and have the teamwork required to achieve their high aims for the Spring season.

I hunted down Israel CrozZ to get some answers.

Adacore What is your lineup for the upcoming season?


Netherlands Lightning
United Kingdom Mztik
United Kingdom Sqzz
United Kingdom syK
Israel LION
Israel CrozZ
Norway Gjerry
Israel srj

Adacore CrozZ, Mztik, syK and sqzz most people will know from the United Kingdom 141 team last season, LION is well known from Germany pstarZ while Lightning is equally known from Spain wArning!. The final two players on your team people may not know as much about - lets start with Gjerry. Not that well known in 6v6, but if you follow the 3v3 scene you'll know him well. What can you say about him?

CrozZ Well I know Gjerry from the DMD [Die Monkey Die - a highskilled 3v3 team] days - I always knew he had the aim and brain in his 3o3 matches the question is if he had it in 6o6. He's a very serious player I could say that for sure and is learning more each game I play with him. I just try to sit and explain his mistakes and we fix them together. He's a fast "Student" let's say. I took a chance with him because he barely played 6o6 but I'm happy I made the right choice.

Adacore And the final player on your roster - srj. I have to admit I don't know the name at all - what can you tell me about him?

CrozZ srj is a very long story: I started playing ET from almost day 1 with him, in those days I was always above him and he always learned something as a player - each week he got better and learned new stuff. But then I moved to another clan so didn't talk with him much and barely saw how he played. I always knew he'd be a good player, it was something obvious and it's something I saw sometimes, so I checked him out and he was perfect for the job. He always tries to get better, never stops and never gives up so I'm sure he'll get known soon and people will even be surprised from him.

Adacore Which of the new teams do you expect to step up and fill the void at the top left by so many of last season's top teams quitting?

CrozZ Hard question - I'm not sure there is a clan that could step in and get in the old teams' shoes. I have some in my mind but I'm almost sure it won't be the same.

Adacore Last season your 141 side finished in joint 5th position - do you think with the new lineup you have the potential to go further?

CrozZ Well if we could be active like some clans I know I'm sure we could get a nice place, but you can't be sure yet. You, me and a lot of people know that skill can't win every game - like our old 141 team - a CB admin could come one day and fuck up your whole season.

Adacore idle.ee have recently announced their comeback to the scene - do you think anyone can stop them now the former UQ-Gaming team is retired?

CrozZ Well the new UQ aren't bad and you also have a lot of other teams around like hx etc. I see idle started to prac a lot these days but I'm not sure they will get the skill they had last season. Don't forget that last season it took them a lot of time to get in shape. The new UQ really play a lot - let's even say "24/7" - so if they get better fast and learn from mistakes each game instead of just playing I think they and some other teams could "stop them".

Maybe are located, rather predictably, in #Maybe