In Skyrim the only living thing that you can`t kill are the children.But this is about to change,because of a new mode(unofficial).Well,you are going to say ,SO WHAT?BIG DEAL...but the first thing that shocked was the comments like:"This is the first thing I will do when i get home".Than it was the debates like "why is a kid more important than an adult,in Skyrim you kill hundreds,thousands,entire villages if u want and still the kids are untouchables.";or "the guys from Bethesda are fearfuls because in Fallout 1 and 2 this option existed and it was well implementated,while in the 3`rd version and in New Vegas it dissapearead".

Before we start striking back,maybe a good ideea would be to have a close look on the causes that started this censorship coming from the producers of the video games.From a pragmatic point of view i want to be on those side who say that a kid should not be more important than an adult,actually,i can quick fantasies some scenarios where youth between 20 and 30 years old can in a second become much more important ,but our mind is not always working like this ,it is more soul than computer.Or ,at least this is how it appears on the first look.So?Why are children so important?A simple question ,to which apparently we all know the correct answer,even if is kinda hard to express it.The best and most beautiful display i found is a small fragment from Within My Power poem wrote by Forest Witcraft:

"A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove. But the world may be different, because I was important in the life of a boy."

I believe there are few people clearly realising this truism,but basically,they don`t have to do it,because it comes already written in our DNA.Same as the entire animal kingdom confirms it.There are very few species which attacks their own babies,no matter who is the father(as long as it belongs to same species).The evolution made it that way that all the animal babies to be very beautiful and pretty and therefore not a threat.A good trick,because even a dog will rather not attack a baby cat .And this is just an example.For humans,babies are much more important because of money,love and time invested in them.If what i said by now did not convinced you ,or it was to sweet for your taste,i can advice you to watch the Children of Men movie,a though movie with a clear message which will knock you down.

So initially i thought that everything i wrote by now is enough to answer without hesitance to the question:why even talking about killing children is a tabu subject?A genious comment i found on internet gaming comunity showed me is much more than this.The murders are ussually commited beacuse of the following reasons/motivs:passion,greed,or behavioural disorders.The first two are the most common,but the murder of a kid happends almost because of the third reason.It is very rare that a kid can piss of so hard an adult ,that eventually the last one will kill the kid(passion crime),and ussually kids dont have any kind of fortune nor an important position in society which could cause jealousy(greed) of adults.Therefore ,very justified ,the comunity considers to be very dangerous someone who killed a kid,which actually is well seen in the majority countries legislation