The same realism has a revers.Skyrim is the game where you can settle to your own house,get married,even with same sex persons,buy yourself a horse and get yourself lost in the mountains,participate to a drinking party than dont remember anything about it,become a vampire or a werewolf or,if you want you can become a serial killer collecting the heads of your victims(would be my favourite :P:D)

So,as you can see Skyrim is the mother and the father of all modern games,the possibilities are unlimited,the universe is huge.That...until you meet a kid who will make sure he will mock you down,insult you hard,and piss you off.As he knows there is nothing you can do against it.Here,in my oppinion ,Bethesda did the mistake of their lifes.First of all,it is kinda unrealistic that a kid,specially a kid from such a wild universe to react like this when he sees a warrior who is very mad and owns a huge hammer .How it would be if in real life,a kid approach a soldier carrying a SIG 550 and tells him every time he sees him:"Hey,do you want to lick my daddy boots?".This kind of behaviour coming from kids,mixed with their invincibility,can cause as much as i saw,specially on forums,even more damage, psychological speaking(not gaming),than if the option of letting them die would have been implemented.When you are not left to do something,you will only wish to do it even more,the effect is called "negative suggestion" and a lot of psychologists could say that it is even worst than "freedom".When people claims that they can`t wait to come home ,to install the mod and to kill all the children in the game,you should realise that somewhere you made a huge mistake.As one of the commentator used to say:"I want to enjoy the role play,to be able to accidentaly kill a kid during a fight,to feel bad about it and to load it again trying to do it better.Or.To see the pain on parents face ,when i failed protecting their kid,the moment when the village was attacked by giants."

There are not to many children in the game and perhaps many of you did not encountered any of this problems.I can`t blame the guys from Betsheda for the choice they made(immortal kids),but i can definitely criticize them for the way they implemented children in game.

Sorry for the grammar/spelling mistakes.