Germany Rockit
United Kingdom koop
Netherlands abort
Estonia Night
Finland Salaneuvos
Estonia frEeze
Latvia Clown

The Rockit lineup was finalised just over a month or so ago and sees Enemy Territories most renowned team leaders, both of which battled it out in ET's glory days during the Crossfire Events against each other join forces for the first time at a LAN event. I am of course talking of Latvia Clown and Estonia Night. The rest of the team consists of UK NC Winning rifle United Kingdom koop as well as Finland Salaneuvos who brings in a great all-round ability. Lastly we have Netherlands abort and Estonia frEeze as the main pure damage dealers. A highlight perhaps is that this will be frEeze first major LAN event.

Player to watch Finland Salaneuvos
The team is filled with talent and you could watch any of them and be entertained. The more obvious choices were perhaps Clown and Night but from what I have heard Sala has been a constant factor in Team Rockit's build up to LAN and with the quality around him he will give his team a massive boost if he can turn in some good performances. Also worth mentioning is that currently he looks like the only Finnish player who will be attending the event.

Europe EUNd
Netherlands Cupra
Netherlands NoHead
Belgium Piegie
Netherlands LavOd
Belgium eron
Belgium ViKO

EUNd will probably battle it out with Devastation for second place in the groups, but could easily give Rockit a run for their money. The team is a mix of Dutch and Belgian players some of which making their first LAN appearances. Forming the EUNd lineup is Netherlands Cupra, Netherlands NoHead, Belgium Piegie, Netherlands Lav0d, Belgium eron and Belgium ViKO

Player to watch Netherlands NoHead
Although NoHead has been inactive in ET for large periods over the last couple of years he has the aiming quality and experience to make a boost to pretty much any team. He may rely on his team mates a bit more now then in the past due to inactivity but fortunately he has some experience around including Netherlands Lav0d who is a LAN veteran himself.

Europe Devastation
Netherlands Otyg
Belgium Kevin
Netherlands ironic
United Kingdom Potty
United Kingdom hsTE
Netherlands Adeto

Devastation will battle it out with EUNd for second place in the group and have a great mix of talent and experience having a number of LAN veterans in the mix will help wonders on their chances of progressing. They have also gambled by picking up LAN newboy United Kingdom hsTE but if he can replicate online performances it will have been a great pickup. The rest of the lineup consists of United Kingdom Potty, Netherlands ironic, Netherlands Adeto, Netherlands Otyg and Belgium Kevin.

Player to watch Belgium Kevin
Kevin is one of ET's most experienced players being on top of the scene for many years in the past. After being inactive for large periods in the last couple of years he may have lost the killer touch he once had but underestimating someone with such experience would be foolish and he is a player who could easily take down 4 or 5 players given the chance.

Norway Hexagon
Netherlands Deann
Netherlands Carlos
Netherlands esSe
Belgium Azur
Belgium Player will have a hard time making it out of the group but they could perhaps use this to their advantage with pretty much no pressure being on them. The team only recently confirmed their last player and as Belgium Azur as well as Belgium Player who replaces the unavailable United Kingdom niPs. They have a few Dutch players in Netherlands Deann, Netherlands Carlos and Netherlands esSe also in the lineup is Norway Hexagon the only player from Norway in the competition. Scandinavia being very poorly represented at this event.

Player to watch Norway Hexagon
The Norwegian National player will hope to bring his ability and experience into the team giving them the best chance of progression. He surely knows they will be up against it and will need to be on his game to give them the best chances of progressing.