Europe One Pound Fish
United Kingdom R0ss
United Kingdom sqZz
United Kingdom razz
Netherlands xperia
Belgium chry
United Kingdom crumbs

One Pound Fish was formed right at the end of the LAN signup window by UK NC winners and former Anexis players United Kingdom R0SS and United Kingdom sqZz as well as UK NC Team mate United Kingdom razz. within a few days they also had Belgium chry and Netherlands xperia on board and only until a couple of days ago they were still looking for a last player and picked up United Kingdom crumbs finishing off their lineup. The team boasts a lot of experience and ability but perhaps what stands out the most is the lack of a proper rifle as currently they will have xperia and R0ss switching between the role during the tournament.

Player to watch United Kingdom sqZz
sqZz is one of the best all-round players ET has seen and the added ability he has to gun down opponents at will is great cornerstone of his game. He has the ability to do pretty much all the trick jumps and move quickly around the map with his strafing skills - added to that his ability to keep his team mates alive he will be key to his teams chances during the LAN.

Germany MYSerious
Germany Ekto
Germany Torte
Germany t1mma3
Germany w1za
Germany psiquh
Germany ScaTmaN

MYSerious will probably have to settle for fighting for third place in the group as the other teams boast perhaps a bit too much experience and ability. The team is a full German lineup and could well cause problems to the bigger rosters in the group. Germany Ekto, Germany Torte, Germany t1mma3, Germany w1za, Germany psiquh and Germany ScaTmaN on the rifle make up the team.

Player to watch Germany ScaTmaN
One of the few pure rifles attending the event this could give ScaTmaN the edge against his opponents. Although still effective on smg rifle is where the Germans true talent lies and he does have the ability to be a real thorn in his enemies side on certain maps and stages.

Netherlands Decerto
Netherlands saKen
Netherlands JALLAAAA
Netherlands L4mpje
France kARn4J
France An7ho
Germany stownage

Decerto are a bit of a dark horse team as the lineup will probably be gunning for top spot at the event, they perhaps have a few inexperienced people at LAN level compared to the other top contenders. This being said they have all played for a long time online and have proven themselves particularly in recent times that they have the metal to compete with tough opposition. The lineup consists of Netherlands saKen, France An7ho, Netherlands L4mpje and France kARn4J, Germany stownage and Netherlands Jallaaaa.

Player to watch Netherlands L4mpje
L4mpje broke into the small group of top, top aimers before the last event and proved he is meant to be there at ET masters and the months since. He will need to be on top form to give his team the best chance of securing a top3 spot which the team has every chance to achieve.

Germany Lost Soldiers
Belgium Buzzer
Netherlands Artifexx
Netherlands jo0f
Netherlands vaNq
Germany laNgo
Italy vjto

Lost Soldiers have been dealt a tough group and will aim to finish in at least third place. Their main opposition here will be Myserious. he lineup consists of a few players from their team at ET Masters as well as some more recent additions. Belgium Buzzer, Netherlands Artifexx, Netherlands jo0f, Netherlands vaNq, Germany laNgo and Italy vjto. The team will hope to go one better then last time and make it into the playoffs of the tournament.

Player to watch Netherlands vaNq
vaNq is one of the more experienced players attending this event and is a LAN veteran at that. He will hope to boost his teams chances with his experience at playing at a high level. Part of the former well known 8bits FiF team he and Netherlands jo0f have good ability to take down the enemy but probably more importantly work well as part of a team.