Of the teams signed up on https://www.rtcw.events/teams so far, what’s your prediction for final rankings?

I don’t know who will play I only know that they will get owned by follow.rtcw professional eSports cklub since 2008.

Who are you most looking forward to meeting at LAN and why?

I don’t want to forget names so I’d rather not write anything here but people who talk to me on disco software, on twitch.tv website and ofc my friends on the whatsup application. It of course includes my teammates.

Which player do you think is the most likely to drink so much they can’t play the following day?

It won’t be a player of our team. We are alcoholics.

image: unknown

Are there any particular match-ups you’re looking forward to?

I am looking forward to playing 1vs1 against my friend Mixture at LAN he told me he will come, I believe him.