What does the future hold for you and the team following LAN?

Future will be bright. We are bunch of friends since 2008 and we look forward to our platinum jubilee. I checked on the internet it’s like when you’re married ahahah now you understand why! See you in 2028. Before coronavirus event, we met several times in Brexitland and Germany but now I’m trying to convince them to meet at the Culan castle in France. So we could say great jokes such as “cu culan” or “we returned to the castle” hahahaah ok enough joking for now.

If you could make one change to the game, what would it be?

I would make changes so that RTCW becomes ET.

Are there any maps outside of the 7 at LAN you’d like to see in future tournaments?

Well… It’s an interesting question. I very often caught myself thinking about it when I take a shower or a shit. Back in the days, follow.2vs2 division was undefeated on this map and I sincerely think they should bring this map to RTCW. I think you need a lot of teamplay and communication to win it and here at follow.RTCW we are all about communication and teamplay since 2008.

Thank you for this interview Acelad, it was my pleasure to give you my valuable insight on the game and this LAN event. I’m really looking forward to sharing one 25 € veggie wrap with you at LAN cause here at follow.rtcw professional eSports cklub since 2008 we value social interactions a lot.


Adlad: Thanks LeFrancis for a very insightful interview! It sounds like you guys will be well prepared playing under pressure and influence of alcohol at LAN, and I’m looking forward to seeing what meta-breaking tactics you will bring to surprise the RTCW scene :).