Now we’re going to talk less gaming more clan-management:

Why so many squads in 1 game, 4 in total in ET?

CDAP was founded in summer 2003.They start to play 4fun.Last November Karl and me left BD and joined CDAP to create a new squad ( team black ).
Finland CDAP - #stfu?:I know the "old" #stfu? players since August ‘05 and I sponsored the former clan of theirs (fatal aftermath) a gameserver. After they create #stfu? we started to talk to each other about joining our clan and be the nr1 in Austria. All started with a little joke and now they’re playing CB EC for CDAP
United Kingdom CDAP - Oddjob: I was looking for another skilled ET Squad for our Clan and found it (SoF) Their match vs #stfu? was very exciting (frostbite). I know that they’re a looking for a sponsor. I made an offer they couldn’t refuse and now we have another ET Squad.
Austria Team Grey: this is the former fun team of CDAP. They’re still active with some new members and started playing in a little German league.

What does your average clan-day involve? You get up @ … and then, what happens?
I come back from work @ 7 or 8 am. I drive my son to the kindergarten. After that I try to sleep some hours. I get up on different times 11, 12 am or 1 pm. Then some coffee, cigarettes etc. In the afternoon I try to sleep again some hours. I work 4 or 5 days each week from 1am ‘til 7 or 8 am. Sometimes during the weekends to get some days free during the week like Mondays and Tuesdays

Big multi-gaming clan: Always been a wet-dream?
Not a dream. But it’s exciting. And it’s just the beginning!

There have been rumors that you’re very busy to expand to other games also. What games and teams do you have in mind? Any news, or still top-secret negotiations?
Rumors wtf xD. I’ve talked to 2 ET Squads with different results. I’m also looking for a skilled COD Squad but the rest is TOP SECRET

CDAP in 1 or 2 years from now. What are the targets?
Big multigaming clan with 10 or more skilled squad in 3 or 4 different games. and of course: CDAP is the first clan who wins an important title with RTCW2 :P

Do you see yourself still as a gamer or you tend to feel more like a general-clan-manager?
At the moment I’m a player/manager the next months will decide if I’ll quit active playing ET. And if I will quit I’ll start as manager only.

I know you have a wife and a little son. Your kid, the youngest CDAP-member and the new Mystic? And how the hell do you combine all your real-life things with building and managing a multi-gaming clan?
My son start playing super Nintendo last month and he’s really good xD maybe in 2015 with age 14 he can play officials for us. I have a great wife and she accepts and tolerates my "Online-Madness"

And now a hard choice to make:
1. STFU in the top 3 of the EC?
2. Oddjob in the final of the premier league Open Cup?
3. Or: Team black winning OC 5th league or WL?

Which one will you choose?
Hmm.. Omfg what a question xD. Well, I would choose option 2. Oddjob in the final.

Last set of questions for Ste & wAyne (Decem had to leave early)
1. Most people in the ET community think mystic is the best player ever. Who is your "alltime-favourite" (besides me ofcourse)

Ste: Hard to say.. Ferus
wAyne: Tekoa
2. Best Shoutcaster
Ste: Tosspot without a shadow of a doubt
wAyne: Tosspot
3. Best League/Cup Supervisor & Admin
Ste: Angrykid, Adacore, Splodge & mr.Ozu
wAyne: AK & Adacore

Ok: thanks for the interview :) Good luck to all squads, Final shoutouts?
wAyne: hole CDAP clan, L4F Crew,, jawa, irZ [3, SDP clan … and all who love me or hate me.